Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It's no secret that I'm a blogging slacker, but I saw this done on my cousins blog and thought it would be a good way to make-up for lost time. 2010 was a crazy year for our family. The following is a very brief synopsis of the years happenings.


Ben was able to travel to New Jersey for Grandy's 90Th birthday festivities. He enjoyed the family and the sea food immensely.

Iris was blessed.

Simeon turns 2 years old.
And... We can't forget 'Mustache March' at UOP.
We visited Muir Woods.

Simeon had his tonsils and adenoids taken out.

JUNE (big month)
Haven turns 6.
I was one of Ben's boards patients (damn that rubber dam).

Hiked Mt. Tamalpais with Dan-Dann and Grammie.

Ben Graduated!!!

We moved to a house with a backyard. Simeon immediately began terrorizing the neighbors.
Swam our brains out at Grandparents houses (too many pictures to choose from). Picked blackberries and peaches galore (yummy). Ben started working as a dentist.
Went to a short and wet John Family Reunion. The kiddos caught salamanders literally the whole time.

Ben and I celebrated our 11 years of marriage while Dan-Dann watched the wee ones.

Elias turned 8 years old.
Iris turns 1.

Elias becomes a Cub Scout.
And...He gets baptized.

We went hiking up in Chico with Grammie.
We enjoyed a quiet and relaxed Christmas at home with our awesome Christmas tree.


Romney Family said...

What a great year for you guys!!! Loved seeing the pictures. Oh how we miss the Counihans. The kids are growing so fast!!! Can you believe Elias and Alyssa are eight. It seems like yesterday we were on Anne cirlce and they were 3 and 4 and runnning around wild with Milo.

John and Juli said...

awww...I love you guys! mustache march pics are my favs!!!

doug and becky said...

I was just thinking a few days ago that you guys were way overdue for an update. Mahalo. And I can't believe you've been married 11 years. Amazing. And how cute those kids are. Are you ever coming out here to visit us? Miss you guys and hope that everything is going great. LOVED the picture of you in the dentist chair!

Kera said...

what a great idea. i feel totally caught up. :) the picture of Iris with her birthday cake is darling!

Darla said...

Ladona, I don't read your blog much, but sometimes I just have to check in on your cute kids and awesome decorating style. That bottom pic, with the piano and Christmas tree, did you paint your piano?? I love my piano, but it needs either a complete sanding and staining, or maybe some paint. Scary thought, though! Advice (if and only if/when you have the time). Thanks!!