
Showing posts with label Rainbow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rainbow. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My creative space...

It's all about clouds and rainbows!
A good friend of mine shared recently that she was pregnant with number 3 which is all very exciting since it means I get to play with small babies again without having to go through that whole irritating pregnancy issue!
It also means some sewing was in order and since she seems to be heading down the hot air balloon/clouds/rainbow bunting decorating theme for the nursery I thought I'd try and whip up a cloudy cushion!

I just hand drew a cloudy shape on baking paper, pinned it to my two pieces of fabric, cut, sewed and stuffed!
I think next time the cloudy curves need to be more defined and bigger in general but for a half hour project it turned out ok.

I also managed to finish the rainbow colours on my crochet granny stripe blanket.  This is one of Lucy's patterns and I got the idea of merging the colours from The Crafty Mummy.  I spent last night doing what I thought would be a nice edge on it but looked at it again this morning and undid it all.  It was too fine and intricate and for such a heavy blanket so I think I might just granny treble around the whole edge in a creamy white for a couple of rows.  The colours speak for themselves so I don't want anything fancy on the edge.

Friday, January 4, 2013

My creative space...

There is obviously a certain amount of stupidity involved when deciding to crochet with pure wool in Melbourne's current temperatures (37 yesterday, 41 today and the forecast is much the same for the next few days at least).

But I had suffered through a mornings worth of ten pin bowling (where the four year won!) and felt that these are my holidays too so surely I get to do something I want!

Then I happened to find the entire movie of Good Will Hunting on youtube (how is that legal??!!), so I had the perfect excuse to plop myself under the cooling vent and pleasantly while away two hours of the day.

What did I do with my tv time before crochet?!  It feels like I am being so productive when I watch now with a bit of craft in my hands.

Mario blanket status update...
Just waiting now for the last red ball of wool to arrive so I can finish his overalls!
That lonely blue square to the bottom left is as big as the blanket will be.  I have a lovely pale blue ready to go for a nice simple edge and am seriously consdering a working bee too assist with sewing in all those jolly ends!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Some serious craft room mess!

I think it's safe to say that my craft room has become a dumping ground for stuff!
Seriously, how many tote bags does one girl need hanging on the door?!  And what you can't see hidden behind the door is shameful!  More bags of course, hanging on hooks, a stretcher bed and our old fold in half dining chairs that surely we can't throw out.... they might be useful at some point in time!

The bookshelf is vaguely tidy as I did have a massive magazine purge (which just about broke my heart!) but I tend to fill up all the nooks and crannies with 'things' that make actually accessing the books like a wee dance.  They have to be taken out in a twisty fashion just so for fear of knocking and breaking any of those special dust collectors!
And look at the piled high mess on top!  Don't even ask me what's in some of those tubs and boxes!

Having a crafty table is such a bonus.  I have that lovely big green cutting mat to use right next to the sewing machine... so why would I actually use it for that purpose!?  Instead, lets cover it with things that I have been too lazy to put in their proper spots!  And then lets use that as an excuse as to why I haven't been sewing anything... I don't have any room!!!

These lovely pj gift boxes where heading straight to the garbage bin at work on the weekend... almost sacrilegious!  They are terribly cute with little ribbon sides and clear lids which I thought would be perfect for little skirts and tops to go in.... if I ever get back to sewing any!!!

How could I go pass the 50% off calender stand at the shops when this daily crochet calender was begging to be added to the craft room mess!?

Last night whilst watching some tv I thought I'd start sewing some of those pesky ends in on the Mario rug while I wait for the last red ball of wool to arrive and instead I tripped over my long forgotten rainbow granny stripe rug.  It was just what I need to keep me calm as I stupidly watched Wolf Creek on my own until the wee hours.  Can I make a suggestion and say never watch it?!  I rarely go to bed and have nightmares and this one gave me some.  I think it was the freaky laugh that did it me.

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas with family and friends.  Wishing everyone a Happy New Year too.  Good luck with your resolutions if you make them!  Perhaps one of mine should be to have a craft room clean up!

Monday, September 17, 2012

My creative absence.

I've come to the conclusion that one cannot be creative and be anything else at the same time.  Anything else being... parenting, working nights and weekends, having a husband working 14 hour days, washing, cleaning, being elected as the new Kinder President after a massive slanging match between other committee members!
Everytime I sit down to crochet, guilt sets in.  I should be folding the mountain of laundry, cleaning the kitchen, washing the floor, reading one of the eleventy billion unpleasant kinder emails that now land in my inbox.
I hit the pause button on everything over the weekend.  Didn't have to work, ignored the emails and the laundry and forced myself to make something, just because.
A lovely Hello Birdy Pillow, with a very untidy bum closure since my hand sewing is quite simply appalling!  She's pretty cute and simple to make... and of course, I just had to give her babushka wings!
I also managed to add some more rows to the Rainbow Rug.  She's getting super pretty (and heavy).  This is Lucy's granny stripe pattern from Attic 24.  It is easy to do and just 'flows' off your hook - rows of trebles, no chains in between so it is quite dense.  Great tv craft!
Joy of all joys, today my girlfriend took Matilda after Ballet so I could make a solo excursion to Patchwork with Gail B.  I had birthday gift vouchers burning holes in my pocket! 
Top to bottom: turquoise chevron pattern, very boy coloured bunting pattern, red babushkas on soft grey background, teacups on peachy pink, gorgeous red bikes with a turquoise bike here and there, vintage looking dollies in cream and pink.  And I was being very restrained.  Now I like to just sit and look at it while project inspiration hits!
The rest of my afternoon will now be taken up 'creatively' writing the monthly president's report for kinder... and 'creatively' hiding vegetables in pasta meat sauce!
Have a good week. x

Monday, February 6, 2012


Small girls in tulle.  My, oh my.
Jazz hands praps?
Doing the Pony.
And the Butterfly.
Could these sweet girls be any happier?

And of course, after such dancing success we had to go straight to the dance shop and get these little outifts.... can't be a ballerina without a tutu... and apparently some arm crossing...
...and some practice dancing just to make sure the outfits work.

So now I have photobombed with you with the little person I love, I feel the need to share it around.
Would you like my little crochet heart bunting?

Follow my blog and leave me a comment by Thursday 9th February telling me who you love 
(so I can post it to you on Friday and you might just get it for Valentines, Aus residents only).