Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Other Goings Ons

After the wedding we had a few days in Georgia to hang out before we came back home. One of our stops was at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. It was amazing - though if it wasn't for the football-stadium-sized tank with whale sharks and other enormous fish, I would say that it's comparable to the Vancouver aquarium.

Having a little too much fun with our 3D glasses on...

Meanwhile at home, "Granny" (my mom) was keeping busy looking after the kids. Thankfully everyone stayed healthy and safe, and the weather turned beautiful and sunny!

Silas did great and was so used to Granny taking care of him. When we got back he was more than willing to let Granny feed him and put him to sleep. So much nicer than the days when Micah & Keziah were little and wouldn't get warmed up to Granny (or Grandpa) until it was time for them to leave.

I missed Mother's Day with the kids while we were away - including the Mother's Day tea at Micah's preschool. But Granny was able to go in my place and Micah got to bring home a plant for his mom and his grand-mom :)

A few days after we returned, Micah had his very first baseball game. I signed him up for the Kids Interchurch Baseball League - a very low pressure way for kids to have fun and learn a bit about the game. Micah was really nervous about it and needed some convincing, but he did great.

Micah and his friend Max chatting in the outfield.

A clip of his first time up at bat.

Keziah and I spent last Saturday afternoon at a Tinkerbell birthday party. She got to dress up like a fairy for the event and I couldn't help taking lots of pictures :)

Erik & my mom did some work on our little "yard" this past week - putting in new bark mulch and a few plants.

And a little trip to Birchwood Dairy...

Today we dropped my mom off at the airport. It was so great having her here. And the weather was perfect right up until she left - now it's rain, rain, rain for the rest of the week... :(