终于有机会吃到咯 ~

Heard so often about the tie-string bkt
we finally got a chance to try it out
Bkt Lunch @ One Utama
look and chooce carefully
not all type of meat is tie-string...
988 茶皇 (RM10):
是算一包茶的价钱 不是跟人数的
988 Cha Wong (RM10):
charge by the packet of the tea, not number of person
白米饭 碗或是碟:
大 RM1.50 小 RM1.20
Rice in plate or bowl:
Big RM1.50 Small RM1.20
排骨 (RM10):
小架中间有点小火的易燃凝胶 可以保温
汤一点也不油腻 有点胶胶的 味道好好

Pai Kut a.k.a. Pork Ribs (RM10):
the bkt is served in small porcelain bowls with fire on gel heating at the bottom
the soup is non oily, a little gummy and flavoursome
每碗都有四支排骨 没加入其他的肉
肉都很嫩 很容易和骨头分开
the order is specific!
four pork ribs per bowl and nothing else...
the meat is tender and easily detached from the bones
软骨 (RM10):
松软的肉 和嚼得下的软骨...
Luan Kut a.k.a. Soft Bone (RM10):
my fav!!
tender meat with edible bones...
even the bones are tasty!

大骨 (RM10):
可是线都被剪掉了 可以从肉上看到被绑过的痕迹
这肉不错 有点肥肉 也很够味!!

Tua Kut a.k.a Big Bone (RM10):
Portion is huge!
all the strings were cut leaving marks on the meat
the meat is tender with some fats and this is very good too!!
a plate is provided for the bone:
convenient for us to separate the meat
每桌只给一小碗... 看来那美味的汤一定很珍贵
the only short-fall is refill of soup is very limited
only a tiny bowl is given to each table upon request...
the flavoursome soup must be very precious ~

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