
Showing posts with label Pasta for Pennies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pasta for Pennies. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

Olive Garden and the NTX School and Youth Program

Olive Garden, a national partner of the Pasta for Pennies Program, is a driving force behind North Texas' success in its School & Youth Program this year.  Below is a break-down of just how much they've donated in the 2013-2014 school year alone.  Brace yourself, the numbers are astounding!

15, 540 student lunches
40,000 breadsticks
3,885 pounds of pasta
1,943 pounds of sauce

Gift Grand Total: $719,585

"The team looks forward to this special time every year when we know our restaurant's extra efforts are making a meaningful impact in both our communities and in a person's life," says Olive Garden Regional Vice President Jesse Zavala.  "It is so exciting to see the engagement from the teachers and students.  I want to thank both my team and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) for their continued efforts and look forward to an even greater Pasta for Pennies performance next year!"

We can't thank our partners at Olive Garden enough for their continued support and incredible generosity when it comes to rewarding North Texas students for their fundraising for LLS.