Showing posts with label Character Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character Week. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A LITTLE TOO HOT Character Week--Harrison HEAT (and a MASSIVE giveaway!)

It's A LITTLE TOO HOT release day! We finally get to unleash Harrison on the world. ALTH is totally stand alone, so there's no need to read the first books in the series before diving in! Here's what you guys are saying about A LITTLE TOO HOT:

5 stars from Good Choice Reading: “Sam loses control a little and that is where the story does a complete twist. One that I had NO IDEA was coming. One second I am all blushing and waiting for the exciting moment, and then all of a sudden I am yelling O-M-G what?!?!?”

5 stars from Dark Faerie Tales: “If you like new adult contemporary novels with lots of steam and intrigue this is a must read for you.”

5 stars from Bittersweet Book Love: “Every once in a while, you read books that completely take you by surprise. This is one of them.”

5 Olives from Martini Time Romance: "When you think you have everything figured out, the author throws us readers a wicked curve ball, and we have no choice but to hang on for the ride. And what a ride it is."

So...yeah. There's a twist. And it involves this guy:

Harrison is that sexy combination of sweet and tough, but he's got his demons. For the most part, he does a decent job of keeping them in check, but they drive him and his need for revenge boils just below the surface of his cool-as-a-cucumber exterior. Harrison is hot, no doubt, but he's also a little mysterious. There's a reason. He's not who he says he is. Things get interesting for Harrison when he meets Sam. She seems to break through all his barriers. He want to get to know her. Hell, he wants HER more than he's ever wanted any other woman. When it become clear that Sam wants him back, he's got a decision to make. The one he makes spins both their lives into a cyclone of chaos that even Harrison never could have anticipated. Their only hope of surviving lies in trusting each other, but how do you do that when someone's shattered that trust. All he wants is Sam in his bed--the one thing he can never have without risking everything. So what he needs to decide is if she's worth it.

And I promised a giveaway! Some amazing authors have blurbed ALTH. Here's what they said:

Every page is deliciously breathtaking, wickedly sexy and sensational. A LITTLE TOO HOT is wonderfully unique and a LOT HOT! I am a HUGE Lisa Desrochers fan.
   — Katy Evans, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of REAL, MINE, and REMY

“Lisa is brilliant at creating sizzling sexual tension and impossible circumstances that make the reader hold their breath all the way to happy ever after. Sam and Harrison are more than A Little Too Hot, they are scorching!"
   — Jay Crownover, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of RULE, JET, and ROME

“Lisa Desrochers’ best yet! A LITTLE TOO HOT is hotter than hot with all the emotional punch to back it up!”
   — Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author

Because the ladies are so amazing, I'm giving away a "blurb pack" of signed books by all three. There's REAL, MINE, and REMY by Katy Evans, RULE, JET, and ROME by Jay Crownover, and FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan! Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 20, 2014

A LITTLE TOO HOT Character Week--Sam (and win signed books!)

It's A LITTLE TOO HOT release week, which means another Character Week here on the blog! Before we start, though, just a reminder that today is the LAST DAY to pre-order ALTH and earn a BONUS CHAPTER from Harrison's POV. This bonus chapter is only available to those who pre-order and fill out this form for your download code by today. Here's what Katy Evans, NYT bestselling author of REAL said about the bonus content:
"I just read the extra chapter for A LITTLE TOO HOT! @LisaDez are you trying to kill me? I'm still aflutter! Harrison's so sexy!"
Don't miss out on Harrison HEAT!

Also, enter below to win signed books from the authors who blurbed ALTH, including REAL, MINE and REMY by Katy Evans, RULE, JET and ROME by Jay Crownover, and FOREPLAY by Sophie Jordan.

So, we kick ALTH Character Week off with my lovely, yet somewhat misguided heroine, Samantha West. A LITTLE TOO HOT is totally stand alone, and there is no need to read A LITTLE TOO FAR first, but if you did, you might remember Sam. She was Lexie's best friend who was totally lusting on Lexie's stepbrother, Trent. Some of you loved to hate her in A LITTLE TOO FAR, for good reason. Sam was crazy for Trent, and what Lexie couldn't tell her best friend was that she was secretly in love with Trent, so Lexie had to stand by and watch Trent date Sam...which nearly killed her.

Here's what some lovely blog reviewers had to say about that after reading A LITTLE TOO HOT:

"I thought I knew [Sam's] character and personality after reading about her in book 1, but it turns out I didn't know a thing! She's feisty, resilient, and street smart." --Forever Me Romance

"I've got to be honest and say that I didn't like Sam at all in the first book. In fact, I thought she was a calculating, callous, boy crazy bitch. My opinion soon changed upon being able to see events from her point of view." --Book Angel Emma

"The side of Sam we got in A LITTLE TOO FAR was the bratty, best friend side, which doesn't to Sam any justice at all! The Sam I got to know in this book was so much more--determined, feisty, sensual and sweet." --Bittersweet Book Love

So, why the "boy crazy" brattiness in A LITTLE TOO FAR? I'll let Sam explain that to you...

I sit and force my fingers to stop fidgeting with the clip of my garter belt.
“So, no boyfriend?” Harrison asks, and there’s an intensity to the question that unnerves me a little.
“No boyfriend. I’ve really only ever had one.” Oh my God. Why did I just tell him that?
“Me too. That is … one girlfriend,” he clarifies.
“Your fiancĂ©e?”
He nods. “How long ago? Your boyfriend, I mean.”
“We broke up a year ago.”
“Were you together long?”
I shake my head. “We were dating for about eight months, but it was long distance.” I don’t tell him the whole time we were together, Trent was in love with someone else, because that just makes me sound pathetic.
“How did you meet?” he asks.
“He untangled his stepsister’s kite string from my braces,” I say, tapping my lips with my finger.
His gaze sticks for a second on my mouth before he lifts it to my eyes. “Braces … ” he says with a tip of his head. “How old where you when you met?”
“So, you knew him for a while before you dated.”
“You could say that.”
He looks at me curiously for a long beat. “There’s a story there.”
I blow out a sigh. “A long and extremely pathetic one.”
“I’m listening.” He settles deeper into the cushions and drapes an arm over the back of the sofa.
I just look at him for a second, trying to gauge if he’s messing with me or if he’s really interested. His liquid gaze is deep and his expression soft but intent. I tip my head back against the sofa and stare at the ceiling. “I was totally in love with him all through high school, and I held out for him for five years, even when he didn’t show any interest, because no one else measured up. So, yeah. I knew him for a while.”
“After all that time, you finally got your man. What happened?”
“He was in love with my best friend … who also happens to be his stepsister.”
There’s a long silence, and I lift my head, but I can’t bring myself to look at him as I tell him things I’ve never said out loud before. “He was practicing with his band in Lexie’s garage, and we were in the driveway flying her kite, but the wind gusted and it did this loop, and the string got caught in my braces. Lexie yanked, I screamed, and when the guys came out of the garage to see what was up, they all started laughing. But not Trent. He came over and got me untangled. And he told the guys to cut the shit when they started calling me Jaws and asking if I got good reception.”
I remember it so clearly.
Hold still, he’d said. He grasped my chin gently and leaned in to examine my mouth. He was a little sweaty from jamming with the guys, and I remember thinking I should think that was gross. But I didn’t. It was the opposite of gross. I’d crushed on a few guys in junior high, but I never remember my heart racing the way it did with Trent so close. He’d unhooked me from the kite, and when he let me go, he smiled this incredible sideways smile and said, Good to go, and that was it.
I sigh and sink deeper onto the cushions. “I fell in love with him right that second. But even though I was under his nose all the time, he never thought of me as anything but his stepsister’s best friend, so, for five years, I pined.”

The heart wants what the heart wants, even if it (he) doesn't want you back. When Sam loses Trent to Lexie, she feels betrayed by both of them. Her best friend and boyfriend have chosen each other over her, and it stings. So she acts out, first by burning bridges with her best friend, then by drowning her sorrows in alcohol. She makes some new friends, the best of whom is lead man for a local band, and the real partying starts...which eventually gets her thrown out of college. A LITTLE TOO HOT is the story of Sam trying to finding herself again after being totally adrift. Unfortunately for her, this involves a little more chaos than she'd anticipated...especially when a certain hero enters the picture.

Enter here for SIGNED BOOKS and check in tomorrow for Harrison's story!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A LITTLE TOO MUCH Character Week--Hilary

We have one last main character from A LITTLE TOO MUCH to meet, but before we do, I want to thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for making ALTM release day so amazing! I have the best readers in the universe! And, it's still only $2.99 on B&NiTunes, and Amazon!

So, I've taken you on a stroll through New York City, and we've spent some time with Alessandro. Today, you meet Hilary. Hilary is in the process of rebuilding her life. She's dealt with some pretty difficult life lessons in her 22 years, and she's come out surprisingly intact. Now, she's starting to figure out what she wants. It's the how to get it that's the tricky part. She believes she can't be weak, so to stay strong, she makes some compromises. She's not always happy about them, but they keep her where she needs to be--in control.

Until a ghost from her past lands on her doorstep.

Alessandro and Hilary share a past. She trusted him, but then he left, just like everyone else in her life. So now she has to decide if she can let him back in.

I stand here in the middle of Central Park with my face in my hands as tears heave out of my soul in a stream that I can’t stop. I’ve been grieving the girl I was with Alessandro for eight years. It’s the only time in my life I was ever truly happy. I know, even if Alessandro had stayed, things would have changed. But as I look at what I’ve become, I realize every bit of hope, and trust, and love I felt that day died a long time ago, leaving only the tough, gritty bits behind.
But now Alessandro’s here, and I feel the dead parts of me coming back to life. Being with him again might gain me back my soul, but at what cost?
Too much has happened. There are too many secrets. I have so much to gain, but more to lose.
I have everything to lose.

Will she risk it? Or will she let Alessandro walk out of her life again. That's what she needs to decide. See if you think she makes the right choice.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A LITTLE TOO MUCH Character Week--Alessandro

Today is the day! It's A LITTLE TOO MUCH release day! Get it on B&N, iTunes, or Amazon for only $2.99!

*throws virtual confetti* (because I don't want to clean the real stuff up)

I'm super excited that you all get to read about poor, tormented ex almost-priest. I don't even have words for how much I love this guy, and that's saying something since I'm a writer. He is beautiful in so many ways.

We first met him in A LITTLE TOO FAR, when he was sure of his path. He stumbled on that path when he met Lexie Banks. She made him question his choices, and in the end, if you've read A LITTLE TOO FAR, you know what he decided.

So, now he's back in New York City. He has some ghosts from his past that have haunted him. One of those ghosts goes by the name of Hilary McIntyre.

Alessandro stands again as I walk back to the table. He holds the back of my chair as I lower myself into it, then helps me slide it in. He sits again and looks at me for a long, awkward minute, swirling his coffee. “I’m sorry I was so awkward last night. You took me by surprise. I wasn’t planning to ring the buzzer, but I’d just found your address and I …” His eyes pinch a little and I realize it’s because I caught him there. He’s embarrassed.
“You were stalking me?”
His whole face pinches now. “I never meant to … I wasn’t going to contact you.”
“How did you find me?”
He presses back into his seat and hesitates before answering. “It took some ingenuity … and Google.”
I slam my teacup down on the table. “My address is not on Google!”
“It’s actually pretty shocking, the amount of personal information that can be found online.”
“So you were stalking me.”
“In a manner of speaking, I suppose I was, if there’s a non-creepy connotation to that term.”
“How is this non-creepy?” I say, waving a hand at him. “You show up in New York eight years after vanishing off the face of the planet, and I find you poking around my apartment building in the middle of the night, then you admit to cyberstalking me. Nope …” I say, folding my arms across my chest and scowling at him. “Nothing creepy there.”
He breathes deeply. “As I said, I didn’t plan on—”
“How long have you been back in New York, anyway?” I ask, cutting him off. I don’t want to hear any more of his lame explanations. I just want to know what the hell he’s doing here—why he found me. If he knows.
“About a month,” he answers, and my gaze is drawn back to his eyes.
“You’ve been here a month,” I say, trying to absorb that. “Doing what? Do you have a job?”
“Not at the moment. For now, I’m volunteering at the West Side YMCA.”
“Where were you? Before?”
He takes a long sip of his coffee, and below the rolled-up cuff of his sleeve, I watch muscles of his forearm ripple as he sets his cup down and swirls it. “A few places, but mostly Corsica and Rome.”
“Rome.” He was in Rome while my life fell apart. “So … why did you come back?”
“To put some old ghosts to rest.” As he says this, his gaze darkens … becomes more intense, seeming to bore through me.
But I won’t back down. I hold his gaze. “Am I a ghost?”
“You are.”
“And you’re going to put me to rest,” I say, unable to curb the cynical edge to my voice.
“I needed to find you,” he says, finally lowering his gaze. “The way things were left … I’ve never felt right about it.”
“The way things were left …” I repeat. The way things were left sucked. He has no idea how much.

He's in for a bumpy road, because some ghosts aren't so easily put to rest.

For all you A LITTLE TOO FAR readers, you know he has a dark past, so A LITTLE TOO MUCH  is a darker read than ALTF. Alessandro and Hilary both are some of the most complex characters I've written, and at times they tore my heart out. But Alessandro also shows a side of himself we didn't get much of a chance to see in ALTF.

His playful side makes him even hotter in my eyes. See if you agree!

Monday, November 11, 2013

A LITTLE TOO MUCH Character Week--New York

It's release week for A LITTLE TOO MUCH! Today, the A LITTLE TOO MUCH blog tour kicks off, hosted by the lovely ladies at Mundie Moms tours! Go check out the stops and enter to win signed books by Katy Evans, K.A. Tucker, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Cora Carmack, Jay Crownover, Sophie Jordan, Victoria Scott, and yours truly! Plus swag! And jewelry! And candy!

I'm super excited (and a little nervous) for you all to be able to read Hilary's story. Just as I did with A LITTLE TOO FAR, I want to introduce you to the key players in A LITTLE TOO MUCH this week.

If you've read A LITTLE TOO FAR, you know that I tried to bring Rome alive for you. A LITTLE TOO MUCH is set in New York City, which we all know is where Alessandro grew up. NYC has its own heartbeat, and I wanted my readers to feel it, but I also wanted to take them deeper. Hilary and Alessandro explore the "undiscovered New York" in A LITTLE TOO MUCH, and I had fun researching quirky things to do in there. My next trip will be following in their footsteps.

We spend time on Broadway, and in Central Park, and on the subway, and many other places I'm fairly certain you never even knew existed, like the City Reliquary, where Hilary and Alessandro pick up a key souvenir.

They explore Roosevelt Island,
and they explore their pasts, both shared and otherwise, which includes a trip to the WTC Memorial.

It's not an easy journey for Alessandro and Hilary, and they broke my heart at times. There were tears, I'll admit. But I hope you enjoy the journey, and your stay in New York City.

Do you have a favorite place in the city? What is it?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A LITTLE TOO FAR Character Week--Rome

Today is A LITTLE TOO FAR's birthday, and I'm so happy it's out there in the world for you all to read. So many lovely bloggers and Goodreads reviewers have already posted reviews. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to read! Initially, I was afraid to look. I've got stepbrother sex, and a tempted soon-to-be-priest--all the things that I KNEW were going to piss some people off. But here's the thing... People are reading and discovering all those things are not there just for "shock value." I didn't set out to write some scandalous, controversial book just to sell copies. I sat down with a character in my head. She seemed pretty cool to me, and she had a story to tell. I wrote it down. That's it.

I think the reason A LITTLE TOO FAR is getting such lovely reviews from readers is because everything in the story feels organic to Lexie's journey. I didn't have an agenda, and it never really occurred to me that people might consider what she goes through to be controversial, or over-the-top. My take-away from the reviews I've read is that the taboo doesn't read as taboo. It's just natural and authentic. I'm glad, because I LOVE Lexie, Trent, and Alessandro, and I'd hate for them to get lost in controversy or scandal. I want them to shine, just like the last character from A LITTLE TOO FAR, who I'm introducing you to today!

You've met Lexie, Trent, and Alessandro. Last but not least on A LITTLE TOO FAR Character Week is Rome! I set this novel in Rome for selfish reasons. I adore Rome, and was able to relive my time there in Lexie's Roman experience. Rome has a life of its own, which I tried to bring to life on the page in a way that would allow my readers to experience it even if you've never been.

There's this:

And this:
 And this:

And here is Lexie's first ever apartment!

I hope this give you a visual for some of the places described in the book. Rome is one of my favorite places on Earth. Let me know what you think once you've read.

And, since it's publication day, I want to take a second to thank my amazing New Leaf Literary and HarperCollins teams. My omnipotent uber-agent, Suzie Townsend, has surpassed by far anything I could have hoped for in the perfect advocate. She's tireless and ferociously talented and a total rockstar. The day she sent my little manuscript to my crazy fabulous editor was the luckiest day of my life. And, speaking of my crazy fabulous editor, every step of this process has been a joy because of Amanda. She and the whole William Morrow staff have been beyond supportive, and I feel so blessed to have ended up in such an amazing publishing home. Thanks and smooches to all of you! And thanks to all you readers who have picked up a copy of A LITTLE TOO FAR! It's because of you that I can do what I love for a living. You are my favorite people!

Monday, September 16, 2013

A LITTLE TOO FAR Character Week--Lexie

You've met Lexie's boys, Trent and Alessandro. Today is Lexie's turn on ALTF Character Week. What can I say about my lovable narrator...?

Lexie is in a pretty serious dilemma. She's slept with Trent, her best friend...who also happens to be her stepbrother. (I mean, look at this picture and tell me you wouldn't sleep with him too!) She knows it will likely not only destroy their friendship, something that means more to Lexie than anything else she possesses, but also their family if they were to be discovered. So she does what any normal twenty-year-old would do: she runs away. Because, luckily for Lexie, she's managed to score a scholarship for a year abroad and will be spending her junior year studying art history in ROME!

But, the thing is, Lexie seems to be a magnet for off-limits men. She goes to confess her sins with the hope of not burning in hell for all eternity, and meets the very easy-on-the-eyes soon-to-be priest, Alessandro Moretti. As they become closer, Lexie discovers Alessandro's dark past and the reasons serving the Church is so important to him. She stuffs down her attraction to him, knowing nothing could ever happen between them. ...So when it does, she's more surprised than anyone.

Being with one could destroy her family. Being with the other could destroy his life.

So, what's a girl to do?

Friday, September 13, 2013

A LITTLE TOO FAR Character Week--Trent

Yesterday you met Alessandro. The other gorgeous guy in A LITTLE TOO FAR is Trent, Lexie's stepbrother.

I've seen a lot of comments that people aren't interested in reading A LITTLE TOO FAR because the stepbrother thing creeps them out. That's their prerogative, and I totally respect that. But the thing here is, Lexie and Trent were attracted to each other before their parents married. In Lexie's words:

"If we’d just met, like, at school or the mall or been living anywhere other than under the same roof, then there’d be nothing wrong with our being together."

Trent and Lexie have a deep and profound connection, and if there's one thing Trent knows more than anything, it's that he and Lexie are soul mates. He only feels whole when he's with her. He's spent years compensating for how he feels by distracting himself with other women. But he's not your typical womanizing man-whore.

Page 21:
I pull away and look at him. “Have you ever cheated on anyone?”
He contemplates that for a second. “I’m not going to say I haven’t pissed a lot of girls off, but I prefer to do it honorably. If it’s just a hookup, I make sure they know that before anything happens, and if I’m with someone and I want to hook up with someone new, I break up with the one I’m with first.”
I roll my eyes. “So chivalrous.”
“Say what you will, but I’ve never been anything less than straight up with any girl I’ve ever been with. I’ve never lied or gone behind anyone’s back. Ever.”

But things get complicated when they finally act on the desire they've both been suppressing. Lexie leaves to go to Rome for a year, and Trent has to sort through the emotional wreckage. For him, that means finding a distraction, and this time, it's Lexie's best friend, Sam. But try as he will, he can't stop thinking about Lexie. And when Lexie tells him about Alessandro, as always, he's her best friend:

So what is a guy to do?

And for a special treat, today on the A LITTLE TOO FAR blog tour over at Love Between the Sheets, there is a post from Trent's POV. While Lexie's in Rome, Trent drunk dials her from a party. Hear the conversation from his perspective at the bottom of Sex and the Books' review!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A LITTLE TOO FAR Character Week--Alessandro

In A LITTLE TOO FAR there are men. Gorgeous men. Two of them. And both are very off-limits. Lexie finds herself in a position she never dreamed, having to decide between the two, knowing that choosing either one will have dire consequences.

Trent is Lexie's stepbrother, confidant, and best friend. We'll get up close and personal with him tomorrow. But today, we meet Alessandro.

Alessandro is the American son of a French mother and an Italian father. He's also a transitional deacon in the Catholic church, months away from his ordination as a priest. Yesterday, I gave you a glimpse into Alessandro's past, and it's dark. He's chosen the path he believes will atone for his sins, but he's still tortured by a past he can't outrun. In Lexie, he sees passion. He sees good. And, much to his dismay, he sees a possible future. Pledging his life to the Church is his best chance at redemption. He believes the Church is the only thing that can control his dark side. But is it worth giving up his only chance at true happiness?

Is there another path to redemption? That's what Alessandro needs to sort out before it's too late.

If you want a glimpse inside Alessandro's thoughts when he first meets Lexie, you can read that from his point of view on Mary Elizabeth's Crazy Book Blog!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Personal Demons Character Week: Supporting Cast


Shelby has a major support roll. She’s a black 1968 Shelby Cobra GT 500. She bails Luc and Frannie out of trouble more than once. And, even though she’s Luc’s, Frannie can’t get enough of her. Frannie and her grandfather have been fixing up vintage Mustangs in his garage since Frannie was seven, and she probably knows more about the Shelby than Luc does.

Both boys have their toys, and Gabe’s is a white 2010 Dodge Charger—the perfect car for Frannie’s wingman—with a backseat and everything…


Frannie’s best friend is a handful. She has dangerous taste in boys and, from the minute Luc sets foot in Haden High, she’s got him in her sights. Which is exactly why Frannie has always kept Taylor close. She could always count on Taylor to scoop the guy—a good thing, because the last thing Frannie wants to do is put her heart out there. But when Taylor goes after Luc, Frannie finds herself wishing she wouldn’t, and hoping that Luc doesn’t want her.

But what if he does?

Is Frannie ready to challenge her best friend for a guy who scares the hell out of her?

Riley is Frannie’s and Taylor’s accidental friend. Understated and a little shy, she believes adamantly in true love, and she’s convinced that Luc is Frannie’s “The One.” So, when Taylor makes her move on Luc, and Frannie turns to Gabe, Riley makes it her mission to “fix” things. At the same time, she’s hiding a secret of her own. She’s found her “The One.”

And it’s someone who will make her friend very, very unhappy.

Stay tuned for the full Personal Demons playlist on Monday! =)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Personal Demons Character Week: Who wants to be Frannie????

What can I say about Frannie? Personal Demons is really her story. The double entendre title refers to Frannie’s own personal demons, as well as the demon who’s trying to get personal. (That would be Luc, in case you didn’t catch that from Tuesday’s post.)

She’s experienced some pretty hard knocks in her young life—the death of her twin brother among the hardest. Because of this, she lives within carefully constructed walls to keep anyone from getting too close. She keeps everyone at a distance—her four sisters, her parents—and she’s chosen her best friend, Taylor, very carefully. Someone who won’t push for answers she’s not willing to give.

Her loss has also shaped her entire belief system. She doesn’t believe in God. She doesn’t believe in love.

So, how is it that when she gets close to Gabe, it feels like that’s what he’s made of—love? How can he make her feel something that doesn’t exist? He’s every girl’s dream…God knows he’s been in plenty of hers. And, he’s also clearly the safer choice, because Luc seems more like he could be every girl’s nightmare. Aside from his killer body and that wickedly beautiful face, there’s his dark energy. It scares the hell out of her but also speaks to her like some shadowy siren song that holds her and won’t let her go. A girl could lose control with him—which Frannie doesn’t do. Ever.

Frannie struggles with her belief in a higher power throughout the book, and the song that inspired her character is You Found Me by The Fray. Once again, if you love it, please buy it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Personal Demons Character Week: No one told Gabe that angels aren't supposed to be HOT!

We interrupt this broadcast for a special announcement. Personal Demons has been spotted in the wild. Here it is at a Borders in southern California.
(thank you, Tricia, for the heads up book spotting) If you see Personal Demons in the wild your only defense it to buy it immediately. Otherwise, I can't be responsible for your crushing regret. ;p more public service announcement. If you want a chance to win one of two fabulous prize packs, each including a signed copy of Personal Demons, a iPod shuffle with the Personal Demons playlist pre-loaded, Personal Demons swag, and Heaven and Hell related treats, go to the fantabulous Elana Johnson's (Possession, Simon&Schuster, summer 2011) blog to start the Personal Demons Amazing Race! Follow the blog schedule and comment on the authors' posts everday for a chance to win PD swag packs! It all ends right here on Tuesday, Sept 14th! (release day, in case that slipped your notice)

We now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast...

Thanks to everyone who stopped by yesterday and got up close and personal with Luc. Today, we get into Gabe's head.

Gabe has one goal: to keep Luc from getting what he came for. It's his only purpose, and he's willing to do whatever it takes. Because Frannie possesses a unique skill set that has King Lucifer tingling with anticipation, and, if Lucifer gets his hands on her, it would mean the end of Heaven—and therefore Earth—as we know it.

So, what’s an angel to do when he shows up and finds Frannie falling for Luc?

Fight dirty.

But if he goes too far—far enough to lose his wings—he can’t protect Frannie, and he’s useless to her. So, the question is, how far is too far? Because, somewhere along the way he feels things change. What was just a job turns personal. He finds himself being drawn in—wanting her in ways he shouldn’t. And, when it becomes clear that she wants him too, he has to decide if he’s willing to risk his wings—and maybe Frannie’s soul—for what he wants.

Gabe has never before found himself in the position of questioning his purpose. But, with Frannie, the lines between duty and desire blur, and he struggles with basic questions of love and loyalty. He vows to always be there for her, no matter what, but what if keeping that promise means risking everything?

The song that most embodies Gabe is Breathe by Ryan Star. As always, if you love it, please visit your chosen mode of music purchase and buy it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Personal Demons Character Week: The hotness that is LUC!

We're one week and counting from Personal Demons release! ONE WEEK!!! *faints* So, as promised, I'm kicking off Personal Demons Character Week with my beautiful boys, starting with Luc.

Luc is a demon’s demon. He works in Acquisitions for Hell and has spent five millennia using every tool at his disposal to tempt teenagers down the fiery path. Frannie is just one more soul. Nothing special. But, from nearly the moment they meet, she makes him feel things. Things demons aren’t supposed to be able to feel. Things he can’t even begin to understand or articulate. But things that make him question everything that he is, nonetheless.

Problem is, King Lucifer has made it crystal clear that failure is not an option—unless, of course, he might enjoy dismemberment and an eternity burning in the Fiery Pit. He’s a demon, after all. You never know…

But he’s also a Creature of Pride, and when the angel Gabriel shows up, Luc knows Frannie’s soul is worth fighting for. He’s never failed yet, and he’s not about to start now. This time, however, the cost of the fight may be more than he's prepared for.

Luc, obviously, is very conflicted. His purpose is clear, and he’s never questioned it—until now. The song that shaped him as a character, and really inspired the whole book, is Savin' Me by Nickelback. If you love it, please visit your chosen mode of music purchase and buy it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Personal Demons Character Week

So, just...WOW! I can't believe how many of you have stopped by to check out the Personal Demons trailers! In two weeks Gabe has gotten over 900 views and Luc, in less than three days, is pushing the 550 mark. Hope you all like them and they've piqued your interest. On Monday, Frannie will make her appearance! I'll be debuting her trailer right here on the blog so be sure to check back!!

After Frannie's debut, the rest of the week will be devoted to Character Week! If you’ve visited this blog in the last six months, you’ve probably read the jacket copy for Personal Demons. It goes like this:

Frannie Cavanaugh is a good Catholic girl with a bit of a wicked streak. She's spent years keeping everyone at a distance—even her closest friends—and it seems her senior year will be more of the same...until Luc Cain enrolls in her class. No one knows where he came from, but Frannie can't seem to stay away from him. What she doesn't know is that Luc works in Acquisitions—for Hell—and she possesses a unique skill set that has the king of Hell tingling with anticipation. All Luc has to do is get her to sin, and he’s as tempting as they come. Frannie doesn’t stand a chance.

Unfortunately for Luc, Heaven has other plans, and the angel, Gabe, is going to do whatever it takes to make sure that Luc doesn’t get what he came for. And it isn't long before they find themselves fighting for more than just her soul.

But if Luc fails, there will be Hell to pay…for all of them.

But, next week we’re going to get up close and personal with the characters, starting with my beautifully conflicted boys, Luc and Gabe. Then we'll check in with my seriously kick-ass, but very confused Frannie. We’ll also meet the supporting cast, Frannie’s best friends, Taylor and Riley. We’ll get into the character's heads a little to see what motivates them—and what haunts them.

Here's the line up:
Monday: Debut of FRANNIE'S TRAILER!!!
Tuesday: Luc
Wednesday: Gabe
Thursday: Frannie
Friday: Supporting cast
Monday: Full Personal Demons Playlist

Because I really want every reader to make my characters their own, I hadn't planned to include pictures. But then I was threatened with death by a certain few blog lurkers, who shall remain nameless, if I didn't. So...I have include pictures of what my characters look like (to me), their songs and their trailers.

And, because I love to interact with all my totally cool friends in the blogosphere, I'll also answer (spoiler free) questions about the characters in the comments section.

So, stay tuned. =)