Showing posts with label more mud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label more mud. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where's my snow?!?

The perky weather person on teevee promised me snow. Lots of snow. And the radar looks promising.

I should mention that we live just north of the 'e' and the 'C' on the 'Salt Lake City' part of the map.

In fact, I was planning to throw a big sleep-over with all my Sibe friends. I anticipated snow ball fights, snow person making contests, and general frolicking in the snow. Mom even brought up some wood so we could have a fire and sip hot-toddies. But what do I get?!?

Rain. Lots of rain.

And mud.

And Mom isn't too keen on Abby and me frolicking in the mud; something about how my darling little sister would end up as a giant mud ball. Hmm. I have no idea how that could ever happen.

So, while we can go outside independently, and maybe, if Mom can find some rain gear (sort of like reindeer, but, I'm told, totally different.), we'll go on a walk. But mostly, we'll amuse ourselves with indoor bitey-face, and staring longingly outside for snow...

While we're waiting for snow, go vote for my new name tag (on the upper right hand of this page)!!! Don't forget that the individual who submitted the winning tag line will get a donation to his/her favorite animal charity, so vote early and often!!!

Oh, and Mom seems to think her latest cross-stitch effort is funny. I think it's funny because she didn't specific WHICH doggie did it! Heehee!

Woof indeed!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mud? What Mud?

Given that it is May, the snow goes pretty much as quickly as it comes (except for some piles that are either in the shade, or on north-facing slopes). Which makes Mom complain about mud.

Mud? What mud?

Heehee. Puppy down!

I don't know why Mom says we look like sisters....

Seriously, there is no way that we actually look like sisters....

And don't worry - I'm still showing the Not So Little Monster who's boss!

And the obligatory Animal Planet photo:


It's supposed to be windy tomorrow, but sunny, so I think we'll continue to have mud as our snow keeps melting! Hey, it's good for Mom to mop the kitchen every 20 minutes...

*kissey face*