
Showing posts with label Matilda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matilda. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Oscar, Isaac, Matilda - the only photo I had of you all last week after we took Milo for a run around the park!  Don't tell Darren he's made a cameo on here - he doesn't 'do' social media!

I couldn't not pop this amazing cartoon Isaac made for me up! I'm the character with the golden hair doing all the fancy moves.  My favourite bit... the opposition player in green in the last scene with the speech bubble incredulously wondering, "How is she doing this".

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I'm late! I'm late, for a very important date!!!!
Oscar, Isaac and Matilda - My three loves getting their own sibling love on, even if it does only last five minutes!

Monday, March 10, 2014


Matilda - who doesn't love some sandcastle making at the beach.

Isaac - running away from seaweed and jellyfish!

Oscar - having a think, I think.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Oscar and Isaac - fully immersed in Minecraft cheater books!!! (And off for a boys weekend in Tassie to watch daddy race his speedboat so a quick snap on the iphone before either of them realised!)

Matilda - cannot go past some rainbow face painting at the Red Hill Market with mummy on our girls only weekend!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Better late than never....

Oscar - pre 50m butterfly, calm and relaxed and just happy to be getting the morning off school.

Isaac - just casually walking into school in his homemade minecraft mask.... because why not?!

Matilda - getting comfy on the bookshop floor.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Oscar - clearly iPhone images cannot capture the delight that are the freckles which dance across your nose!

Matilda - who knew that school would give me the opportunity to display my hidden talents as a hairdresser... this was my poor attempt at a love heart braid for Valentine's Day!

Isaac - obsessed.  Completely and utterly.  Minecraft and Terraria have provided this child with a vocab I simply cannot participate in!

I don't know how on earth I will manage to keep up this picture taking each week!  Once the kids are all at school, opportunities for a secret snap disappear.  And I'm embarrassed still that the iphone is my camera of choice! 

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Oscar - Sunburnt and squinty but clearly a winner at the swimming trials! 

Isaac - I have been in love with your beautiful lips and eyelashes since birth.

Matilda - such a big girl now at school during computer class (mummy was on parent help!)  You could not meet a girl who loves school more!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

5/52 ~ A new Preppie!

Matilda - experiencing one of life's big moments this week with the first day of school!  She loved it!  And so did I....

Three kids at school for mummy! Yay!

 Oscar and Isaac - started back the day before Matilda with Grade 4 and Grade 2!

Such spunks!

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Oscar - exhausted after I forced him on a bike ride which, GASP, included hills!

Isaac - inherited his mother's love of craft of course, here in his homemade Minecraft suit! 

Matilda - school starts for you this week miss!  Lucky you have your own homemade hopscotch to take with you!

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I pledge this year to buy an actual camera!!!  The blurry, grainy iphone shot really does not cut the mustard!!!

Oscar - a little obsessed with a friends very sweet baby girl! 

Isaac - exhausted after 3.5 seconds of cricket!

Matilda - Braids, her signature hairstyle these days! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Seriously.  This kid... our family joker.  We no longer know what to do with him and his toilet humour.

Looking for cloud bunnies whilst swimming in near freezing water.

Piggy backing a sweet friend.  They met each other in the womb at pre natal classes almost 10 years ago!

Playing along with Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, for 2014.
Since my only camera is on my iphone (oh, the shame!), this is how we are going to roll!
Cousin Taylor was a welcome visitor this week - all my small people love her.  Officially one of the nicest teenagers going around.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The last day of being 4....

The smallest member of our family turns 5 tomorrow.  Five!  Blink and you miss it.  Seriously!
Who doesn't remember those last final moments before you meet your new person?!

 We were a little jaundiced.

Turning 1 with a babushka party.

Turning 2 with Humpty Dumpty and our obsession with all things Play School!


Turning 4 with an almost life size Peppa Pig cake!

 And here we are, almost being 5....
Stop.  I want to get off now.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Garden Party Prep!

We are in full swing at the moment with a certain young lady's fifth birthday fast approaching.  Initially she was quite keen on having a trampoline party at Bounce but their rules and regulations surrounding 'junior jumpers' were quite strict so I had to give her free rein of the birthday cake books instead to try and come up with another idea.  Smitten with the ladybug cake from the Women's Weekly book we have settled on a garden party at home - no boys thank you very much and can she please lock her brothers in their bedrooms for the duration!
I, of course, turn straight to Pinterest for party inspiration these days and as luck would have it the wonderful Maxabella loves had just had a beautiful garden party with lots of lovely ideas for me to pinch... I mean copy... I mean borrow!
Tissue paper and pipecleaner party invites.  Hand delivered to all our wee friends given their delicacy!

How good are $2 shops these days?!  I scored these gorgeous flowery head wreaths and a collection of these sweet mini milk bottles with bunting for each party guest!

Another gorgeous tutorial I found was over at My Poppet, (who incidentally also had a garden party for her sweet daughter) to make these wonderful paper butterflies!  I confess to being obsessed!

And of course I started with rectangular paper which then needed to be made into squares so with the off cuts I was forced to make even more butterflies, the mini version!


They are now quite happily fluttering around about above my head in my craft room on a home made mobile!
One of the shops were giving away some cardboard angel wings the other day so I have traced around that one on to some more coloured card and attached some elastic so the party guests will be able to decorate their own 'butterfly' wings.

I have a beautiful dress for the birthday girl to wear on the day, borrowed from a lovely girlfriend, so of course I needed one for myself!

Just excuse the dirty mirror and the dorky selfie!