Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts

Saturday, September 01, 2012

One Last Hurrah

Yesterday was the last day of August.  And with it came the end-of-summer regrets.

We didn't go camping, we didn't do enough day trips...  Sheesh, we didn't even swim in a lake this summer!

So we planned a backyard camp-out.

I had a bunch of leftover fondue chocolate from a baby shower, so we enjoyed a little fondue by the fire for our night snack.  (I must add that my new favourite dipping item is rice krispie treats... so yummy)

(This camping stuff is serious business around here)

I listened to Erik tell the kids a bedtime story as I sat by the fire and enjoyed a peaceful evening with a starry sky and the spotlight of the blue moon behind me.  We learned the blue moon isn't actually "blue" but is the event of a full moon happening twice in the same month.  Apparently it's rare.  It only happens, like... once in a blue moon.

Admittedly I wasn't keen on sleeping in the tent with my own warm bed calling me from so close-by.  The one other backyard camp-out we had this summer was pretty squishy with the 5 of us so I let Erik enjoy the tent without me.  But it definitely didn't mean a sleep-in day for me.  The kids all traipsed in the house shortly after 7 and then it was time to think of a Saturday morning breakfast.  We decided it would be appropriate to make our breakfast over the fire.  And it also seemed appropriate to pick some fresh blackberries to go with it.

Erik got the sausages and pancakes cooking on a nice hot fire...

And the kids said good morning to all the animals.

Breakfast of champions right here...

 After a few extra cuddles in the tent, it was time to start our last summer Saturday.

So long, Summer...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cue the Dogs

Ever since we moved to our property a year ago we wondered if it was the right time to get a family dog.  It just seemed like living on a farm and having a dog should go hand in hand!   I was really hesitant to have a puppy to train so we started looking around for a "previously owned" dog.  That's when our good friends told us that their parents were selling their farm and needed a new home for their 2 black labs.

After meeting the dogs a few weeks ago, we decided it was a good fit.  So this past Saturday we adopted 1-year-old Marley and her mother, 6(?)-year-old Koda.

Koda was hit by a car as a puppy and has lived most of her life with the use of only 3 legs.  She holds up her lifeless front right paw and hops along on her left.  When you first watch her lumber around you tend to feel a little bit sorry for her, but if you wait long enough she'll spy one of the cats and amaze everyone with her speed and agility!

We were given the option to just take the younger dog, but after observing the 2 of them together we just couldn't split them up.  Without Koda, Marley's hyper puppy-like nature would probably take over.   But with the calming presence of her 3-legged Mama, she seems much more relaxed.  

They're just like 2 peas in a pod.

And so, the animal to people ratio just continues to grow around here...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Cat Came Back

We thought he was a goner, but the cat came back.

He just couldn't stay away...

Maybe because he knew he needed to get back to celebrate his first birthday :)

("I love you Moses!  And thank you for catching the moles, mice and barn swallows!" - from Micah)

When I thought our cats were both gone for good I promised the kids a couple of new kittens.  In the end we settled on one new kitten who we named Milo.

 It looks like we are no longer at a loss for animals around here...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The new kitten has been a great source of entertainment over the past week. Taking away "kitty time" proves to be an effective punishment (especially for Keziah).

But I do have to monitor the handling, especially for Silas who thinks it's hilarious to hear Moses meow while he repeatedly pulls his tail.

But I'm pretty sure Moses is a glutton for punishment...

Or just really forgiving...

He's been put to sleep in doll beds and zipped up in princess snack bags...
And he takes it all in stride.

And when it comes to "cat"-napping, he really is the best snuggler around.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Home (& a new friend)

This was us leaving my parents' farm early Wednesday morning:
Micah looks like he's already anticipating the way he'll feel after 25+ hours in the van...

After stopping in Saskatchewan to visit relatives, we had a quick 2 night-stay in Edmonton so we could enjoy the mall. A few rides in Galaxy Land, some time in the waterpark, a little shopping and then we were off again, and looking forward to being back in beautiful British Columbia.

I didn't take many pictures on the trip home - other than these few while we stopped at Mount Robson. Erik took a quick catnap in the van while the kids played...

Pyjamas make great traveling clothes.

The last stretch from Hope to Abbotsford is always the worst.
Correction - I think the last stretch of any drive is the worst. And inevitably, for our family, there is always at least one child who has a meltdown during that entire hour.
After almost 15 hours straight of driving? We expected it.
We waited for it.
But... it never came.
The kids - especially Silas - amazed us.

I think we're raising some hard-core road-trippers.

We pulled into Toews headquarters on Saturday evening, happy to be "home" - even though we'll be living out of suitcases and boxes for a couple more weeks until the big move into our new place.

And once we were home, it was time to fulfill a promise we made to the kids....

Meet Moses.

The kitten belongs to everyone, but we knew that Keziah would pretty much take over all pet-sitting responsibilities, including deciding when he shall eat, sleep, play and poop. I call her my "smother mother".

Poor Moses is being a really good sport.

He let her tuck him in this afternoon and stayed there for a long catnap.

And I knew the kitten was a keeper when I watched him sit still while Keziah brushed his fur with a barbie comb.

Welcome to the family little Moses.