the other day, i was in my master bathroom, and i noticed this doll-size rocking chair. my only thought was, "why do i still have this hanging around my house?!?"

i will be the first to tell you that some of the fun things in our house are items that we *find* left out for free pick-up. my husband is especially good in spotting the great "ground score." (his words.) this rocking chair was NOT one of them. we have struggled to find a place for this item in two houses. there simply just isn't room anywhere. it recently spent about 6 months in our closet. i cleaned out the closet two weekends ago, and moved the rocking chair into the adjacent bathroom, thinking i would then move it to the car (only because you have to pass through the bathroom to get out of the closet.) there it has been sitting. it's gone now!
the other day, i was in my closet, and i noticed this country cat draft dodger. my only thought was, "why do i still have this hanging around my house?!?"

(same closet cleaning episode). i am tempted to call this a "kountry kat" draft dodger, because that would tell you that it does NOT go with my decor. at all. it's a throwback to a job i had working for an importer of gift decor. it used to have a matching doorknob hanger. i don't know why i though i needed these things. i don't know why i managed to toss the doorknob hanger but not it's heavier, scarier older kat sibling? i'm sorry i did not photograph it's gangly legs or wire-filled "pose-able" tail. you will never see it now!
the other day, i was in my side yard, and i noticed this pile of leaves. my only thought was, "why do i still have this hanging around my house?!?"

this pile of leaves was collected well before Christmas, i'm sure of it. and the way you approach my house from the road, you would have seen this pile of leaves every time you came to visit. it had, of course, become invisible to me! fortunately, it was nothing that a leaf bag and approximately 4.7 minutes worth of work couldn't fix!
the other day, i was in my creative zone, and i noticed this good-mail-to-be. my only thought was, "why do i still have this hanging around my house?!?"
this was a fun SPT--
That is so cool that your husband is good and finding finds. I have never been good at finding great "ground scores"..
OH the country cat is so cute :)
I'm considering the horrifying long SPT post I'll have if I catalogue all of the "what is this doing here?"'s of my home! Ha! Seriously. And - like you said - so much of the chaos is solveable within 4.7 seconds.
Great topic, Lelly!
The cat is especially hilarious to me, Lelly! Fun post and pictures :)
This was actually a fairly difficult one for me because I don't tend to hang on to stuff I don't like!
P.S. I'm mailing your good mail in the next couple days...
OK, Lelly--somehow when I first entered my link I didn't put the right blog address (hello!) and I don't know how to delete that link. The correct one is #4...
I have a few items hanging around my house with no "home" as well. The closet will have to continue for the time being. I believe that is record time for cleaning up leaves. Way to go!
I have too many to document - but the one that I chose made me laugh.
Love your take on this today!
Seriously, why do we hang on to these random things? The pile of leaves is classic because it took you so little time to take care of those, yet they've been there for so long.
Good one. This was kinda fun.
Love the bookmarks for the 100 days. I could just feel the frustration of finding out the evening before.
you caught me!! i always stop off at your blog to see SPT - i really want to hop on one of these days! and i'm sure there are PLENTY of things hanging around my house that i have no use for... oh, i may have just gotten inspired.
Wow...I could use you in my backyard. I'm wondering what I could do in 4.7 seconds besides a heavy sigh. I loved this SPT.
I'm back after a long break from SPT! Thanks so much for keeping it up. It's always very cathartic and something that I normally wouldn't make note of in my life. The leaves cracked me up. I have a bag of potting soil that is haunting me from the side of my house. Maybe I'll take care of it in honor of today. Thanks too for comment on my twinkie post. Now I'm off to stop myself from eating the whole box.
I am dying over the kountry kat! Yes, misspelling it like that really does show it off to best advantage. I have so many things I could document for this spt that have become part of my landscape that it's scary. I can't even face it yet...
hmmm, blogger is giving me strange messages today
love the kountry kat. (not in the i want it though-- i love your take on it!)
not sure what i will narrow to for this one- the list is long now that i started to look around.
clever GM, too.
Oops...sorry my name ended up on the list twice. I fat-fingered it and hit a wrong key.
My closets are notorious for long forgotten 'treasures' that I can't even remember why I have. This was a fun SPT...THANKS!
I am the worst at Junking or finding "ground scores". I will come out of a place with nothing and my sister will come out with silk shirts and all kinds of fun stuff. That stuffed animal was a little creepy! Glad you got rid of her!
You didn't sell the cat on ebay?
This really was a fun SPT! I am loving the cat! I have come to realize that most of the things that I put off really don't take much time at all! Now I am motivated to hang my pictures! :)
This is one of the funniest SPT's. I can't wait to get a post together. I'm in stitches about your "kountry kat." So entertaining....
Well, I'd say your closet-cleaning episode was productive. I did not even venture out into my yard for this SPT. Too scary. EVERYTHING from summer is still out there. Horrible.
very fun spt. Sadly, I think the stuff I found will probably remain right where they are. :(
What a fun and insightful SPT. It is amazing how these things become invisible after a time.
Yes, I have those crazy things that lurk in my home too! However, the Kat is a MUST KEEP-Ha!
Have I told you that your hair looks GREAT?
done and done. i am like becky p. though, i generally don't keep stuff around anymore, i suppose i am just lazy in getting the little things done that i really need to! thanks lelly!
Good hair, Lelly!
What is that kat thing?? Why does he have different coloured ears? I'm confused. *sobs*
Leaves are the bane of our life here. The price you pay if you want to live in a place surrounded by trees, though. Good job on shifting your 'art installation'. Did anyone notice?? *knowing roll of the eyes*
very fun - I always have a bunch of "stuff" around the house!!! makes you look at your things with a slightly more discerning eye!!
This was an easy one- I too considered many things, but to keep the family name in good standing I opted for something not so embarrassing.
I don't know why but I just had to giggle at the cat. I probably have a rabbit very similar in the basement. I opted not to go down there because my camera doesn't have a wide enough lense. I'm sure I could dump just about everything-plus it's freezing down there!
Good news- it's going to be in the 40's this weekend- I'm getting out my sunscreen & capris!!!
This was my first SPT, I thought it was a fun thought provoking exercise. I will enjoy doing this!
I have leaves too and many other items to take care of - but it's too cold, wet, windy and ever other inclimet weather excuse to deal with the outside. I didn't even venture out there for this challenge - when spring comes!
great topic! thanks!
Lelly, first let me say that I LOVE your new hair!
Second, I think your SPT are hiliarious.
Great SPT!
Hi I am new.... I think this is such a fun idea... thanks for letting anyone join in the fun
That was a good one for me. Hopefully it will get me to get these bags out of my house and to the DI.
Wow! So impressed with you ability to not only document the "why do I still have this around my house," but also "take care of it!"
I love that you got rid of your good mail - someone will smile as a result! I have some good mail of my own that I need to get passed on!
i love your version of this spt, good job cleaning out all of your crud! clean closets are my favorite thing, really.
After being down sick for a week there are SO many things that I'm wondering what they're doing in my house. How is it that when mom is sick the house totally falls apart?
Loved it! Great job! I wonder how many trash bags were filled because of this post!
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