
I'm Laura. Wow. It's odd to type my name. Since I write in first person, I don't see my name very often. For awhile, I didn't know I had a name. Being a twin, people sometimes don't try to figure out who is who. (I'm guilty of this with other twins, too, and just as intimidated to figure them out!) As a mom, I'm talked to through and because of my son. Yes, he's adorable. Yes, his hair has a dandelion quality to it. I truly don't mind it. I rather enjoy the fact that I can now strike up conversations with complete strangers because of him. Seriously. When he grows up, I'm going to have to get a dog to have this same approachability.

Other things you should know about me...

  • I am married to the punniest, most giving, most self-less, detail-oriented man who complements me well. We enjoy road tripping, having family game nights (yeah, just the two of us right now), and watching "Modern Family," "Up All Night," and "Seinfeld" together. 
  • I taught middle school language arts for six years. I believe that all of my gifts and abilities were used when I taught pre-teens. I could be creative and goofy. I could have control and plan things. I could have confidence (you've got to with middle schoolers!). 
  • I am on a journey of motherhood. It has been difficult for me. I have struggled with the transition from working outside the home to being a stay-at-home mom. I am blessed to have this opportunity, but, like any career, I know it will take work and time to become something that I feel I do well. I am a work in progress.
  • I love Jesus. I am a work in progress here, too. As I should be! With all of my struggles, I continue to try to find my identity in Jesus alone. 
That's my attempt at trying to write about myself...

Oh GOODNESS, I just realized I wrote this in the style I tell ALL my students NOT to write in! Don't start with "Hi, my name is..."! Don't just make a list! Don't end with stating the obvious! Good grief. 

I'll fix it later.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Um, I LOVE this. Love YOU!