Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Infinite value

Part of my volunteer work includes sharing a devotional at community meetings. I have been thinking a lot about “the worth of souls” in recent months, and those thoughts made their way into my most recent devotional. It’s nothing fancy, but I was struck by the wealth of verses across world religions that focus on how important each person is. And I thought I’d share it here. ❤️

These are verses about the value of each individual person, or the infinite worth of each soul, from the holy texts of various religions including Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Bahai, Islam, and Christianity. You may recognize some of them.

The worth of the soul cannot be described.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

A true yogi observes Me in all beings and also sees every being in Me. 

As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.

Ye are the fruits of one tree, and the leaves of one branch.

Whoever has saved a life, it is as though he has saved all of humanity.

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.

Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.

Each person has infinite value, and this is why we do the work that we do. Amen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Polly quotes

Time for some 2024 Polly quotes.

(Pausing to pray before drawing a playing card) “Please help this card to be a 7… and make everything ok… and thank you for your service.”

(Lying on the ground on an extremely humid night) “I could just go to bed here because the whole world is like a blanket.”

“If Dad is my dad… then Jesus is my… great-grandfather?”

“Do you know what I want to be when I grow up? A person who takes tiles off of roofs. Because it’s super satisfying and you get paid.”

Thank you very much, goodnight everybody!

Monday, June 03, 2024

Go me

Did I tell you I am training for another marathon? Well… I am. Glutton for punishment I suppose, but also I want to beat Oprah Winfrey’s marathon time of 4:30.

This will mean “shaving” 45 minutes off of my marathon time of 5:15. But I think it is very doable as long as I work on speed training, which I did not do last year when my only goal was to finish.

Today was my first real speed training day where I actually stuck with it. I use an app called Runcoach, which is similar to the Nike Run app which I really like, but because it’s connected with the marathon I’m running and the “coach” bot knows my current pace and the pace I’m working toward, it has specific training instructions for me which play in my ear as I’m running. 

Today I got about halfway through my speed workout (which was 8 sets of 400m at a pace that’s about 25% faster than I normally run) and decided I would just do half of it. I was going way slower than my assigned pace (which the bot was sure to tell me after every split, lol) and I just felt terrible. It was hot and I had a cramp.

Instead I decided to keep going… not sure why… but I proceeded to run my last 4 splits at increasingly faster paces, all faster than my assigned time.

Why did this happen? I don’t know. At some point in the process I made a decision to go against what my body wanted to do, and it was like a switch flipped. These kinds of experiences are why I think people get addicted to things like marathon training.

I have a longish to-do list today, but if I don’t get to the rest of it, I don’t even care, because I’m so pleased with how I pushed through this morning. Go me!

Saturday, May 04, 2024

The pirate ride, aka still crazy after all these years

Well hello there. Still here, I see! I just popped in to assure you that I am alive.

I feel like this winter/spring has been a tiny bit of a rollercoaster. I am on day 19 of my cycle and that means I’ll feel overwhelmed for the next 10 days. I can’t be sure but I think the extremes of my rollercoaster have amped up in the last year or two. 
I’m told this could be the beginning of perimenopause. 
Frankly I was pretty sure I was starting perimenopause around age 35, yet every doctor told me no I was not. Well… I guess it doesn’t matter, except that if I meet 35-year-olds in the future who are like “am I crazy?” I’ll be like, well with this data set of two people, we can confirm that the midlife rollercoaster can start ramping up by mid-30s despite what the doctors say.

I remember having super broad mood swings as a teenager when I would feel so ecstatically happy after my period started, and so horrifically grumpy a few days after it was over. And then I had my encounter with birth control around age 21-22 that messed me all up, then I had all the babies and the postpartum hormones, and then I got diagnosed with PMDD, and now there’s this perimenopause thing. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is just my lot in life…

It’s the pirate ride.
Hashtag pirate ride life. 
That’s showbiz, baby!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Thanks for the lessons

I learned a lot about myself last year when training for a marathon. I specifically learned that some days will just not work. Some days I just have a terrible run: sometimes there’s a discernible reason, sometimes not. When this happens I plow through. Done and done. Try again next time.

Today’s run was not so great. I felt heavy and bloated. It was fah-reeeeezing cold and windy. But I needed to do 11 miles (doing a half marathon with Lars in a few weeks), so I did, and it was over eventually. 😂 (after like, 2.5 hrs…)

But last Saturday’s 10-miler was amazing. Beautiful weather, and my body felt strong and fast.

Good days and bad days happen and it all adds up. I know I sound so cheesy, but I just really loved the experience, and don’t tell Matt, but I might train for another marathon next year. I keep thinking I can improve my time. Of course the amusing thing about that is that I have continued running regularly, with the goal of shaving off at least 1:30 per mile off of my marathon time, and I have changed exactly nothing about my training. Hmm, I wonder why I haven’t been getting any faster? 😂

See what I mean? Life lessons. This is the good stuff!

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Thanks for the books

Second week of February and I am on my 8th book so far this calendar year. I’m not sure I’ve read this much this quickly since college! I think I’m mostly avoiding work that needs to be done around the house, but even if it is an avoidance strategy, reading books feels more virtuous than watching TV or scrolling through my phone.

Friday, February 02, 2024

Thanks for dog food

Raffi was barking at Matt as he made himself his dinner. Polly went in to give Raffi his dinner and I overheard her soothing words to him:

“You can’t have Dad’s food. Let’s give you some dog food. Ever think of that, bud? Be thankful for what you have, don’t be mad about what you don’t have.”

Monday, January 29, 2024

Thanks for a new year

I love January. Have I said this before? I used to hate it and now I love it. Fresh starts. First snows. Cleaning up alllll the holiday detritus. I could do without the flu season thing, ok and could also do without Seasonal Depression, but otherwise: 10/10 would recommend January.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thanks for shelter and rest

Ok so I was thinking about how grateful I am to have a warm place to lie down and not to have to work, or really do anything, while I am sick. That is a pretty huge blessing. 🙏🏼 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Thanks but no thanks

Well I still have a few Thanksblogging posts to catch up on 😅 I’m just here to complain for a minute. I have Covid. Bah humbug!

I realized that the first time I had Covid, it was the week after Easter (2022), and I was pretty sure I caught it from church. This time, the week after Christmas, I’m also pretty sure I got it from church. Well, that or the airport. Or the airplane. Or any other crowded, coughy sneezy place I’ve been in the last 5 days…

I was so exhausted after we got back from our trip late Saturday night that I pretty much spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in bed. Well not ALL day every day but like… all afternoon and evening. I told myself I was catching up after six months of never resting, but it turns out I was percolating Covid.

Anyway, I actually am thankful for kids who are old enough to take care of themselves—and the dog!—and for Matt who has cooked all the meals this week and brought me up delicious leftovers tonight after working all day at his office.

I am especially thankful for Matt because it’s our 20th wedding anniversary today. Whew! Good job us!

I am also thankful for our bedroom, which is nowhere near as cozy as our townhouse bedroom BUT it has the same comfy bed and someday I’ll put away all the boxes and fix it up Cozy 2.0.

And, now back to lying on my comfy bed, staring at the TV in between dozing. I am simultaneously exhausted and bored out of my mind.

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Thanks for the names

Still plodding along with my Thanksblogging catchup…

I love names. I love choosing names for people and animals, I love judging the names other people choose for their people and animals 😜 I love acknowledging that the names I choose, which are mostly off the beaten path, are not everyone’s favorites but that’s the beauty of this big beautiful planet in the sky, we are all different.

Anywho, I was scrolling through my to-do list and saw my Puppy Names List in the same document. What was that? Did you say you want to see my Puppy Names List? I will happily share it.

Raffi Ramirez
Snoopy, Eeyore, Figaro
Bruno, Rico, Diego, Tony, Cosmo, Uncle Jesse
(Axel, Shep, Linus, Jude)
Ziggy, Siggy

Axel, Shep, Linus, and Jude happen to be the names we were considering had Polly been a boy. I stuck them in the running because why not?

Raffi was the clear winner. Yes, his last name is Ramirez; that's a story for another day…

Friday, December 01, 2023

Thanks for Deb!

So thankful for this sister (in law) of mine, on her birthday. She’s a dollface too and since I can’t post photos anymore you’ll just have to take my word for it!

Deb welcomed me into the family with open arms 20+ years ago. She checks in on me, is interested in my kids, is GREAT with kids, gives an over-the-top amount of candy to my kids 😂😂 gives great advice, cheers me on consistently, is hilarious, makes gorgeous quilts, makes delicious food, is so so thoughtful, and approaches everything in life with a matter-of-fact humor that I just adore. I love you so much, Deb!!!

Thanks for the purpose

This is by far the most dates I’ve missed in Thanksblogging. I blame the move/marathon/puppy/ also not being able to post photos on my blogging app anymore (boo).

I am about… 20 days behind on my posts 😂 and I truly believe that this November habit has made my holiday seasons and winters go better in past years. So I am going to do some thankful post blitzing today.

Along those lines, I have often thought of this quote by George Bernard Shaw which I ran across when Ida was a baby:

This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

The specific line that echoes in my head is “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.” I am trying to be better at resting so that I have the energy to do all the things I want to do in life. I am grateful for a strong body and mind and the will to try so many things and to connect with my community and my family. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanks for Matt

Two days late and multiple dollars short: I am so thankful for Matt. Twenty years later, he continues to show me that marrying him was the best decision I ever could have made.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Thanks for Raffi

Is this cheating because I already did a puppy-related one where I’m thankful for the vet?

I guess there’s no cheating when it’s a game I made up and I’m the only one playing.

Raffi is the funniest little guy and I am so thankful for him even though I’m so tired. 😂 he is a clumsy skinny little pile of fluff and I love having him in our family. “oh, snuggle puppy of mine, everything about you is especially fine!” (Where my Sandra Boynton fans at?)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thanks for Polly

I mean… sheesh. What a dollface.

You may or may not have noticed that my posts don’t have photos lately, I blame Blogger/Google; anyway, if you read this blog you already know Polly is a dollface.

Something fun about Polly lately is that she loves to go to bed. You read that right, she really does! Ever since she got her own room with a queen-sized bed. 😂 She still wants me to put her to bed at night (versus her siblings who retreat to their corners of solitude), and I am more than happy to oblige.

Her teacher told me that Polly is exactly what you think of when you think of a third-grade girl, which is so true. Piles of friendship bracelets. Multicolored Tevas and a jean jacket. Messy hair. Nose stuck in a comic book/graphic novel. Doing flips on the monkey bars. Writing notes to her friends. 

I’m telling you. Dollface. So so thankful for her.

Thanks for my legs

I attempted to go on a 2-mile “shakeout” jog today (been a week since the marathon) and ended up shortening it to 1 mile because my legs felt like rubber. I am trusting that they’ll feel normal again eventually; everything I read says it takes about 3 weeks for a novice marathoner to get back into the groove of running.

It was still a nice little jog, even though I felt like Gumby. Or maybe one of the Blockheads. Which one was your favorite? Do you know who Gumby and the Blockheads are? Or Pokey? (I actually had to Google Pokey because I forgot his name.) Random memory, when I was little we had a shampoo bottle shaped like a Blockhead.

Anyway I’m thankful for my rubbery Gumby legs, and I’m looking forward to running gingerly on them again soon!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thanks for the gems

I enjoyed this interview with André 3000, whose new album dropped today. I liked his thoughts on anxiety, and I liked his thoughts on art. Emphases mine.

And as far as anxiety and that kind of thing, yes, I have been diagnosed with that. But I realized that, like, life is life, man. Our grandparents didn't have these terms to describe these things, you know? They didn't have these diagnoses to describe these things. They may have been going through similar things, but they just had to live through it. That's what it is. Life is life and life will come at you in different ways, and it's for you to pay attention to what's happening. I don't feel worse or better than anybody else. I feel like what comes to you is for you.

I just use it as an instrument, just like it uses me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for these, what they call "ailments" and all this kind of stuff. I don't want to lean on it. And a lot of times, because now we have a name for it, we're starting to lean on these names and kind of like really dig into these names and really just try to just figure yourself out. And I'm not sure if sometimes you may give yourself a disservice once you start calling the boogeyman, the boogeyman. Then you start looking for it. So it's like, just live and take it day by day, man. Everything won't be great. The only thing I can say: Learn how to ride the roller coaster. The best thing you can do is learn how to ride the roller coaster with your hands up.


As an artist, you got to have really strong antennas. And that's really what it's about. So where I am now is where I'm supposed to be. I couldn't plan it. And here's the cool thing. Yes, we can plan it, our limited human brains can plan it. But it's always greater and more magical when you're surprised by these things... I've seen artists transcend themselves and I get emotional about it.

When I see rappers go to a certain level, I'm sure they didn't know. Because I didn't know. So I know they ain't know. But that's the magic. So y'all just looking at the magic show, and it's nothing special. I'm not special. Everybody has a certain kind of magic show.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thanks for the vet

Sheesh, I am so behind in my thankful posts. Running on fumes over here.

We got a puppy!! And he immediately got sick 😭😭 likely from eating something he shouldn’t have. Matt took him to the vet today, and I’m hopeful that after some fluids and medications he’ll be back to his puppy antics in no time.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Thanks for the training

I trained hard for my first marathon—which was yesterday—and it paid off. I was lucky to have great weather and to be in great health; I was nervous I would be sick because Covid and other viruses are going around! Plus allergies etc.

I can totally see how people catch the marathon bug. The training was hard but doable. The race was super fun. Miles 22-24 or so were a little rough; but running down that last downhill half-mile to the finish line, I felt like I was flying. I felt like I could do anything. Maybe I can do anything!

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Thanks for the sun

“Everything the light touches is our kingdom…” (please say this in your best James Earl Jones voice) 

Is it a little prosaic to be thankful for the sun? MAYBE ☀️ but I’m thankful for it anyway! I love the thin tired sunlight streaming through orange leaves in late fall; the dubious sunlight peeking through bare branches in midwinter; the hesitant sunlight poking through buds in early spring; the harsh and glaring and burning noonday sun pounding straight down on me in the middle of summer! I’ll take it any old way and I’ll soak it all up like a lizard on a rock. 

Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, won’t you please shine down on me??? 🎶 

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Thanks for the breaks

The kids had a 4-day weekend for the end of the quarter + Election Day. I feel like we’ve all been going-going-going for about 3 months now and it has been really nice to take a little break!

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Don’t look away

Interrupting Thanksblogging for an important message…

I have been meaning to write a fully fleshed out blog post about this with citations and everything but haven’t made time for it. It’s like my brain refuses to settle down and do it. Maybe I will do it in a few weeks…

I want to try to articulate why I think it’s difficult for some white Christian Americans to vocally protest Israel’s war against Hamas… what feels different about this decades-plus-long conflict. 

It’s speaking up about two oppressed peoples at war with each other, when you don’t have a specific personal connection to either people (aside from Jewish and Arab friends or family, as many white Christian Americans do have, and that almost complicates things).

It’s jumping in to a conversation where you’ve heard a summary of what came before but suspect you may be missing something.

It’s talking about politics when you don’t want to talk about politics (because sometimes it’s just not worth it).

It’s “both sides-ing” in the most gruesome way that a faraway spectator can.

Gabrielle Blair’s article about it a few weeks ago was helpful for me in framing my thoughts. https://designmom.substack.com/p/two-groups-at-war-and-both-are-marginalized

Melinda Gates’s quote from several years ago that I have never forgotten and that has echoed in my head every day since October 7, has been helpful for me in framing my thoughts. “when you see a mother and her children suffering in another part of the world, don't look away. Look right at them. Let them break your heart”


Reading experiences of Jews and Muslims, Israelis and Palestinians, has been helpful for me in framing my thoughts. (This is what I mean about citations, I would like to add these later)

Reading about the stages of genocide has been helping for me in framing my thoughts.

Reading about the histories of Palestine and Israel, has been helpful for me in framing my thoughts.

Thinking about the legacy of colonialism in my own ancestors, and holding it up next to my own deep-seated patriotism which is still alive and well in me and which I intend to hold onto anyway because two things can be true, has been helpful for me in framing my thoughts.

Seeing the photos and videos coming out of Gaza, has NOT been helpful in forming any sort of thoughts. 

Seeing these has wiped away every rational thought. 

Seeing these has torn my heart open. 

I am not a crier and yet I have shed tears every time I see a mother holding a dead child, or a child crying for his dead mother. Every time I see a traumatized child in shock as he goes through a medical exam, a traumatized child looking for her siblings.

As part of my job I teach students to question their emotional reactions to information and to trace the sources. For the most part, the images and videos I have seen can be traced to very credible sources.

I am a religious person and that is why I say unequivocally that this war is terrifying on a biblical level.

Speaking of my whiteness (lol) I’ve been thinking about a quote from Murtagh, my favorite character in my favorite pandemic-era binge watch (IYKYK). “There’s always a war comin’.”

I grew up in an era of American prosperity, in a location and demographic that could comfortably move through life feeing grateful that all the wars were so long ago or so far away.

Until I visited the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum as a new mom and learned about how people have thrown red paint on the Enola Gay, https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/controversy-over-enola-gay-exhibition/

I literally never thought about the impact that the atomic bombs had on the children and families of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Because I had learned that those bombs made the world safe for democracy, and I had learned that the collateral damage was necessary. 

I want peace and safety for all of the world’s people. I want to renounce war and proclaim peace. Despite any complications of such a view, despite any assurances from Antony Blinken or other politicians I respect that Hamas will only become more dangerous if given space and time to regroup, I believe that a ceasefire is the only way to stop our hearts from hardening more. 

I want a ceasefire for those mothers and their children. I can’t look away.

Thanks for the leaves

This weekend we filled 40+ bags of leaves and there is no end in sight. But I’m still very thankful for the changing leaves! (Maybe check with me in a couple of weeks and see if I still feel that way. :)

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Thanks for my neighbors

Our longtime neighbor’s dog, Ruthie, died this week. She was 15 years old and it was time but it was so hard for her family and hard for all the kids in the neighborhood who grew up with her. Some of those kids (including one or two of my own) have been grieving like it was their own dog that died.

This family is such a special family; the mom babysat Polly for all of her toddler and preschool years. The dad is like an uncle to all the kids in the neighborhood. The daughter is friendly and kind to everyone. And the dog was just the nicest dog I’ve ever met.

I’m thankful for the proximity we’ve had with this family for all these years. I’m very sorry for their loss, but I’m also thankful that we knew Ruthie, and because they shared her with us, we grieve for her like she was our own too.

Friday, November 03, 2023

Thanks for my house

I have done thankful posts in November for several years now and I always say thanks for my house. It feels so weird to say thanks for my house, in my new house. The new house doesn’t feel like home yet. Frankly it is a huge mess. 😂  I am reminding myself to be patient and enjoy the journey. And despite the chaos I am very, very thankful for this house!

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Thanks for my health

I almost forgot about Thanksblogging!

I’m not sure if it’s Blogger, the BlogTouch app, or Google Photos; but my photos keep disappearing. One of those days I’ll figure it out.

Earlier today my sister Bonny said something along the lines of, “you have nine million problems, until something happens with your health, and then you just have one problem.” It’s so true. Whenever I get sick it’s like nothing else matters! And certainly doubly true for big things like bone breaks or chronic disease or surgery.

So today: I am very thankful for my health! I’m not a superstitious person, otherwise I wouldn’t mention the fact that I somehow have not once gotten sick since I started marathon training. Just 10 days to go! Hold strong, Eliza’s immune system!

And thank you!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Look, you’ve started across already

Ok so we are officially out of the townhouse after two furious weeks of packing and moving, and two chaotic weeks of unpacking and losing things, and now that I’ve had two seconds to breathe, I have been thinking about why I had such strong feelings about leaving the townhouse.

We bought the townhouse when I was 26 years old, our first home purchase. Theo was 3, Ida was 18 months, and Lars and Polly were tucked away in the “don’t even know that I want this yet” corner of my dreams.

We bought it from a bank, who had taken it from the divorcing couple who could no longer afford the payments. In 2010 there were a lot of homes like that: mortgage defaults after the house of cards fell in 2008 and families had hung on as long as they could.

The first year in that house was a rollercoaster. I mostly have really happy memories of it. Just Theo and Ida and me, doing our thing, free as little birds.

By the end of that first year, I was heavily pregnant with Lars and back at work during the day. After the furnace broke during a cold snap and the AC broke during a heat wave, we replaced the HVAC. 

Because of course, you have to have a huge expense in your first year in a new house that you already couldn’t quite afford.

When Lars was a baby we had a few more major things in the house, like a big basement flood which impacted three rooms of carpet and baseboards.

In the next several years we updated the bathrooms and the kitchen and added one more baby.

In the next several years after that, we replaced all of the siding and the windows and gutters, reconfigured the yard and the plants a zillion times, dug out a dead tree and planted a new one, and added a fourth bedroom downstairs with a new window and new carpet.

And everybody grew.

You might know that I like to keep records. I have always kept a journal (and/or a blog), I print my instagram into Chatbooks, I make videos every year for my kids’ birthdays with sentimental songs attached. A tradition we’ve kept up at each kid’s birthday has always been to watch all the old birthday videos of that child.

Right around the time we bought our new house, I discovered that the hard drive I had kept alllllll of my data on… including all of the photos and videos I’ve created, audio interviews I’ve done with parents and elderly friends, everything… had malfunctioned and was totally unusable.

“BUT DIDN’T YOU BACK IT UP?!” Well of course I did, but I was not scrupulous. I have some of it in iCloud and some of it in Google Photos and some of it in Amazon Photos and some of it on another hard drive.

And… some of it, apparently… nowhere else.


I have tried Geek Squad, who, after giving it the white-glove clean-room treatment, pronounced the drive dead.

I am going to try a few more companies and see what happens, but I am not optimistic.

Anyway, all of that is to say: I realize that 

(A) my whole life isn’t wrapped up in one tiny little house in a corner of the suburbs, and 

(B) my whole life doesn’t have to stay preserved in photo and video form,

BUT… I am still very sad to lose those things.

Even though 

(A) I have a new house now which I am so thankful for and so excited about (despite the pouring of money and sweat into things we didn’t anticipate and haven’t anticipated yet)

and even though 

(B) I have living breathing children who are still growing and laughing and crying and running and skipping and falling and talking and all of those things that happened in the last 17 years whether or not I took videos of it.

I guess I want to keep everything locked up where I can access it anytime I want. 

I am a little mad at myself for removing myself from that little home and VERY mad at myself for losing that precious data.

I want to snap my fingers anytime I want and watch videos of my babies.

A Bible verse that has always pulled at me: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

I think I am pretty good at living in the moment. I would say it’s one of my strengths. But I also value the past, a lot. 

And saying goodbye to part of my past (the physical walls of the home where my children learned to walk, talk, feed themselves, tie their shoes, play the piano) feels like maybe a little too much to ask of my heart right now. 

Yet it’s done. Look, I’ve started across already.

"At the Border"

by Carl Dennis

At the border between the past and the future

No sign on a post warns that your passport

Won't let you return to your native land

As a citizen, just as a tourist

Who won't be allowed to fraternize with the locals.

No guard steps out of a booth to explain

You can't bring gifts back, however modest,

Can't even pass a note to a few friends

That suggests what worries of theirs are misguided,

What expectations too ambitious.

Are you sure you're ready to leave,

To cross the bridge that begins

Under a clear sky and ends in a fog?

But look, you've started across already

And it's one-lane wide, with no room for U-turns.

No time even to pause as drivers behind you

Lean on their horns, those who've convinced themselves

Their home awaits them on the other side.


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