UA-26222132-1 Libby's Pink Vanity: icing
Showing posts with label icing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icing. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Spy....Nail Polish and Eyeliner Stickers at Icing

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 3/24/2012 06:17:00 PM 0 comments
As I have spoken about before, I'm a merchandiser and a lot of my clients are in malls. So I am in malls about 3 to 4 times a week. After I do my work, I know exactly which stores I want to check out. Do you know four of the 7 malls I go to have a Forever 21 store? Two different malls have Icing by Claire stores. And that's just counting the malls I visit on a frequent basis.

A couple of days ago, I was at a mall that has an Icing store. I found a couple of goodies and they are SO cute...

As I was admiring these, I realized that one could wear these as mustaches too.  Don't laugh. That's just as much fun as wearing eyebrow stencils! I think the idea of fun eyebrows is good but my luck, I'd have one fall off and no one would tell me. Or, I'd look like 'V' wearing them. LOL! What do you think, something you'd like to try out? If I went clubbing, I think it would be a hoot to sport these.

And here is what I really was looking for...
New polishes! Well, new to me. At first, I thought they were just regular bright shades. However, there was a sparkle going on so I picked one up. Oh, my goodness! Glittery brights!! I helped myself to putting the four of these together for their photo op. Normally, I don't do that but, I did return them back to their original state. That's the merchandiser in me=need for order.

Anyhoo, check these out...

 This is actually a yellow shade. Check out the group shot and you'll see what I mean.

Yummy, right?!! I wanted to get them soooo bad. But, I already have a backlog of swatches I have photo'd and a ton of polishes to be swatched. However, after looking at these photos, I still want them!!!

And that isn't all. Here are a couple more I want...

These two are a lot more sparkly in person. But I think you get the gist.

I found some more polishes at the checkout...

 Way cute idea too. But I just can't get past the thought of sniffing my fingernail polish. Even if it is a pina colada. And that's yummy!

And, remember I told you that I know where all the Forever 21 stores are in Orlando? I found these at this mall's store...
Almost all of the polishes were marked down to 99 cents. One, that is a good deal. But, two, when I see all of something marked down I think they are going to stop carrying that product. If it was just a few, then I would think they are clearing out for the new seasonal releases. Let's hope that they are just planning on getting a huge bunch of new shades in. I'll keep you up to date.

Then, I found this at Urban Outfitters. This is just hilarious...
And if you read my 'You Don't Know Kimberly' post, you would get how ironic it would be for me to have this as a phone cover with my personalized ringtone of the Geico piggy saying 'weeeeeeeeweeweeeeee.'
One last photo of cuteness...
Kayla loves, well, maybe love isn't a strong enough word, the sun coming in from the sliding glass doors. She has been in a cage waiting for adoption for so long, I'm sure she can't soak up enough of the sunlight. Now, she can have all she wants. Gosh, she's so cute, I love her to pieces.

See any cuties you'd like to get?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Icing's After Party; No Hangover Necessary

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 2/10/2012 05:13:00 PM 0 comments
These two polishes are not terribly new but worth a review. I got a shimmer and a flakie and they work together perfectly.

I got both polishes at Icing, Claire's Boutique's sister store. First, here is the shimmer...

Even in real life, 'Orchid' is stingy with showing her shimmer. At first, I thought it was a creme. But when you can look closely at the area where the sun is shining really bright, that gives you a glimpse of it. The shimmer color is like 2 shades lighter than the base color so it is very demure.

 Oh, just a tiny bit of shimmer showing here.
I have mentioned in previous posts that I'm just not a big pastel color lover. 'Orchid' is about as pastel as I care to go. I have on 3 coats but seriously, 2 would have been just fine.

This next polish I picked up was the only one left. It was so mine. You'll see why...
This is 'After Party', a multi-color flakie polish. The colors are not holo, just colored flakie glitter. Keep going to see what 2 coats look like.

Ready to see them together?

 It isn't a perfect flakie; it tends to drag on up to the tips and it is bumpy. And let's not forget, a pistol to remove. I didn't need to do the foil method, just did some heavy rubbing.

But, I'm willing to lower my standards for a look like this. Yea, I had to work for it a bit however, I'm in love with the look.

'After Party' looks exactly like its name; glitter confetti everywhere!

Party on!

I know these are lillies, but I planted something and it bloomed! I planted a long row of these along the side of my front walkway. The purple in the lillies looks very similar to 'Orchid' polish...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Jordana Nail Polish Glitter Polish Is All That!

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 2/06/2012 07:28:00 PM 1 comments
If you thought beautiful glitter nail polish melted away with the Winter Holidays, you are in for a big surprise!  Jordana Cosmetics has come out with a mega collection of glitters. How does 24 shades grab ya?!

I found three from this new collection at KMart...

'Fairy Dust' is a perfect name for this pink glitter. I love it! Well, I guess you would have figured that one out. I love, love, love the sparkle. Check out 'Fairy Dust'...
Oh, take me back to the 70's and a funky Elton John outfit!!!
Get ready for some 'Fro Action!'

I couldn't resist putting on 3 coats. You know, more is, sometimes, better....
'Fairy Dust' isn't just glitter. The base color is pink, as well. That helps with wearing it alone rather than just as a top coat.

And if that isn't beautiful enough, here is 'Sequins'...

That bit of teal glitter makes this the 'Rocket Man'...
Goodness! I really like this one...

And the glitter love doesn't stop there. I got a blue/green one. This is 'Cosmic'...
Very flamboyant!
Ack! I used to skate at the roller rink to this song while I was junior high.
I wanted 'Cosmic' to be out of this world so, I used a couple of base polishes to see which one I liked best. On my index, I tried 'Skull and GlossBones' from OPI. On my middle finger I used an Icing's polish from a past pastel collection. My ring finger is without any base color.

True to glitter polish's behavior, these were pistols to get off. But, man, are they not fantastic! I am on the hunt for more from this collection. If you want to see all of them, visit my friend 'G' of Nouveau Cheap, she reviewed and swatched them here. There are so many in this collection, she had to have 3 separate posts!

'Fairy Dust', 'Sequins' and 'Cosmic' could I not think about Elton John? (Secret about Kimberly...she was in love with him in the '70's!) And have you noticed...Elton was more flamboyant when he was 'in the closet' than when he came out. Why's that?
'Sacrifice' is my all-time favorite Elton John song. What's your favorite?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where's the Party? On Your Nails And Everybody's Coming!

Posted by Libby's Pink Vanity at 12/13/2011 08:30:00 AM 0 comments
Have you just about had enough of the 'Happy Birthday' glitter polishes??!! Practically no brand has skipped this polish band wagon.

If you read enough nail blogs, you have, by now, read about Debra Lippman's 'Happy Birthday' nail polish. If not, and since I do not currently own this polish, here's Vampy Varnish's swatches of it. 'Happy Birthday' as been around at least a couple of years. Yet it is still popular.

Check out some of the dupes I have...
First, there is Icing's 'Birthday Beyotch', Milani's 'Gems', Ulta's 'Pinata-Yada-Yada', and Wet 'n Wild's 'Correction Tape'.

None of them are dupes, but they are all in the same neighborhood.
 Icing's 'Birthday Beyotch' wins in the best name category. Hee hee. I spy red, gold, green, teal and fuchsia; some larger, some smaller. Then it is all swimming in a vat with teal micro-glitter. 
 Here's Milani's 'Gems'. This one has two sizes of hex glitter in it. And then that is all in a very translucent teal base that shares even more micro-glitter. Tons of red, silver, gold, green, and blue glitter. I found this one to apply the most glitter.
 This is Ulta's 'Pinata-Yada-Yada.' Worst name here. :/ Gold and fuchsia hex glitter is surrounded by two smaller sized glitters in gold, teal, and red. The base is a slightly blue tinged color.
And this is Wet 'n Wild's 'Correction Tape.' I'm still scratching my head over that name. If you 'get it', would you leave me a comment? All the glitter seems to be the same size in gold, teal and fuchsia. Without getting out my microscope, I think there is some gold hex and fuchsia squares in this one. Not as rainbow colored at the others, it gives the feeling of Mardi Gras.

Are 'Party Hands' the same thing as 'Jazz Hands'?

On my thumb and middle finger, I swatches 'Birthday Beyotch'. On my index finger is 'Gems'. On my ring finger is 'Pinata-Yada-Yada' and that leaves 'Correction Tape' on my pinky. This photo shows 3 coats.

Here's where I started and this is 2 coats. So, you can do a little glitter or gobs. However, the polish you can pick to apply under these is all up for grabs. These are naked here, though.

Now, once you are ready to remove the glitters, you might want to read up on the foil removal method; no one wants to leave the party on your nails!
Confetti nails, I say. When I lived in Kansas City, KS, there was a dance bar on the Missouri side called 'Confetti's'. The next morning I always found confetti in my clothes that I had worn and even on the floor where I had changed into my jammies. It was everywhere! And you'll experience the same thing when you go to remove any of these glitters.

Great polishes for New Year's Eve parties? Which one do you like the best? Can you think of any other polishes that live in this neighborhood?

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