Monday, June 03, 2024

Go me

Did I tell you I am training for another marathon? Well… I am. Glutton for punishment I suppose, but also I want to beat Oprah Winfrey’s marathon time of 4:30.

This will mean “shaving” 45 minutes off of my marathon time of 5:15. But I think it is very doable as long as I work on speed training, which I did not do last year when my only goal was to finish.

Today was my first real speed training day where I actually stuck with it. I use an app called Runcoach, which is similar to the Nike Run app which I really like, but because it’s connected with the marathon I’m running and the “coach” bot knows my current pace and the pace I’m working toward, it has specific training instructions for me which play in my ear as I’m running. 

Today I got about halfway through my speed workout (which was 8 sets of 400m at a pace that’s about 25% faster than I normally run) and decided I would just do half of it. I was going way slower than my assigned pace (which the bot was sure to tell me after every split, lol) and I just felt terrible. It was hot and I had a cramp.

Instead I decided to keep going… not sure why… but I proceeded to run my last 4 splits at increasingly faster paces, all faster than my assigned time.

Why did this happen? I don’t know. At some point in the process I made a decision to go against what my body wanted to do, and it was like a switch flipped. These kinds of experiences are why I think people get addicted to things like marathon training.

I have a longish to-do list today, but if I don’t get to the rest of it, I don’t even care, because I’m so pleased with how I pushed through this morning. Go me!

1 comment:

grannybabs said...

We are often much more capable than we think we are - when is the next marathon - so I can put it on our calendar!!


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