We have one last main character from A LITTLE TOO MUCH to meet, but before we do, I want to thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for making ALTM release day so amazing! I have the best readers in the universe! And, it's still only $2.99 on B&N, iTunes, and Amazon!

So, I've taken you on a stroll through New York City, and we've spent some time with Alessandro. Today, you meet Hilary. Hilary is in the process of rebuilding her life. She's dealt with some pretty difficult life lessons in her 22 years, and she's come out surprisingly intact. Now, she's starting to figure out what she wants. It's the how to get it that's the tricky part. She believes she can't be weak, so to stay strong, she makes some compromises. She's not always happy about them, but they keep her where she needs to be--in control.
Until a ghost from her past lands on her doorstep.
Alessandro and Hilary share a past. She trusted him, but then he left, just like everyone else in her life. So now she has to decide if she can let him back in.
I stand here in the middle of Central Park with
my face in my hands as tears heave out of my soul in a stream that I can’t
stop. I’ve been grieving the girl I was with Alessandro for eight years. It’s
the only time in my life I was ever truly happy. I know, even if Alessandro had
stayed, things would have changed. But as I look at what I’ve become, I realize
every bit of hope, and trust, and love I felt that day died a long time ago,
leaving only the tough, gritty bits behind.
But now Alessandro’s here, and I feel the dead parts
of me coming back to life. Being with him again might gain me back my soul, but
at what cost?
Too much has happened. There are too many secrets. I
have so much to gain, but more to lose.
I have everything to lose.Will she risk it? Or will she let Alessandro walk out of her life again. That's what she needs to decide. See if you think she makes the right choice.
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