Showing posts with label Solo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solo. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Post Factum Solo

Post Factum Solo: 

Post factum Solo is a solo (semi-journaling) roleplaying game, where you send parties of adventurers on expeditions and roll for how successful they fare against varying dangers. Once you know their fate, you write a short description of the events that have taken place. If adventurers survive an expedition, they grow in power and repeat the process! 

Build your Party: 

  • Decide how many adventurers there are in the party. 
  • Each adventurer has 6 levels of expertise in a single, or selection, of fields of danger. Each expertise needs to be defined as: Danger (expertise that defends against danger). 
  • Eg: Physical attacks (battle training), Starvation (foraging/hunting).
  • Each adventurer has 6 Survival Points (SP). 
  • Each adventurer starts with d6 Resources. 
  • Put one party member “at the front”, they will lose the most amount of SP. 
  • The party starts the game in a safe place that is appropriate to their expertise. 


  • The party’s time in the safe place is interrupted by something that requires them to go on a dangerous expedition. Roll on the following table to determine what that is: 

  1. Looming environmental menace 
  2. Looming sentient menace 
  3. Invading environmental menace
  4. Invading sentient menace 
  5. Personal goal physical
  6. Personal goal non physical 

  • Using knowledge of the parties expertise, their safe location, determine what exactly the reason for their expedition is. 
  • Roll a Xd6 for the number of expedition dangers. Each additional number of d6’s rolled increases the baseXP gained for the expedition like so: 
  • d6 = 1. 
  • 2d6 = 2 x 2 = 4 
  • 3d6 = 3 x 3 = 9 
  • Etc, this is called the expedition danger multiplier. 
  • Roll the decided upon Xd6, the party encounters the rolled number of dangers on their expedition. 
  • Construct a table of dangers for the expedition, with at least one danger being one the party has no expertise in. Use the “ Danger (expertise that defends against danger).” format.  Roll on the table of dangers for each danger encountered. 
  • Roll a dice sided equal to the number of party members + 1 for each danger encounter. This is how many d6’s you will roll when the party encounters that danger. 
  • The party now begins their expedition! 
  • The party encounters each danger in order. 
  • For each danger: Roll the predetermined number of d6’s. Minus any expertise the party has in that danger from the result. The remaining number is deducted from the party member’s SP in the following order: 2 SP deducted from the adventurer at the “front”, then 1SP from each party member in order until the number is reduced to 0. (Note: The frontline party member only losses 2SP on the first cycle). 
  • SP loss can be avoided by the expending of Resources. 
  • Write a short narrative as to what happened to the party when they encountered the danger! 
  • If a party member’s SP drops to 0 they are dead and their expertise can no longer be used to offset dangers. 
  • Continue until the expedition is complete, or all of the party members are dead! 
  • At the end of the expedition the party returns to a safe place. Their SP is restored and each party member gains d6 resources. Any unused resources carry over to the next expedition. 

Leveling up:

  • If any party members survive an expedition they gain access to a shared pool of XP. 
  • Xp = 1+  expedition danger multiplier + number of dangers in danger table with no party expertise + number of dangers above number of party members. 
  • Xp can be used to increase an existing or new expertise by 1 or increase SP by 1. Each time this happens the adventurer has “leveled up”. To increase an expertise/SP again they will need to spend their level + 1 in Xp. 
  • E.g A level 0 Adventurer needs only 1 Xp to increase an expertise/SP. A level 1 adventurer needs 2, a level 2 adventurer needs 3, a level 3 adventurer needs 4, etc. 
  • Once XP has been used, roll on the expedition reason table and do another expedition! 

Suggested Fantasy Dangers (and their expertise):

  1. Physical attacks (battle training) 
  2. Getting lost (Way making) 
  3. Starving (Foraging/hunting) 
  4. Ranged attacks (Archery) 
  5. Magical attacks (Magical battle training) 
  6. Magical traps (Magical safety training)
  7. Mundane traps (Hazard perception) 
  8. Disease (Medicine)
  9. Flame (Pyromancy) 
  10. Frost (Cyromancy) 
  11. Poison (Toxomancy) 
  12. Curse (Prayer) 

Patch notes: A new category of expertise added. "Broad Expertise" deduct half of their value from SP loss from four specific dangers. eg. "First Aid" would reduce dangers "Battle, Traps, Environmental Hazards, Diseases" by half its value. 

Monday, 23 January 2023

Solo Kingdom Chronicler

 This has probably been done a few times before - but here is my spin on it! 

I've been writing a lot of "Kingdom" tables recently and while listening to a recent Dan Carling podcast on vikings, the idea of recording a list of important things that happened over time to a place might be a cool little world building solo activity! 

Kingdom Thing Generators: While your chronicles will focus on a single place, having a few generators representing other important places that may have an impact on your kingdom will be useful. You want your generators to give you ideas, so you can make them however you want, but this is what I suggest: 

  • "Thing" list - Key stuff in that place in the world. Things like: Buildings, Animal, Professions, Physical objects - natural and manmade. Get as many as you can but I've been working with 30 recently. 
  • "Descriptor" list - Key ideas/vibes/atmosphere associated with this place in the world. Will be used to warp/give more detail to the base thing. Descriptors like: Natural objects, Weather, Atmosphere, Animal parts , Body parts , Powers, Materials, Colours, Architecture, Design, Actions, Abilities. Mine have 80 entries. 
  • Once you have both lists, roll on each and combine to get a thing from that kingdom. Roll on one or two of the tables twice and combine to get a more complicated thing! 

1. Generate a  focus place/kingdom/country/etc! 

  • Use your Kingdom Thing Generator for the area you area of the world you are going to chronicle to jot down a couple of general ideas about the place, its general vibe and geography. This will probably change over the course of your chronicles regardless. 

2. Make a world list. 

  • Make a list of all the places that you have Kingdom Thing Generators for. You will be rolling on this list every year in your chronicle to determine where the major event of the year stems from, so you may want to play with the number of entries (maybe the focus kingdom is on the list several times, or a kingdom that is particularly aggressive may be on there a few times as well).
3. Start the chronicle! 

  • For each year (or month, or decade - how ever you want to do it), roll on the "world list". The entry you get is where the most important event for that period of time in your chronicle will stem from (an invasion, a disease, a revolution, a trade deal, etc). You then simply use your pre made "Kingdom Thing Generators" to generate an idea of what happened - then you recrord the event in the annals of history! You may like to have more than one major event take place in a time period - that is up to you! 
4. Finish the chronicle when you see fit!
  • Maybe you feel content with the history you have generated - or perhaps want to start playing an actual party based game within the kingdom you have chronicled! 
  • Making a campaign map would be very easy to do once you had your completed chronicles in hand! 

Worked example: 

Focus: The Kingdom of Ro 

  • The rune covered miners of Ro mine the sacred black rocks of the yellow plains to be carved into huge runes of protection for the camps of the kingdom. 
  • The rune covered, red fur wearing, archer protectors of the camps of the yellow plains use the poison of giant wasps on their arrows. Giving them the name of wasp archers. 
  • The rune tattooist of the kingdom use chemicals taken from the giant wasp hives to imbue the wasp archers with far and perfect vision. 
  • Ancient towers, dripping with vines and vegetation, keep watch over the garden farms of the kingdom. 
World List: 
  1. Kingdom of Ro 
  2. Kingdom of Ro 
  3. Kingdom of Ro 
  4. Kingdom of Lhieg 
  5. Kingdom Malayach 
  6. Kingdom of Rael 
  7. Kingdom of Rius 
  8. The Nameless Kingdom 
Year 1:  

Results: Kingdom of Ro, Spear warrior/Miner/Lake/Queen 

Event: Rune miners, working near the lake of Ro uncovered an underground hive of giant wasps. Their queen was unleashed upon the kingdom, causing much death and destruction until a contingent of brave spear warriors slew her. The hive is now under the control of of the rune tattooist wasp farmers.  

Year 2: 

Results: The Nameless Kingdom, Bonfire/Phoenix/Fog/Destruction 

Event: The fields of the kingdom were set ablaze much of this year, with the arrival of a flock of Bonfire phoenix from the nameless kingdom. Heavy smoke and fog plagued much of the kingdom and the tower gardens suffered much as a result. While the birds were eventually hunted by the wasp archers, many deaths due to famine were endured. 

Year 3:

Results: Kingdom of Ro, Eagle/Warrior/Scarred/Quills 

Event: Quill the scarred, a plains warrior who rode on the back of a giant eagle, put much effort into addressing the hunger across the kingdom - transporting food from still thriving tower gardens to outer camps that had been affected by the fog of the bonfire phoenix. He became a hero of the kingdom. 

Year 4: 

Results: Kingdom of Rael, Centipede/Giant/Pack/Horde

Event: From the forests of the kingdom of Rael came an invading horde of giant centipede, that both menaced and destroyed outer camps of the plains, but the tower gardens. Quill the Scarred, Hero and eagle riding warrior, lead a band of spear warriors and wasp archers to defeat the centipedes and drive them from the kingdom. 

Year 5: 

Results: Kingdom of Rius, Gate/Tree/Stream/Temple

Event: In exchange for tree seeds from their holy groves, a band of travelling monks from the  mountains of Rius were permitted to found a monastery in Ro. This was the start of the worship of Ori the Boundary, in Ro. Quill the Scarred, devout of Th'n of the plains, did not grant his blessing to the monks. 

Year 6:

Results: The Nameless Kingdom, Volcano/Acid/FireBreathing/Lava

Event:  A mass eruption of the volcanoes of the Nameless Kingdom, resulted in acid rain this year. Many crops were lost and hunger (but not starvation) was widespread. 

Year 7: 

Results: Kingdom of Lhieg, Looter/Knife/Marble/Boils 

Event: A rabble of looters from the Kingdom of Lhieg entered the plains of Ro this year - seemingly wanting to loot any temples they could find. They were hunted from a distance by the wasp archers - led by Quill the scarred. There corpses were burnt due being covered in hideous boils. 

Year 8:

Results: Kingdom of Ro, AnimalSkinTent/Miner/Pool/Golden. 

Event: A rune miner claimed he housed a miracle within his tent. A pool of pure gold that he had uncovered beneath the ground. Quill the scarred visited the tent and confirmed that the miner did indeed have a pool of shimmering, glowing, liquid gold. Followers of both the demons Th'n of the plains and Ori the Boundary claimed the miracle for their god. The miner became rich, asking donations from those who would see his pool. 

Year 9: 

Results: Kingdom of Rael, Hut/Owl/Earth/Growing 

Event: A solitary druid from the kingdom of Rael visited Ro, travelling in a small wooden hut on the back of a robust giant eagle. He spent several days communing with the miner with the golden pool, then left. 

Year 10: 

Results: Kingdom of Rael, Moth/Bear/RedCap/Stalk 

Event: A monster, assumed to be from the Kingdom of Rael, haunted the camp town housing the miner and his golden pool. The beast was a enormous purple bear, with the dusty wings of a moth, and the head of a repulse red cap mushroom. Sightings were common, reports of severe drowsiness for weeks after encountering the beast. Travelers who had come to see the pool of gold were found dead. Quill the scarred travelled to the town and slew the beast, but interest in the golden pool waned after the haunting. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Lost on Furnace Street! An example solo game of Matrix Spiel Solo!

I recently put out a little PDF summarizing some recent experiments with matrix and solo style gaming:

To celebrate, here is an example of "Matrix Spiel Solo" game! 

Some initial notes: 

  • was used to generate random entities, when needed. 

  • A link to the card that “generated” the entity will be included in their entity profile. 

  • The “Automated Kontext Spiel” result for each attempted action is recorded in the “attempted action log” to show what results lead to what in the “Events of the game”.

  • “Kontext rolls” was used for things like random reactions 

The events of the game!

  • The day: Chandra, disturbed and uneasy from her dreams of burning the city, wandered her city looking for a dream interpreter. She does not have much experience with such a profession and became lost around nightfall in an unfamiliar and dangerous section of her city. 
  • Sunset: Chandra tried to work out what part of the city she was in as the sun set. Unfortunately, this caused her to wander even deeper into the section of the city that was most dangerous at night.  
  • Early evening: Chandra peered at the dark street she had wandered to. It was a dark, muddy, and abandoned street lined with old, shuttered and crumbling workshop buildings.  (New entities created - Furnace Street and Wild Ruby Golems).
  • A few minutes in the early evening: Chandra, stumbling around in the increasingly dark street, tried to find a landmark to orientate herself within the city. Unfortunately, she was unable to make out the city skyline nor see any landmarks within the gloom of Furnace Street. 
    • As Chandra stumbled down furnace street, she heard a skittering and smelt ozone. She caught sight of a red, twinkling creature, about the size of a dog, peering at her from a ruined workshop balcony. (Konext roll - A glimmer of positivity twinkles through the situation.) Chandra thought the creature may be able to help her orient herself, so decided to enter the ruined workshop and parlay with the thing. The Ruby Golem did not immediately consider Chandra a threat. 
    • Around Chandra and the Ruby Golem, Furnace Street seethed with rage at its ongoing destruction and desertion brought on by the wild ruby golems but was unable to do anything about it.  
  • A few minutes in the early evening: Chandra strode into the abandoned, ruined workshop - entering through the open and empty door frame. (New entity created - Rag’s Alchemical).  
    • Seeing Chandra entering the potion factory, the Ruby Golem and its kin hid. They skittered into the various refuse piles filling the building. 
    • Chandra heard a large and crumbling boom as something in one of the buildings of Furnace street fell apart.   
  • A few minutes in the early evening: Chandra began exploring the abandoned alchemical laboratory but stepped into a puddle of some vile black goo. The goo bubbled and Chandra felt a wave of sickness and exhaustion spread through her from the necromantic goo.
    • The wild ruby golems watched Chandra as she stumbled in the dark. They grew concerned and divided as to her intentions. 
    • The building shuddered slightly and Chandra was sprinkled with masonry dust. 
    • Around Chandra, the abandoned laboratory wailed. The untold undead spirits that had worked in the laboratory were not content with inaction and called out to the long gone head brewer necromancer - summoning the ghost of his being  (New entity created - Eidol). 
  • A few minutes in the early evening: Chandra summoned a flame from her hand and burnt the necromantic goo from her boot. The feeling of unease instantly disappeared. 
    • A group of the more wary and aggressive Wild Ruby Golems decide that Chandra has explored enough of their territory and they will kill her. 
    • From the street came another boom as the stone and masonry  of a near destroyed workshop fell into a rubbly heap.
    • Eidol, the spirit of the head brewer necromancer, wandered the ruin of his old workshop and found no one to converse with. He decided to summon some companions. 
  • A few minutes in the early evening: Chandra summoned a flame with her hand and held it aloft in search of the ruby golems. As soon as the light filled the abandoned potion brewery she saw a group the red, jewel, creatures charging at her. 
    • While some of the ruby golems decided to kill Chandra, the group was not unanimous and as they charged towards Chandra conflict erupted among them - the ruby golems began fighting one another on the filthy, dusty laboratory floor. 
    • From the street came another boom as the stone and masonry  of a near destroyed workshop fell into a rubbly heap.
    • Eidol, the spirit of the head brewer necromancer, used his powers to summon a group of green, warm ectoplasmic ghosts. Hopefully talkative undead he could converse with (Somewhere deep in the abandoned building - away from Chandra and the ruby golems). 
  • A few minutes in the early evening: Chandra approached the group of ruby golems in a neutral, friendly manner. She was shocked to see them begin physically fighting amongst one another, chunks and slivers of ruby flying into the dark, dank air. A single ruby golem removed itself from the melee though, and approached her (New entity created - Red the Friendly Ruby Golem).  
    • The two opposing, pro and anti chandra, groups of  ruby golems began to fight with one another on the laboratory floor. Neither group managed to win the brawl. 
    • From the street, a pause in the general booming decay of the architecture - instead heavy foot metallic falls - a city reclamation giant had arrived to remove nuisances and repair damages! (New entity created - Bronze City Reclamation Giant).  
    • Eidol opens his ghostly, spirit mouth to speak, but finds his recently summoned warm ghosts have fled before him! 
    • The warm ghosts, bored from just looking at Eidol, flee to the lower levels of the abandoned laboratory - attracted by the noise of the quarreling ruby golems! 

I paused and posted the game here because other wise the post would get too long!

I thought it was an interesting point though.

We now have a "party" of "two adventurers" (Chandra and Red) who have the surrounding dangers of an angry mob of ruby golems, some bored and mischievous ghosts, a sad spirit, and a giant city reclamation golem.

I shall continue playing to find out what happens next (sans the very in depth logging of everything that happens for public consumption which is a bit of a drag).

Attempted action log: 

  • Chandra: Find someone to speak to who can explain her burning dreams - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.   

  • Chandra: Try and orientate herself and work out what section of the city she is in - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.   

  • Chandra: Take in her immediate surroundings - Success, Desired outcome is just barely achieved.

  • Chandra:  Try and orientate herself and work out what section of the city she is in - Failure, An embarrassing minor set back.

    • Wild Ruby Golems: Investigate the newcomer to the street to see if they are a golem slaver - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Furnace Street: Collapse a piece of masonry on the destructive ruby golems - Failure, An embarrassing minor set back.

  • Chandra: Enter the abandoned workshop - Success, Desired outcome is confidently achieved.

    • Wildy Ruby Golems: Hide from Chandra so they can observe her actions - Success, Desired outcome is confidently achieved.

    • Furnace Street: Summon some sort of defense against these wild ruby golems - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

  • Chandra: Find the ruby golem - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Wildy Ruby Golems: Monitor Chandra and discover her intent - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Furnace Street: Summon some sort of defense against these wild ruby golems - Failure, An embarrassing minor set back.

    • Rag’s Alchemical: Recall the head brewer necromancer to the laboratory -  Success, Desired outcome is just barely, and temporarily, achieved.

  • Chandra: Burn the necromantic goo off their boot - Success, Desired outcome is just barely, and temporarily, achieved.

    • Wildy Ruby Golems: Resolve whether ruby is a threat or not - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Furnace Street: Summon some force that will help the building stay whole - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome. 

    • Eidol: Search for someone to talk to in the building - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

  • Chandra: Explore the ruin, looking for ruby golems with a summoned flame for help - Success, Desired outcome is confidently achieved.

    • Wildy Ruby Golems: Attack and kill Chandra - Failure, An embarrassing minor set back.

    • Furnace Street: Summon something to stop the decay of the architecture  - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Eidol: Summon talkative undead - Success, Desired outcome is confidently achieved.

  • Chandra: Ask the ruby golems for help and directions - Success, Desired outcome is just barely, and temporarily, achieved.

    • Wildy Ruby Golems: One group of ruby golems will attempt to kill or otherwise subdue the other  - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Furnace Street: Summon something to stop the decay of the architecture  - Success, Desired outcome is achieved with overwhelming and long lasting benefit to attempter and allies.

    • Eidol: Have an interesting conversation with the ghosts he has summoned - Failure, A potentially dangerous negative outcome.

    • Warm Ghosts: Flee Eidol - Success, Desired outcome is just barely, and temporarily, achieved.



Chandra, pyromancer and warrior.    

A female warrior, skilled with fire magic who exists in a city of domes and towers. 

Details from play: Is seemingly quite clumsy and has a terrible sense of direction.    

Problem List

  • Chandra is feeling sick and exhausted because she stepped into necromantic goo. 

  • Chandra is lost because she has wandered into an unfamiliar and dangerous section of her city. 

  • Chandra is uneasy because she keeps having dreams of her burning her city to the ground. 

  • (PROBLEM  that exists for ENTITY ) because (REASON/s).


Eidol, ghost of the remembered brewer necromancer. 

A purple, toga wearing ghost. Fond of discussion.

Problem List: 

  • Is angry and alone because hey found no one to talk to after searching the abandoned workshop. 

  • Lonely because they have no one to talk to. 

  • (PROBLEM  that exists for ENTITY ) because (REASON/s).


Red the Friendly Ruby Golem. 

A ruby golem from the abandoned necromantic potion laboratory, willing to help Chandra. 

Problem List: 

  • Is hated by some of his peers because he sought out Chandra. 


Bronze City Reclamation Giant. 

An 10 foot golem of bronze, created for the reason of city architectural order and maintenance. 

Problem List: 

  • The city is disordered and in chaos because furnace street is falling apart.  


Wild ruby golems. 

Small golems made of precious stone and used in engineering. These ruby golems have escaped bondage and have turned to destructive chaos. 

Problem List

  • Two groups of golems are fight and injuring one another because they are in a brawl. 

  • One group of golems wants to kill chandra because they fear she is a threat. 

  • There is unrest among the ruby golems because they can’t agree whether Chandra is a threat or not. 

  • Must find out if Chandra is a threat because she is exploring their workshop ruin home. 

  • Fear capture because they have escaped slavery and don’t want to return to it. 

  • (PROBLEM  that exists for ENTITY ) because (REASON/s).


Hot ectoplasmic green ghosts

Summoned by the spirit of the brewer necromancer Eidol for purposes of curing his boredom. 

Problem List: 

  • Are instantly bored by Eidols dry conversation because they would prefer to be causing chaos. 

  • Like causing chaos because they are restless spirits.  


Furnace street - abandoned workshop buildings.   

A dark, muddy, and abandoned street lined with old, shuttered and crumbling workshop buildings.

Problem List

  • Is falling apart automatically because of the extensive damage wrought by the wild ruby golems. 

  • One of the streets factories has collapsed because of the vandalism of the wild ruby golems. 

  • Can’t expunge the wild ruby golems because it currently has no way of removing them. 

  • Is slowly being pulled apart because, mischievous and destructive, wild ruby golems inhabit its ruins. 


Rag’s Alchemical - Necromantic potion laboratory. 

Abandoned and in disrepair, the laboratory used to brew chemicals of death and undeath through the use of zombie and skeletal workers. 

Problem List: 

  • Operations have ceased because the head brewer necromancer has long ago abandoned the laboratory. 

Notes on the process: 

  • I Liked starting the game with a single entity, and pulling a card to do so. This does a lot of the initial worldbuilding for you. 

  • Outlining clear and reasoned problems is very important as it makes the process of “what does each entity attempt to do right now” flow very easily. 

    • The game can slow down a little bit sometimes when you have to stop and think of logical problems. 

  • Fiddling around with the setup of the document is maybe somewhat annoying. I have found in solo games in the past what really slows down play is cross referencing what entities are in play, and what has happened in the game . Ensuring you record these things properly also seems to bog down the game a bit so it's a bit of a battle to ensure brevity while maintaining comprehend-ability. 

  • Working out a good system for logging events that have happened alongside what attempted actions caused those events was a bit fiddly - maybe less fiddly if I wasn't trying to gear the document towards public consumption. 

  • Things really started to pick up and feeling chaotic and complicated around turn 4 (when furnace street and the ruby golem entities were created). 

  • Getting into the mindset of some abstract entities is fun and animistic. For example, what does an abandoned and ruined street see as its problems? What can the street do about that? A fun way of thinking about running a dungeon and also a good way to think about what random encounters an area should have. 

  • I shall continue the game, but without as much methodic loggings of rolls, attempted actions, etc - and just focus on problems and events.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Matrix Automatons Solo Gaming Process

Here is a recent experiment in solo gaming I tried out! It works well to get an interesting dynamic setting (for use with or without players). 

I like the idea of "automating" a setting - things that happen external to the players involvement - things that make the setting have its own internal logic/verisimilitude. It gets away from the world feeling like a place frozen until the players arrive. This process can be used for that (or just enjoying the process of roleplaying out a make believe place). 

  • Need to outline how long the “turn” is before resolving the turn (day/week/etc).

  • Create profiles for each entity (Setting, Location, Characters, Organisations, Environmental Elements, etc).

  • Play out turns, proposing and resolving attempted actions for all entities. 

  • Resolve attempted action using referee’s estimation of the situation plus 2d6, high = good, low = bad. 

  • Add to/remove from each entities dynamic problem list as required. 

  • Play out as many turns as you find entertaining! 

  • Note: Some entities may be more “in the background” than others (for example the forest that the game is set in, or the ruling imperial organisation may be in the background, but specific individual characters would be in the “foreground”)

You can see an example (sci fi) game played out in the following document:

Sunday, 18 September 2022

One Handed Hex Map Stocking

Oh no! You're on a bus or train or something on the way to run a fantasy tabletop game and you forgot to prepare anything! And you only have your mobile phone on you! Plus, one of your hands has been incapacitated for some reason?! 

Never fear, use this methodology for quickly whipping up a little hex crawl: 

Get a blank google text doc! 

Whack a empty hex map in it: 

Go to this website to get a random magic the gathering card:

Use the method below! Writing your results into that blank google text doc! 

  • Basic Stock pass 

    • Pull a card, that's what's there in an area of the map, pull more than one card and combine if you want 

    • Keep doing this until you are bored /fill the map 

  • History pass 

    • Pull a card, that thing travels across the land doing what you think it would, starting and ending where you think is most appropriate 

    • It leaves behind items, environments, new places, factions, etc 

    • Do this again until you are bored

  • Present pass 

    • Pull a card, this is an important thing in the area, doing what you think it would, being fought over by who you think it would, it is located where you think is most appropriate 

    • Do this again until you are bored

  • Loose ends pass 

    • See if you can connect any of the extant elements that exist in interesting ways 

    • Do this until you are bored

  • Hero pass 

    • Pull a card, this is an important sentient being, it travels across the land doing what you think it  would, starting and ending where you think is most appropriate

    • It leaves behind items, new places, factions, etc 

    • Do this again until you are bored 

  • Shuffle pass

    • Re do any of above passes as you see fit / are entertained by 

  • Player pass 

    • Put some player characters into the world and see what happens. Maybe they play a hero… or something else?! Pull a random card to determine this if you are brave enough!!! 

  • Conflict 

    • Assume most things are successful in what they attempt, favour the active, roll a dice if not sure, highest roll wins! 

Good luck with your game!