STATS: 26 pounds, really tall, 18 month clothing
EATING: Eating is about the same - you eat three meals a day and sometimes an afternoon snack. We offer you milk at every meal and water in the afternoon. If you ever finish your milk, you get water. We make sure to give you veggies first so you'll eat them! Your favorite is still asparagus. You pretty much eat what we eat most of the time. We have even given you some spicy curry like in Mommy's Lentil Soup. You sometimes like spicy things...and then sometimes eat them and yell at us. Ha! Let's just say you drink a lot of water and milk at those times.
SLEEPING: You sleep about 11 1/2 hours each night. On the days we are home and don't have activities, you take two naps (or try to...these have been a challenge recently). On days we are out and about, you take one nap. Total nap time equals about 2 1/2 hours.
NEW THINGS: You are a walker!!! You now officially want to walk more than crawl. Crawling is still your go-to, but in the past two weeks, you have become more brave with walking. You get a look of determination on your face and go for it!
You have some new signs (and you LOVE the "Baby Signing Time" video and ask for it all the time...and throw fits when Mommy "redirects" you...): "signing," "drink," and occasionally some of the animal names.
You say some new things: "down," "mama" (more than "Laura" or "Rara"...much to your extended family's chagrin), "please" (I've heard it just a couple times), "bye-bye"
You can blow your nose (only on your terms). This month, the weather has changed a bit, and we've noticed that you have your Daddy's seasonal allergies. Yay. At the beginning of the month, your cough remained and became dry during the night. You would have these coughing fits every night. I started you back on some old Albuterol that we had from last year when you had RSV until I could get you to the doctor. We switched you to a Pediatrician (duh) and he asked if you had any eczema. Well, you do have patches on your legs! He said that eczema and asthma run in the same circles. So now, we have you on steroid cream and steroid breathing treatments (which are milder than albuterol). We have some non-expired albuterol for emergencies. Once we started you on this, you got much better. Your allergies came back once the weather warmed up again, but you're no longer waking us up in the night with your coughing. Yay!
You are starting to learn how to use a fork. You always want to help Mommy with this. Sometimes she helps you get food on the fork, and you pick it up and feed yourself. Next skill: drinking from a cup!
When you are riding with Mommy in the car, and she says, "I love you," You will find her face in the rearview mirror from your mirror and give a kiss! It's so precious.
You wave bye bye (and say it!) to everyone now. You are also very free with blowing kisses.
You have had some separation anxiety lately with Mommy when she goes to Ladies' Bible Class or MOPS.
For Mommy's reference, here's your schedule:
7am wake, breathing treatment & books, brush teeth, breakfast, independent playtime, playing or walking/running with Mommy
9:30am nap...ish
10:45-11:00am wake & play
12:00pm lunch, possibly an errand
1:00pm nap
3:00ish wake & play...maybe a snack, depending on how much you ate for lunch and how late you slept
5:30-6:00pm dinner
7:00pm Daddy-duty - maybe a bath, books, pjs, bedtime at 7:30
You are more and more like a little boy instead of a baby each day. You always surprise us with the things you know and are learning. You are so cheerful and most of the time are very flexible and good natured. You eat very well, too. You have good table manners and are learning how to use a fork...kind of. We love you so much.
Mommy and Daddy
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