it was so... so... chaotic!! i'm not sure what the master plan was. the *theme* was "Chinese New Year." the organizer definitely went with the "less is more" approach. actually, it was more of a "what can we do that would be even less than less?" approach.
the event started off at 3 pm. three!! it included four different games of tossing things through holes in plywood cutouts. and how do you reward 50 some-odd scouts for tossing things through holes in plywood cutouts? give them CANDY!!
after the candy, though, walk them through a buffet line with a dessert to dinner ratio of approximately 14:1. and after they eat, since they've depleted your candy supplies and are no longer interested in tossing things through holes in plywood cutouts, let them run around outside, unsupervised, in a construction site, for 45 minutes, where they will quickly divide into *friendly* pack wars.
and then? then, let's get serious about some awards. because they won't be silly enough at that point. we really should ask them to stand still and soak in the importance of scouting!
before jack and his denmates received their tiger badges, they were handed a cup of *tiger blood* to drink as their initiation. you can see that jack was totally excited about the prospect of drinking *tiger blood*.

he was so relieved to hear the *tiger blood* was thinned out with pink lemonade!

they have this very cool tradition of pinning the new badge on upside down. once the scout has "done a good deed" he can turn it right side up (so mom can sew it on!)

here is the new tiger and his proud akela!

is anyone surprised by this reaction from a 16 1/2 year old forced to spend four and a half hours of a saturday with the cub scouts?!?

i do not mean to begrudge the organizer. i'm sure it was a ton of work to supervise the parents of 50 cubs, thereby assuring we had enough brownies and Mello Yello. i'm just thinking that, with approximately 11 more years of scouting ahead of us, i fear i'm going to have to get a little more involved. and with at least 4 more Blue & Gold Banquets in the mix, i am now accepting all of your (kelly's!) ideas!!
wow that was Quite the event. ahhh scouting. good idea getting involved. and way to go even going. i missed ours. my husband was out of town and i wasn't dragging 5 spares along to one scouts event. and our theme was Chinese new year too.
but your little tiger cub looked thrilled. and that's what matters.
I feel Taylor's pain. Wednesday will be my 5th B&G, one more year to go! I have no ideas Lelly, just pure adoration for anyone who willingly goes forth. And an online newsletter Baloo's Bugle (google that).
Oh wait, more advice. Never, never, never, ever, ever, ever sew those patches on. The scout shop sells a product called Badge Magic. Live it, love it! Don't give me that "I know how to sew and it will save me $4 baloney either." Badge Magic, worth $400!
badge magic. it makes me feel all tingly inside...
first off, i need some badge magic. is this a trade secret for boy scouts only?? my GS store doesn't sell it. Where can i find this magic? (my hot glue gun did the trick for our court of awards but seems to be "peeling" at this point. oy...
and i had to laugh b/c yes, you will get involved...or just "accept" mello yello and brownies. (speaking as a GS leader and another troop coming next year...)
I was going to say that the sewing on the badge is the good deed. Whew!
We had our Blue and Gold banquet this week too and freakily ours was Chinese New Year too...not too blue and gold, but oh well.
I always say that my love for my son is never tested more than at pack meeting. Truly. Loved your synopsis!
I was called to be in Cub Scouts for the first 3 years in my first married ward (church unit). I was immediately stunned (assaulted?!) by the silliness that reigns at pack meetings. But as I got to know the boys, I did begin to love (appreciate?) it. I'm sure I have many scouting years ahead with my boys.
I have absolutely no scouting experience of any kind, so this is quite an eye opener.
I loved the pre-Tiger blood photo!
There's nothing quite like cub scouting. Thank heavens. LOL!
Our blue and gold is this Wednesday. Lucky that ours is only 1.5 hours though. I learned from Kelly too that magic badge is the way to go. Man I should have seeked her wisdom sooner! At least you only have one boy right? I have 3. Yikes :)
All things to look forward to. Thanks:)
I got a good laugh at the brownie/mellow yellow comment. You crack me up.
The picture of the 16 1/2 year old is priceless...are you claiming her as yours...or was she an unwilling participant from another family?
4 1/2 hours!!! INSANITY - you can't be serious...
Really this post has me more and more frighten for all the future scouting down my road with 3 boys!
I'm always torn about getting involved. Do I want to endure and walk away or add one more thing to my plate and be forever committed? Because you know once you show interest they will never let you go!
Our Blue and Gold is Wednesday Night. I really don't look forward to them, however ours usually are only 1 and a half hours. 4 and 1/2 hours is really to long. I have a Webelo and I have never sewn on a patch. I bought badge magic yesterday and I am going to get both of my older boys bages on today!!! I have three boys so I have years of scouts in front of me.
Why in the world did it last so long?? Our first Blue and Gold Banquet is tomorrow night and I'm NOT excited about it. I will have to take comfort in knowing it won't be 4.5 hours long! I know the people in charge of it (it's run through our church) and they're super organized. I still don't like going to scout activities, but oh well.
Our Blue and Gold is tonight, also with a Chinese New Year theme. But I'm taking comfort in knowing it will only last 1 1/2 hours! As a mom, I don't enjoy these Scouting events, but I know my boys do. Give thanks you only have one son to endure it with!
ok, badge magic is fantastic, i LOVE LOVE LOVE the stuff, seriously, go pick some up. today. blue and gold is not supposed to last 4 hours, no wonder it was hell. 1.5 hours at the most. pack meetings are horrible no matter how long and how "dressed up" but the b&g seems to always be the toughest. i have been the webelos leader now for over a year and i still hate pack meeting even though i love the boys. oh and by the way, it's not a coincidence that we all had a chinese new year theme. it's the same theme for everyone because it's selected by the national BSA/CSA council and printed the current year's book. fyi. be glad you have only one boy. my mother in law had SIX, she deserves to go to heaven just for the pack meeting credit alone!
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