- Simple to understand and powerfully freeform D6 powered ruleset (including comprehensible and straightforward guidelines for the Datagrid!).
- 36 player backgrounds.
- 36 player skills.
- 36 player cybernetic augmentations.
- 36 cyberpunk enemies and hazards.
- 10 vehicles.
- Simple guidelines and tables for equipment and the cyberpunk hypereconomy.
- A cyberpunk grand global conspiracy generator.
- A cyberpunk exposition generator.
- A satellite god generator.
- A cyberpunk room generator.
- Random encounter and reaction tables.
- A cyberpunk job generator.
- Guidelines and tables for cyberpunk mapping and building stocking.
- A Datagrid zone generator.
- Referee tools for the Freezones: Including Area, Clan and NPC generators
- Referee tools for the Zaibatsu controlled zones: Including Area, Zaibatsu and NPC generators.
- Plus amazing cover and interior art by Matthew Adams.
Sunday, 15 September 2024
Shit Future is out!
Tuesday, 9 January 2024
Recent PDF releases!
Hello! Here are some PDF's that I have put out recently but haven't mentioned on the blog.
If you are interested you can always message me for a review copy or just a free copy if you don't feel like paying. Enjoy!
The Galactic Realm of The Hyperspace Sea
Based on the elegantly simple GD20 system The Galactic Realm of The Hyperspace Sea is a truly epic space opera RPG. Twelve powerful civilizations sprawl across the countless planets of the Hyperspace Sea - filling the universe with intrigue, drama and conflict on an interstellar scale! Players may take on a wide range of roles, from clerical, bureaucratic, military or trade - serving their civilization or forging their own path!
A single, simply resolved, roll for all actions which is dramatic and story driving. Each roll endangers the Player Characters Health, Finances or Reputation - there is no reward without risk on the Hyperspace Sea!
- 24 strange and unique skills; use philosophy to counter magic, use void magic to cloak your ship in anti matter, use space navigation to cross the Hyperspace sea, warp your own form with bioengineering, or corrupt your enemy's hardware with electronic intrusion!
- Epic, single roll mass combat! The system moves seamlessly and cinematically from hand to hand duels to battles between fleets of thousands of craft in space!
- Details and backgrounds for 12 interstellar civilizations!
- Tables for generating history, and current events!
- Tables for generating planets ,space stations and craft!
- Tables for generating cities!
- Tables for generating rooms and places!
- Automated HTML versions of the tables included for extreme ease of use!
Do you long for adventure, action and romance across the stars? Dive in to the Hyperspace Sea today!
Includes Tables AND fully automated HTML generators for:
- Suburb overviews, including appearance, purpose, dangers and weirdness.
- Building stocking.
- Building appearance.
- NPC professions, desires, and weaponry.
- Merchants.
- Items small and large for stores and workshops.
- Magical items.
- Ornamentation.
- Mental pursuits.
- Entertainment venues.
- Gangs, including leaders, appearances, cultures, and desires.
- Order Keepers, including leaders, appearances, cultures, and desires.
- Temples and Gods.
- Monsters.
- Dungeons.
- Guilds, including areas of expertise, operating procedure, and appearance.
- Augmentations.
- Jobs and missions.
- Room stocking, atmosphere and ornamentation.
- Inhabitant reaction.
- Devices.
- Traps.
- Visual tables for generating Suburb and Building Maps.
Tuesday, 4 October 2022
The Baroque Science Fantasy God Generator!
An expanded and updated version of these two posts:
- https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2022/04/baroque-science-fantasy-god-generator.html
- https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2022/07/baroque-science-fantasy-god-generator.html
In a PDF and HTML automated table format!
- God Basic Form
- God Colour
- God Form Warpage
- Where the god dwells
- The god’s realm of control
- The god’s personality
- The god’s communication method,
- The god’s demanded form of worship
- God Artifact Style and Material
- God Boons
- God Banes
Monday, 16 May 2022
Travail Saga PDF Released!
You can now get a Free/PWYW PDF version of Travail Saga (https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2022/04/travail-saga-jrpg-ish-2d6.html) - my JRPG inspired 2d6 game.
- Easy rules for universal tests that cover everything from combat, magic, crafting, and questing to running item stores or farming!
- Highly customisable character creation, pick from 40 different skills, 40 different abilities and 40 different spells to create the perfect hero!
- Overcome extreme adversity with reality shaking Limit breaks!
Embark on your own Travail Saga today!
Get it here:
The Referee/World Creator (which will be system neutral) will becoming soon! It will feature a lot of the tables/generators that I've been publishing here under the "Travail Saga" tag: http://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/search/label/travail%20saga
Also I have plans for a POD versions of both once the Referee/World Creator PDF is done!
Some images from the PDF:
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Infinigrad: The Weird City Toolkit
Here's a new release on DriveThru RPG from me, its mostly stuff that's been seen on this blog at one point or another - so if you've enjoyed that consider picking up a copy!
Infinigrad roils over a corrupted and mutated plane of intersecting multiverses, a situation brought on by wanton abuse of magically weaponry during the Alleyway Conflagration.
After long eons of fighting, The Law was introduced. The Law is a curse that prevents any of The Guilds directly raising arms against one another.
Only The Adventurers, those vagabonds who exist outside the normal strata of The City's social spheres, and its infinite network of shady alliances, can truly claim non-affiliation with any of The Guilds. Only they can keep the century long conflict going.
Infinigrad: The Weird City Toolkit is a bundle of automated tools for quickly generating endless details for fantasy urban environments. From generating unique suburb descriptions to the professions and inner desires of NPCs on the street, the largest to the smallest details are only a click away! Designed to be used at the table, Infinigrad: The Weird City Toolkit will ensure you always have the answer when your players ask, “What’s in that building?”, “What’s down that alleyway?” or, “What’s on the other side of the canal?”.
Includes fully automated HTML generators for:
- Suburb overviews, including appearance, purpose, dangers and weirdness.
- Building stocking.
- Building appearance.
- NPC professions, desires, and weaponry.
- Merchants.
- Items small and large for stores and workshops.
- Magical items.
- Ornamentation.
- Mental pursuits.
- Entertainment venues.
- Gangs, including leaders, appearances, cultures, and desires.
- Order Keepers, including leaders, appearances, cultures, and desires.
- Temples and Gods.
- Monsters.
- Dungeons.
- Guilds, including areas of expertise, operating procedure, and appearance.
- Augmentations.
- Jobs and missions.
- Room stocking, atmosphere and ornamentation.
- Inhabitant reaction.
- Devices.
- Traps.
Infinigrad: The Weird City Toolkit also includes a fully automated HTML generator for creating unique Guild Dogs for players to pick up and play in seconds (or to use as dangerous and interesting NPCs).
A PDF with visual tables for generating Suburb and Building Maps is also included.
Infinigrad: The Weird City Toolkit is completely system neutral.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
The Generic Room Stocker PDF
Generic Room Stocker uses the tables from this: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2021/03/generic-room-stocker.html automated post plus a few others from the "FKR" and "Infinigrad" collections. It's stuff from the blog that I've put out over the years but in a nice little package for convivence. If you like the blog consider purchasing a copy to support me. Or, you can always hit me up and I will happily send you a free/review copy. Go buy it here:
• Place Generator
• Basic Room Stocking
• Room Atmosphere
• Prominent Room Ornamentations
• Neutral Inhabitant Generator
• Dangerous Inhabitant Generator
• Inhabitants Reaction to Interlopers
• Device Generator
• Trap Generator, Page
• Treasure Generator
• Smaller Items for Room Stocking
• Larger Items for Room Stocking
+ Weird collage art by me!
Friday, 12 March 2021
The Cape of Old Daemons
A new PDF adventure release!
Please hit me up if you want a review copy/don't want to buy it.
The Cape of Old Daemons is on the fringes of The Red Sun Kingdom. Ancient wrecks and ruins of an age filled with magic and technology are littered across the cape. The Prodigal Caravan, a nomadic tribe of wizards has settled here, attempting to pick clean the ruins. A camp of Red Sun Agents watches over them, ensuring anything of value is returned to the King. Tension simmers between the two groups, while beneath the earth The Hookmen plot the downfall of all…A fantasy post-apocalyptic adventure location, including:
- A town of randomly stocked wizard wagon towers!
- Three factions with quests for the Player Characters. Tables for throwing the cape into conflict and chaos!
- A generator of magical devices from an ancient age!
- A toxic plain of warping, radioactive rocks!
- Acidic beaches haunted by the explorable carcasses of industry!
- Fields filled with the preserved forms of engineered godlets!
- A garden overgrown with mutagenic waste!
- And more!
Written for Ordure Fantasy d6 RPG, but includes simple rules for converting to other systems.
Suitable for parties of lower levelled characters.
Get it here:
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Infinigrad Freelancer
- Core and combat rules described on a single page.
- Rules and reaction tables for super simple 1 stat enemies.
- 6 mutations and 36 skills for Infinigrad Freelancers.
- Rules and examples for Freelancer augmentation system.
- Tables for the referee, including quick merchant pricing table, exposition generator, suburb political situation generator and Infinigrad job generator.
- Heat Test rules for resolving consequences of Freelancer jobs.
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Ordure Fantasy, 1d6 OSR Ruleset
If you like the rules, and want some additional support material for the referee/a bunch of d6 tables to help you run the game, please consider buying the PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/324369/Ordure-Fantasy
Also, if you like my blog and want to support me making more RPG stuff, please considering buying the PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/324369/Ordure-Fantasy
The Core Rules:
Tests: A Test determines whether a Player Character (PC) successfully attempts something difficult or avoids danger. All Ordure Fantasy’s Tests are resolved rolling a d6. Tying or rolling under an Ability or Skill’s value is a success (something good happens or something bad is averted). Exceeding the value is a failure (something bad happens or damage is incurred).
Easy and Hard Tests: If a Test is particularly effortless or difficult, roll two d6s. For Easy Tests take the lowest result. Conversely, Hard Tests use the highest result.
Ordure Tests: When a Referee needs to check if the PCs situation becomes more deadly, dangerous, cataclysmic or annoying: roll an Ordure Test. This covers anything from checking if wandering monsters are encountered, supplies run out or if the PCs weight is too much for the rickety bridge being crossed. Roll a d6:
- 6: The Ordure happens.
- 4-5: Experience a rumbling, warning or disturbing portent of the Ordure.
- 1-3: Nothing changes.
If rolling the same Ordure Test in succession, the Ordure range expands each roll (5-6, then 4-6, then 3-6, etc.) until Ordure happens. Use Ordure Tests to ensure PC's feel constantly endangered and that the world is trying to kill them.
How to Play: The PCs explore an environment the Referee describes in a freeform manner. PCs describe their intended actions and the Referee calls for Tests when appropriate. Use the Combat Rules during physical conflict between PCs and entities the Referee controls.
The game’s aim is for the PCs to have interesting experiences without dying.
Combat Rules: A PC and the Referee each roll a d6 re-rolling ties, lowest roll wins. Everyone on the winning side (monsters, enemies or PCs) have a Turn to act, then the other side acts in turn. Repeat until Combat ends.
- A Turn: An entity may move and take an action.
- Attacking: All attacks reduce Health by 1. Attacking PCs Test their Combat skill to hit, applying any additional effects of the Combat Skill. PCs attacking without a Combat skill use an Untrained Attack Skill of 1 which only reduces Health without any other effect. NPCs’ Health is their Attack Skill when attacking other NPCs (attacks against PCs automatically hit) and NPCs with 6+ Health automatically hit other NPCs until their Health is reduced to 5 or less.
- Defending: When a PC is attacked, they Test Body or Mind (depending on the attack) to avoid being hit. If they fail, they successfully Test their Health or reduce it by 1. NPCs automatically lose Health when attacked and do not test Health.
- Death: Anything whose Health is reduced to 0, dies.
- Hazards: PCs may be damaged by hazards outside of Combat after failing a Test. Save a particularly catastrophic hazard, this reduces Health by 1. PCs endangered by a hazard must successfully Test their Health or reduce it by 1.
Creating a Player Character:
Attributes: You have three Attributes, the higher their value the more powerful your PC is in that attribute. Assign one a value of 3, another 2 and the last 1.
Body: The flesh’s strength and agility.
Mind: The brain’s astuteness and perceptiveness.
Luck: The likelihood fate smiles upon you in situations beyond your control.
Health: All PCs start with 5 Health.
Pick a Class: Each class has four associated Skills, pick three giving one a value of 3, another 2 and the last 1. The higher the value the better you are at it. Each class also has a Boon, a special ability usable once per game session. Boons do not require a Turn or an Action to activate and are effective immediately
Mercenary: A contractless soldier of fortune, trained in the arts of war without loyalty to any lord or realm.
- Bow: Ranged Attack.
- Sword: Melee Attack. Remove the target’s limb or appendage of your choice when passing your Skill Test by 2+, the Referee determines the impact of this.
- Shield: You focus on defending for a Turn. On your enemy’s next Turn, any Tests defending yourself have +1 to Body and are Easy.
- Intimidate: You can make sentient beings terrified of conflict with you.
- Boon - Execute: Pick a target. Your next successful attack against them is instantly fatal.
Conjurer: An autodidact explorer of unreal realms and summoner of fey things.
- Summon Emotion: Flood a sentient being’s mind with an emotion you choose. Higher level Conjurers summon stronger emotions.
- Summon Element: You can summon a fist-sized ball of an element you’ve seen before whose potential size doubles each Conjurer level. The elemental ball is vivified after leaving your hand.
- Summon Being: You can summon a being you have previously seen, under your control with Health equal to your level. A Conjurer may control half their level (round down) summoned beings.
- Meditate: You can center your connection to the fey, after successfully meditating your next d6 Summons are Easy.
- Boon - Conjoined Summoning: You can combine two Summoning Skills you know into one conjoined, automatically successful, instantaneous summoning. The Referee determines this summoning’s exact outcome.
Scoundrel: A generally charming alley rat unconcerned with the law.
- Negotiate: You can convince sentient beings to do things they wouldn’t normally do.
- Hide and Sneak: You can quickly vanish and sneak around undetected.
- Lockpick: You can open locks without keys.
- Crossbow: Ranged Attack. If successful, choose where it strikes. The Referee determines impact. Reloading takes a Turn.
- Boon - An Old Friend: Pick a target. Roll twice on each side of the Random Reaction table selecting the combination for your relationship.
Curate: Some cult’s neophyte pledgeling excommunicated for heretical and gnostic preachings.
- Heal: Restore a target’s Health by 1 (up to a value of 4).
- Curse: You make all Tests against a target Easy. A Curate may have a maximum of their level Curses active at once.
- Resurrect: You have one attempt to restore a recently deceased target to 1 Health.
- Club: Melee Attack. A successful attack stuns the target, making them unable to act their next Turn.
- Boon - Auger: Ask the Referee a question they must answer truthfully.
Equipment: PCs may carry Equipment equal to twice their Body Attribute. It is recommended only unusual, major, notable or important items are recorded to avoid being bogged down in minutia. Assume PCs start with their Profession and Skills’ mundane accoutrements (which do not bear recording).
Money: Each PC starts with d6 x 10 Silver.
Levelling Up: A PC who survives a session where something interesting, dangerous, exciting or entertaining happened, levels up, increasing one Skill or Attribute by 1 (up to a value of 4). At level 3 a PC can learn their class’ fourth skill with a value of 1 which increases like any other skill. A PCs maximum level is 6. More stringent Referees may require finishing a quest or some other arbitrary task before leveling up.
A Note on Combat Equipment: PCs begin the game with any specialised weapons they’re skilled in. As all weapons do 1 damage, a comprehensive weapon list is unnecessary. Armour exists but should be hard/expensive to acquire as it is relatively powerful. An Ordure Test is suggested after each Combat which strains armour to determine if it needs repair/replacing. Some Referees may restrict armour by class.
- Leather Armour : Body Tests defending in Combat are Easy.
- Mail Armour: +1 Body when defending in Combat (to a maximum of 5).
- Plate Armour: +2 Body when defending in Combat (to a maximum of 5).
Get some monsters for the game here: http://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2020/08/d6-monsters-from-ordure-realms.html
Or again, buy the PDF: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/324369/Ordure-Fantasy
Thursday, 16 July 2020
The Insightful Rot of The Tumorous Manse
Sunday, 12 July 2020
A Chunk of Infinigrad #1
The PDF is designed to show how the Automated Suburb Generator works - all the building results are copied and pasted straight from the generators! I've done some minor edits to them for clarity but they are pretty much as is in the format the automated generator spits out.
The rumors and random encounters were all extrapolated from the randomly generated overall suburb description and building descriptions. There is space for the referee to add in their own notes as the players explore the city.
Get it here!
If you want to see more things like this please check out my patreon and considering supporting: https://www.patreon.com/m/LizardManDiaries
And make sure you check out the Automated Infinigrad Suburb Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-automated-infinigrad-suburb.html
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Star Dogs Referee's Handbook
The Star Dogs Referee’s Handbook is a collection of tools, tables, and generators for referees running a Science Fiction tabletop roleplaying campaign.
While it has been written for use with Star Dogs, it is system neutral and can be used with any Science Fiction tabletop ruleset.
The Star Dogs Referee’s Handbook contains:
- Galaxy Sector Mapper and Stocker.
- Planet Generator.
- Outpost/Space Station Generator.
- Map Generator for Outposts/ Space Stations.
- NPC Generator.
- NPC Group Generator.
- Alien Species Generator.
- Tables for Roleplaying NPCs.
- Mission Generator.
- Dangerous Sector Generator.
- Impressive Technology and Advanced Combat Equipment Generator.
- Random Space Encounter Generator.
- Spacecraft Generator.
- Nebula Generator.
- Plus amazing cover and interior art by Matthew Adams.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Star Dogs (beta)
Here's a rules light Sci Fi Rulebook (it's a bit like Star Wars Guild Dogs). I'm still working on it, but it's playable and a complete PDF.
Please give me feedback if you have any and let me know if you can do Sci Fi art that might be able to go into it.
Here are some tools to help you with running a game of Star Dogs:
- Planet Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/11/automated-sci-fi-planet-generator.html
- Alien Species Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/10/sci-fi-alien-species-generator.html
- Outpost / Space Station Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/11/automated-sci-fi-outpostspace-station.html
- Mission Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/10/soft-sci-fi-mission-generator.html
- NPC generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/11/automated-sci-fi-npc-generator.html
- Dangerous Sector generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/11/automated-sci-fi-dangerous-sector.html
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Ashen Tumble and The Pit House (1 Page Suburb and Dungeon)
"Ashen Tumble: A once grand haunt of many an alchemical guild. Turned to semi-ruin due to over experimentation and evacuation of salubrious guilds. Dust cakes the cratered road, detritus piles up against the walls and breeds in alleyways, papers scrawled with unintelligible script waft through the air."
For those interested, I used the following tools to put Ashen Tumble together:
- Suburb stocking: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2018/05/suburb-generator-stocking-buildings.html
- Suburb mapping: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/03/mapping-infinigrad-suburb-map-generator.html
- Infinigrad Suburb Details Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2018/07/infinigrad-suburb-details-generator.html
- Infinigrad Suburb Danger Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2018/08/infinigrad-suburb-danger-generator.html
- Automated Dungeon Room Generator: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2018/10/room-generator.html
Sunday, 26 August 2018
Pollute the Elfen Memory Water - An Infinigrad Job for Guild Dogs PDF
It's a fantasypunk shadowrun set in Infinigrad, the setting for my Guild Dogs campaign. The job was generated using the job generator in "The Blasphemous Roster". There may be further installments depending on how successful my players are, and how far reaching the machinations of Equis Jud (the guild of Eymen robe weavers) are.
Included in the PDF are:
- Client and Job Description.
- Facility Random Encounter Table.
- A Random Weird Flower Table.
- NPC statistics.
- Facility Map and room descriptions.
- Leopetera Banks Suburb Map.
- Elfs that use worms and milk to retain/abuse their memories.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
The Blasphemous Roster - Guilds of Infinigrad and their Machinations
You can also get it in POD at Lulu, here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-raston/the-blasphemous-roster-guilds-of-infinigrad-and-their-machinations/paperback/product-23761745.html
This thing has grown out of 3 years running my "Guild Dogs" campaign. The stuff in here has lead to a lot of really fun games and would be useful for any one running a campaign where nefarious groups do weird shit and get adventurers to do dangerous jobs.
There is literally 38, 400 possible guilds in here, each generated with an individualized name, expertise and modus operandi. There's also (if my math is correct) over 100 millions missions to be generated.
The layout looks like nothing else out there (other than maybe the brilliant "Broken System" OSR zine) and is designed to infect your brain with my "Infinigrad" Guild Dogs setting. It also features 26 pages of "visual generators" (a thing which I may have invented) which literally show you what the guild you generated looks like (both their members and their base of operations). It's literally magic!
This is currently the DMG of my Guild Dogs/Infinigrad setting, so if you like Guild Dogs/Infinigrad you should buy this.
The following posts will give you an idea of the content of The Blasphemous Roster (it just looks a lot cooler in the book):
From the product profile on RPGNow/DriveThru:
- 23 pages of Guild Generator - Generate thousands of devious guilds, including names, expertise, and modus operandi.
- Illustrated Guild Examples.
- 26 pages of Visual Generators - illustrating how the guilds members and their bases of operation you generate actually look.
- 12 pages of Job Generator - near endless ideas for city based missions needing doing by guilds you generate.
- A map generator for mission locations.
- A room stocker for mission locations.
Friday, 6 April 2018
The White Isle, Released but Incomplete
From The Introduction:
The White Isle started as an adventure for some friends who had never played dungeons and dragons before. It exists scribbled down between two notebooks. I very much enjoyed running it and the friends had fun.
I then had the grand idea of attempting to turn it into a module for others to use. I planned out what else I needed to write, commissioned some very talented people to create some art, and bugged some other people for advice on the process (shoutout to Jez Gordon).
The art came back looking fantastic. I felt like I had a solid plan for finishing the project and was very excited to tackle my first serious DIY module. Then, life got very busy all of a sudden and The White Isle got stuck in semi limbo. Then the hard drive in which I had the art stored stopped working, so I lost all the art for the first time. The White Isle was well and truly in limbo at that point. Then, my ISP irreversible wiped all of my emails (including the digital copies of the art). With the art lost twice I more or less gave up on ever finishing The White Isle.
Somewhat ironically, considering the dead god of time central conceit of the module, The White Isle was stillborn and rotted away to nothingness.
That was about four years ago.
Two years ago I managed to get access to the dead hard drive and recovered all the art. It sort of just sat there, teasing me for not finishing what I had started, for a while. Then a day ago I thought, I should just whack together whatever I have extant in regards to The White Isle and release it out into the world. The project was sort of haunting me, and it would nice to get it off my back - albeit in unfinished form.
So here it is, unfinished. The White Isle is basically some ideas, some not so great writing and some really good art.
Thanks for checking it out, I hope you like something within it. The text is transcribed directly from my hand written notes, so is very rough. I have included some notes, like editorial comments, for fun, and maybe to remind me of some things if I ever return to properly finish The White Isle. The dungeon maps are just scans of my notebook and are probably next to useless for any one other than me, sorry about that!
It bears noting that one of the artists, Steve Zieser, has since passed away. He did the illustrations in the Labyrinth Lord book. I learned to play D&D using Labyrinth Lord and I very much like “the vibe” he brings to that book. I loved the art he made for me for The White Isle and I am disappointed I never finished the project so he could see how his art fit into the project.
Mario and Matthew also did fantastic art for The White Isle and I’m sorry that I never got my shit together and finished this thing but at least some people will see their illustrations now!
Some images to whet your appetite and set the scene:
Friday, 16 March 2018
3 Monsters from The Level 1 Creature Generator
Details from the RPGNow product page:
Shrikebeaks will haunt untended battle grounds, those left to rot and choke with corpses by the battle's survivors. Some say Shrikebeak infestations are sent by the gods as punishment for ignoring proper funeral rites.
After their charnel feast (which may take months), they will stand solemn guard over the abandoned battlefield for several years, ultimately collapsing into a pile of metal spike like feathers. Up until that point, Shrikebeaks will be ferociously territorial of their feeding ground, flaring their terrifying plumage as a warning to any that come within their sight. Those that get closer thant that are generally disemboweled by a several foot long beak.
Apes of a golden, shimmering, ethereal hue - ever glowing and emanating the most calming of ecstasy inducing rays. An abandoned relic, hidden in a forgotten jungle temple, has slowly mutated these primates into their current transcendent form.
The holy apes will lounge peacefully, curiously watching all those that enter their blessed home. They will serenely punch and choke to unconsciousness any who bring themselves to attack the monkeys. Those brought to unconsciousness will awaken at a later point, outside of the forgotten temple or lost deeper in the jungle. The holy apes will also take the same approach to any who get too close to their holy relic.
Generate your own monsters right now by going to: