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Saturday, March 26, 2011



With my preceding article on the importance of investor Relations (IR), I have touched on the IR roles, function and benefits. The nature of its work is more inclined to communicate with media as well as for financial analysis.

There are  many changes which, have taken place everywhere and the capital market is in no exception at all. This may be viewed as a great wonderful opportunity as it can add value to both management and investors.

Today, I am going to touch on some of the effective strategic initiatives which may be embarked by this unit, which I have laid down, in bullets point, for easy reference and understanding as appended below:-

a) Need to educate and inform investors regularly about the industry trends, material and significant things they should know and be aware of the business environment in which the cmpany's operates. Understand how your industry is viewed. In this connection, you also need to select and analyse a peer group. 

b) Sets strategy to monitor what drives value in your stock and how your company fares on those matrix. 

c) Determines and assess how future initiatives affect long term shareholder value.

e) Targets investors effectively. In this sense, you need to know who is really going to influence the value of your company's stock as lead steers.

f) Monitors what drives value from the investors' perspective and constantly provide investors' insights and their decision making criteria to management and the board of Directors. In this context, you may gather insights from a representative samples of investors, gathering information among a few of the loudest and frequently heard investors that can caused the company to go down to the wrong path.

g) Needs to become part of the company's strategic planning team, which lead the future of your company. As such, you need to sit at the table with the key management teams to discuss and draw out the strategies of how you are going to communicate internally and externally. These alliances are crucial so as to ensure that everyone is speaking with one voice.

As such, trust you can see clearly how important that this unit  stay proactive and interactive with investment communities so as to give them a sense of comfort, besides arming with the necessary skills and knowledge  which may be market sensitive information. To build for the  long haul and in a transparent manner, all information released need to be consistent with its story line so as to earn a high integrity for the company. It is critically importance to earn the investors' confidence. Bear in mind, the company cannot avoid competing for investors both locally and internationally.

As the whole country,  cannot avoid  competing for international investors with other countries , so if you don't play this segment well, Malaysian companies will lose out.

That's all and seeing you again for another useful article on IR.

James Oh

Skype me at james.oh18

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hi! my dearest friends,

Today, I write to share this inspiring book, "You Can Fly", written by Mohmed Ismail, which I had promised you much earlier. A REAL ENTREPRENEUR and the CEO of PropNex, Singapore's largest real estate company with over 3,800 Associates. Great thanks to Ismail and all those involved in bringing this book a reality.

Through his easy to read book, he used analogies and anecdotes of his personal experiences, he put across his views and concepts about entrepreneurship. Plenty of useful practice-able tips and would be definitely an excellent guide book for would-be entrepreneurs.

I must highlight the noble intention of the author of using his book to inspire us to be better than what we are. I find his book, which record of his personal, inspirational and REAL experiences very inspiring, and really boost my confidence, raise my sights and lift me higher UP! 

This book reaffirmed that Success begins from the mind as your mindset reflects who you are. This is the main pillar of Success and no one can change your mindset unless you choose to do so voluntarily. 

He made a very clear distinction between the two extremes of mindsets; of Scarcity and Abundance.

The former is the one who sees opportunity comes only once and when it is blown away, it's gone forever. They have firm belief that there just isn't enough to go around. As a result, they more often than not view competition as hostile. Their equation is that to have more for themselves, then someone else must have less. These groups build walls rather than bridges. 

However, the latter is the one who sees opportunities are abundant, like ideas, money and resources. People with such mindsets are open to all possibilities, even if they have to create one and always raise the question of "ask why not" instead of "cannot". They create new sources of income to satisfy their desire instead of rejecting them.

In this blog, you have read many times that you are always in control of yourself, so is your mindset. In fact, you can shift your mindset of Scarcity to Abundance type. There is no secret about it and you need to believe it, if Success is your choice. To embrace this mindset, you need to be optimistic, see beyond self interest; ready to explore all possibilities; grow your resources; believe in team work and co-operation that spurs growth and success. 

My purpose of sharing with you is to inspire You and get inspired by you towards building a strong network with the belief and Work towards creating Success for all of us, in line with the belief of Abundance. 

One thing I must confess here is that through writing such inspiring articles so as to inspire you in the first place, benefits me a lot as it reaffirms and reinforce my belief. As such, I do hope you too share with others so that you too will receive the same benefits as I do. Better still, if you could step forward to edify and vouch for such statement. Ultimately, we all will able to see that Giving is Receiving. The more you give, the more you received.

Now, I am going to throw the ball to your court so that you could share some of your views or experience, which will sharpen our thoughts better so that we all can see beyond ourselves. Big thanks, all my friends. 

Look forward to seeing and hearing you again, 

James Oh

Skype me at james.oh18

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



Further to my article, Soul searching book, I also attended the author's talk subsequently and I really enjoyed it. She really acted like my time machine to take me back to my past, living in darkness and keep hoping to jump out from it. She also related her most enjoyable moment where she turn a sad child into a happy one with a natural and honest smile. I can imagine that sort of valuable reward she had received during her journey in India. 

You may read my preceding article by clicking at the title of this article.

Here, I am deeply delighted to see a brave young lady who had used her courage to do such challenging jobs, to search for something she truly want. Her handsome reward  justified her action and  I thank her for  really giving me the dose of encouragement. It immediately triggered  my long outstanding dream of embarking on something similar to her journey, which I had brought up during my trip in China, which I have blogged a year or two ago. Read more at the link below. I intend to find out more about myself so as to live life to its greatest possible potential.

I temporarily put this plan aside due to my other urgent and immediate commitments. However, after I heard her talk, the plan was brought to live again with some excitements as well. On the way back to my house, as usual my mind again actively explored other possibilities to make it happen much earlier, which I strongly believe it could be done. I have also made a stop and called up my buddy again and share with him this excitement so as to inspire him and get  inspired from him as well.

Another interesting point of this book is on its uniqueness packaging, a A4 size brow paper box comprise of text content; CD; color and black & white photos. See the photo below to have full apprehension of what I mean here.


To help you feel the impact of the book which is rich in emotion and sensation, contain short and precise soul searching passages, I have translated the first chapter of this book into English. I hope that it gives you the kick as I have received from its original version, written in currently available only in Mandarin. At the same time, I am  returning a favour to her for helping me greatly in reviving my dream. I am truly thankful. Having said that, I do hope more people will step forward to write this sort of healthy book to make the world a better place to live. The most important lesson I learn here is that more people can follow her footsteps to reach out to those unfortunate ones and give them some hope to crawl out from the darkest regions. Her well rewarded journey reaffirmed my belief that we need to go through this regularly so as not to enter into comfort zone for too long, which can cause a bondage to us. Bear in mind that such bondage, if we are not careful, can be damaging as well.

She has put across, in an easy to read way, short and precise phrases to express her feeling that really can touch every heart and soul. To obtain its maximum impact, I suggest that you read through the whole chapter briefly and then close your eyes, and imagine that you are like the bird, in this chapter, and indulge yourself into it as if you are the bird flying freely and happily in the sky. Now you get what I meant. 


"I wanted to go India for a month," I said.
I then waited patiently,
"Good" you said.

I laughed,
at that spark of the moment, you decided to accept all the consequences

You usually say that you love me to laugh like a child, that's your happiness.
Your continuous effort to let me preserve my natural childish smile, that's my happiness.
You know I am a like bird flying in the sky, and not the caged or imprisoned bird.
You are fully aware that bird needs to fly, wings are to let happiness and sadness  be blown away by the mind, let the heart be free ( much lighter as I actually mean in Mandarin?)  forever.

All in, there are twenty two chapters. The rest of it will at least give you similar impact as the one, above, which I had just shared with you.

Her signature, as appended below, also has its meaning. I strongly believe my signature has as well. In this connection, can someone share some thoughts over it, please before I share out mine, I promised. Fair deal ?

Hope you enjoy reading it. Better still, get hold of it from the outlet nearest to you should you really enjoy reading it, before it starts to cool down. 

Before I pen off, I also like to let you know that the photos enclosed with this package  also have very significant meaning and sensation. 


Stay tuned and I will blog out another inspiring book, You can Fly, soon.

James Oh

Skype me at james.oh18