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Angi Hunter with her boys at the Heels and Hills 10k during treatment. |
Angi Hunter did not let a cancer diagnosis, or the fact she was in the middle of treatment, stop her from signing up for a Team In Training event. In the middle of her chemotherapy treatment, she fundraised for and completed the Hills and Hills 10k in Irving, TX. Read below as she describes her cancer battle, decision to run, and why she is returning to TNT again.
I am participating in and fundraising for LLS'
creative answer...because we just have to keep moving forward...in all things
and all situations.
general public answer...because blood (and other) cancers have touched too many
people too close to me for too long.
personal answer...because I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin's Lymphoma in
2010 and have watched families and friends battles in the years since then
long (and short of it)...smelly bathrooms and powerful reminders. What do
smelly bathrooms and powerful reminders have in common? Anything can be
motivation if you choose to view it that way. Five years ago, I was in so
much pain I no longer knew who I was. My chest radiated pain down my left
arm that would often linger up to 5 hours. I couldn't laugh, cry, inhale,
cough or sneeze without grabbing my chest and folding over from the stabbing
pain. I could no longer sleep a full night because taking too deep an
inhale while asleep would shoot me out of bed in tears. Because of constant
pain and lack of sleep, I became ugly and angry and unfit to be a good mother
to my boys and wife to my husband. After more than 3 months of pain and
sickness, it wasn't easy to receive a cancer diagnosis. Yet, in all the
suffering, the diagnosis did offer some light and relief to what felt like a
very long, dark struggle.
my diagnosis, I was so relived to move forward and feel better...anything had
to be better than the pain I was in. I had ups and downs but I knew I could
handle whatever came next. I didn't necessarily want to go through the
poisonous treatments that were involved...but I knew that it was the right
decision for myself and my family. The process of getting an accurate
diagnosis and treatment plan was time consuming and draining. Many visits
to hospitals, doctors and surgeons. Hours in waiting spaces and sterile
rooms away from my sweet boys, family and friends. And the worst part of
it all...smelly bathrooms. Not smelly in the way you might imagine.
Smelly from the air disinfectant that hospitals use. During chemotherapy
some senses dull and other heighten. My sense of smell was off the charts
and the most common things could make my stomach roll. Oftentimes it was
harder to use the restroom than it was to sit for 8 hours a day in a chemo
to stay upbeat and positive, I decided to do something that supported all those
fighting a cancer experience. I had heard of Team in Training before so
it seemed like the perfect time to get active. I signed up for a local 10k.
I could go through chemo and still complete the Heels and Hills 10k in
Irving, TX to raise money for LLS. I raised well over the fundraising
goal and walked and finished the event. Heels and Hills was a memorable
event shared with two friends and my immediate family. A few months after the
event, I completed 6 months of chemotherapy and in the recovery years that
followed, found a new normal.
year marks my 5 year anniversary and "cured" status. I couldn't think
of a better way to honor those who continue to fight, those who survived a
fight(s) and those who we lovingly remember in our hearts than to do another
TNT event. This time I was determined to run! Through a
neighborhood friend who battled breast cancer and who's daughter battled leukemia
(Kelly and Lainey Thomas), I found a TNT coach close to home (Will and Dianna
Bacon). I recruited a friend (Susan Sexton) and signed up for the Cowtown
Half Marathon. Just like owning the challenge of a cancer experience, I
am confident with the support of TNT, their amazing Coaches and team members, I
can complete the challenge of running 13.1 miles. As anyone who has
kicked cancer knows, accomplishing your goals can be done when your heart is in
it! I may run slow, funny and with some aches and pains but at least I'm
out of that chemo chair!
this day, a smelly (hospital) bathroom can take hold of me if I let it.
When the nauseousness sets in, I take a moment to be thankful for my
health and show gratitude for the past experience. I use the same approach
when my body wants to quit during the longer miles of my Half Marathon
training. I remind myself how far I've come. I thank my body for
what it has done, thank the chemo chair and call to mind those who still fight!
As I look to today's daily inspiration by Alan Weiss, it couldn't be more
fitting: 'It's not what happens to you, it's what you do before it, during
it and after it.'"