Showing posts with label Oldhammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oldhammer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Dark Elves

Hello again,
it's been a little about a year since I postet something here. What can I say? My family keeps me busy. We moved into a bigger flat and my mancave shrinked even more and is now in the cellar. Nevertheless I managed to get some projects started like a gaming board, several GW scenery sets and a Warband for some Mordheim/Realm of Chaos games. (We use the Mordheim core rules with some minor tweaks and some self written Warband Books based on the RoC books and several other old Warhammer books) These three Dark Elves had to be done for my Warband since I rolled them and had none to date. I know they're not Oldhammer but I don't have any Oldhammer Dark Elves so they have to do the trick.

Monday, March 13, 2017


It's been about half a year now and well it's been a hell of a ride. Nearly had no time to paint due to the pregnancy of my wife and then I had to give up my loved Mancave for the little ones room. You have to do sacrifices. So now most of my stuff is packed away in boxes and since end of december the little one eats up most of our time. Having a awesome little family my wife left me with a small foldable camping table that I managed to use last week to paint this fellow.

Friday, September 16, 2016


I finally managed to get something painted again. Something very easy but better than nothing. Managed to grab this guy on ebay for about 4€. I like the Nosferatu style.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Bloodletters of Khorne

It took me some time to get those buggers done but here they are ready to let the blood spill.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

New Lead - Episode 11

Managed to grab this great Beastman sculpt for 4,55€. Great Mini. Reminds me a little of Bebop from the Turtles.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Chaos Thug No.9

So after all hose colourful guys I decided that I should do a more grim guy. He just has his old rusty metal armour. Maybe a little too plain but I'm okay with him. I didn't find a name on him so he's just number 9.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

New Lead - Episode 10

And another Champion of Tzeentch. This one also was 7,50€. Love this one.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016


This guy was sitting on my painting desk for ages. I was uncertain on how I paint him up since I wanted to do the model justice.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

New Lead - Episode 9

Managed to grab my first Champion of Slaanesh for 7,50€. Not that cheap but OK.


Monday, February 29, 2016

Reaper of Nurgle

Is anyone out there that knows the name of this Champion? I have no clue and my Google-Fu wasn't strong enough to beat this task.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

New Lead - Episode 8

So a Lord of Change came to me for 11,50€. So now only two more Greater Daemons to go.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Lead - Episode 7

Snatched a Keeper of Secrets for 15€. Again quite a good deal. Lurking pays.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Beastman No.9

And here's the Beastman that I wanted to paint those 6 months ago but instead did the Minotaur. Looks like a little Minotaur with that head.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Lead - Episode 6

I managed to catch some Bloodletters for a reasonable price. All eight for 20€. Quite nice.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Second Minotaur

After a hiatus of 6 months I finally painted another model. My second Minotaur.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

First Minotaur

I know I said I'll be doing Beastmen next but a Minotaur is just a big Beastman isn't it? I just had to paint this guy.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Some scenery

Over the last few weeks I built some small scenery bits and pieces for my Realm of Chaos games. We used some of the following in unfinished state and now they look pretty good on the board that doesn't exist. yet. So yes I'm making plans for a board. It's not going to be used a lot but who cares? We wan't to build things. Onto the pics. First is the Blood  Pool. Beastman Bob for scale and show purposes.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

New Lead - Episode 5

Another bargain. The two Minotaurs for 6€. Together! The Champion on the right isn't really Oldhammer since he's from the mid 90s but he has a certain Oldhammer feeling and I like him.
