The chocolate chips in my life: crafts, grandkids, friends, family, scrapbooking, reading, stamping, Red Hats, thrifting, and I even get on my soapbox on occasion.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Shopping, Shopping, Shopping
Thursday, August 8, 2013
The Flying Pig
Thursday, June 13, 2013
A Few Thrifty Finds
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
My, My, The Week Is Off To A Good Start
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Got Some Cheese.....
I've been crabby! Life's not fair! I still have a bit of a cough/cold but am much better now. I've been busy, remember I'm an introvert and homebody so I need my alone time too! (along with sunshine). Thursday, my day off, I had lunch with my 2 grandsons at their school. I had a bunch of errands to run and coupons to use so took care of that before I came home. When I got home I made some yummy ham and potato soup. No sooner than I finished eating and my DIL called to see if I was taking the boys to Family Math night at school. Both mom and dad were off so why couldn't one of them go??? I really didn't want to drive the 15 minutes back to their school, but after mom's 3 calls I said yes. I looked like crap b/c I was out in the rain and wind while running errands and I just wanted to stay home and do dishes and laundry. But I felt guilty b/c grandson J was crying and I do feel it's important to get involved with the school activities.
When I saw the smile on his face I was glad I agreed to take him, his brother didn't want to go. We had a nice time and he won a prize. And guess what? When he go into my car he tells me he can come back home with me for was going to be at the laundromat near our house and would pick him up later. No one asked me about that, not that I minded....but..... I made him a very late dinner (I didn't know he hadn't eaten) and he got his reading done for school.
After lunch today I'm picking both boys up for the Wacky Weekend art project at the Rahr West museum. We try to get there several times a year. And then J will spend the night and part of Sunday. Unfortunately he is getting to be so demanding and bossy......I went through that with his dad and it is so stressful. He wants me to play with him....I don't mind some times....but I enjoy it when my grands can play alone for a while. He is going to attend an anger management class and is excited about it. I wish the whole family could attending parenting classes. *sigh* I could go on and on but it just gets me too angry. I need to let it go and not impose my thoughts and ideas. I need to move at least 100 miles away!
As I said earlier it has been cold and dreary here and my bff is in sunny Fl...........not fair! I really need some peace and quiet and time to do what I want and sun!
My birthday is later this month and my calendar is filled with other family & friend birthdays too. One of the birthday perks I received was a coupon for $10 off any purchase over $10 at are the earrings I got for $2. Happy Birthday to me! I don't need any earrings......and shopping didn't really lift my spirits ......and I suppose underwear would have been more practical to spend my money one....but for $2 I really liked them.
Ok, I've wasted my time on the computer once again.............Maybe I better get dressed and pretty myself up for the day.
Send sunshine PLEASE!!!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Let's Go Shopping......
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Sweater Flower Pins
Yesterday morning I was at my computer and thinking "what day is it?". I do that often, especially when I have Friday off. Aha! It was Friday and I was off!!! *grin* I was in the mood for breakfast out so called my friend, got dressed, and we were off! After a seafood omelet (not as good as we remembered them) we stopped at a garage sale and a couple of thrift stores. (some day I will have to post some of my favorite thrift store finds) Hmmmmm, my original plan had been to stay home all day and do some cleaning...... In the afternoon I cleaned out my SMALL extra closet (where I keep my out of season clothes) and found 3 grocery bags of purses and totes to donate. ....feels good! It's another cloudy, gloomy day today...........more cleaning? probably....... You see, I have a self imposed rule that I have to get something cleaned up before I can work on a scrapbook project or such. ....just the way I am.
Happy Fall y'all!!!!
Monday, March 5, 2012
I've Wasted the Day So Far....
On Sunday afternoon, after grandson J went home and after a lot of fiddling around, I got it up and running again. Earlier I had been asked if I could babysit and I am so proud that I was able to say 'no'. I had plans and contrary to what some people think, I DO have a life. Sunday night I watched DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, one of my vices. I don't want it to end........that is really the only program I love.
This morning I decided to run Ad-Aware on the laptop and get it cleaned up. I have used that program previously and was reminded to use it again (as I was searching for a fix for the BSOD). I let it run while I ran errands: picked up a few small items at the thrift store and I finally remembered to stop at the jewelry store. While I was waiting (it sure was busy for a Monday morning) I found these original earrings by Viva Beads.
They are handmade clay beads. The green is more of a lime green, which I wear often. They'll go with a lot of things...........and were 30% off. yay!!!! I had 3 reasons to stop at the jewelry store: the main reason being I needed to have a gold band (mom's wedding ring) cut off.....
It was about time, don't ya think? No, it did not hurt....the cutting off or the tight fit. I also needed batteries put into a watch and to have my wedding ring cleaned and checked. The store were I use to go and where it was purchased has closed, so I am happy to have found a reputable place in town.
When I got back home my computer was still scanning....and when it finished I rebooted like it said to I can not get online. I 'googled' the error message and tried the fixes but I am sick and tired of fooling around so, hopefully, tomorrow I can take it in and have someone look at it. Right now all I can do it play solitaire on it................that's kinda an expensive (and big) deck of cards I'd say. The only plus of it not working is that I am not online as much because my desktop is in the basement and my laptop sits on my kitchen table and I check it a million (almost) times a day. Alright, that decision has been made.....on to bigger and better things.....Geez....I forgot to stop at the library and grocery off I go after lunch. I picked up my book for book club, picked up my sparkly, clean wedding ring, and bought some groceries. And that is where I am right now. I think I'll make hubby a semi-decent supper and fold laundry. sounds like fun, eh?
And that was MY wasted Monday..............hope yours was better!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Boy! Is My Timing Off..........
So why have I gone on a spending spree? Last week I ordered new glasses when I would have been OK with my present ones. The new glasses are well over $500. I decided to get them because hubby has vision insurance this year.............good vision insurance and he doesn't think he'll take it next year. We don't need new glasses every year. I have always gotten my glasses at Shopko and the last time I did I joined AARP in order to get a 30% discount. This year I compared Shopko and the Vision Center and with our insurance I saved about $300 so I opted to purchase the new glasses this year. He has a health savings account at work so we pay for medical expenses out of it....but I can't use it to pay for my glasses because he's used it up for my dermatology bills. I know it's more urgent to take care of my precancerous conditions than new I get to pay for them out of pocket. It seems like I usually end up waiting until the end of the year because then I know my deductible has been paid up.
Last Friday I had coupons to use and also did some shopping. I stopped at a unique store (so sick of the big box stores) and found a necklace I liked to go with a certain top I have. I have been looking for a necklace for a long time. It was very inexpensive so I got it for myself and told my BFF to pass the word that I'd like the matching bracelet.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Vintage Necklace
Friday, August 5, 2011
Just Something I Found Interesting
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Some of Today's Treasures
Got this cute Red Hat wallet (with checkbook - looks new) for $1.00. I also bought the vintage red necklace (the chain will have to be replaced), a Green Bay Packer t-shirt for one of the boys, a leather belt, long sleeved t-shirt for me, and maybe some other things that I can't think of now. The wallet is a pretty purple, even though it looks bluish here.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Foolin' Around Again
I had the thin, long chain from some other idea that didn't materialize. The portion of chain with the diamonds & hexagon links is another one that I had laying around with the rest of my stash.
Since I have a short attention span I expect I will move on to other projects soon, so don't expect more jewelry.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Gettin' Crafty
Friday, July 15, 2011
Addiction and So Much More
Some people are addicted to crack or heroin, some to alcohol, others to gambling or sex, nicotine, or their cell/smart phones, but me? I have to admit that I am addicted to garage sales & thrift stores. On my way to breakfast this morning I had to stop at the thrift store. I got this pretty Red Hat , 2 paper back books, 2 brand new expanding files (for work) and a couple of other little things for..........$3.00. There's a small cloth purse (Red Hat too) on top of the tablecloth. One of the books is by Kristin Hannah, I just finished Firefly Lane by her and loved it. This book has 2 novels . The other book is a kayaking book that I will give to my grandson. He wants to buy a kayak and maybe he'll learn something from it, if not I am not out much money.