Monday, December 6, 2010

We started a new family tradition this year. Ben found out from a lady at work that you could get a permit for $10 and chop down a Christmas tree in Plumas National Forest which is about 1 1/2 hours away. The Counihan's were way past due for a family adventure so we gathered our snow duds and headed off. An adventure is exactly what he had.

The only reason we were able to pull this off was because Ben was a complete champ. He was going to see this adventure to the very end with the best of spirits.

I'm to tired to recount all the happenings of this outing. However, let me just say that it involved knee deep snow, Simeon losing one of his boots, soggy socks, getting yelled at by a sheriff, driving up and down the mountain 9-10 times trying to find the perfect spot, and several bathroom emergencies.

However, Ben still managed to find the most amazing tree ever, chop it down, and drag it all the way back to the car in knee deep snow.
Even though it doesn't look like it the kids had a blast in the snow. I asked them if knowing how cold they would get, they would want to get a tree like this again next year. They yelled a big YES!

Even after the craziness of the day we still managed to get the tree up and decorated. I'm obsessed with our $10 tree.


Amanda said...

What an adventure. We have had many like this :) I LOVE the 4th picture...classic, but it sounds like it was worth it. Your tree is beautiful!

John and Juli said...

Ladonna! you are alive. oh how i've missed you. Your tree is so cute, and is that a piano i see back there. you didn't have that right? That sounds like my kind of fun, hope you guys are doing great and I need you new address!!!! email it to me! love you guys!!!!!!

Cyndi said...

I love haven in the "after" picture! Classic. We miss you guys! Love you!

lindsay said...

Justin and I chopped down our Christmas tree in Oregon the past 2 years....this year I happily went over to Home Depot and paid $24 for my tree with lots of branches.

Romney Family said...

HOw fun!! we got lucky this year and didn't have to drag ours in knee deep snow and we only spent 15 dollars on it and it is a real tree. I can't believe how big your kids are getting!!

Kaisa Bailey said...

Your kids are going to remember this trip differently than you and Ben! Cute tree, and Simeon is GIGANTIC as usual....I'm sure he made it a real adventure (:!

linden hansen said...

We are missing u like crazy around here ..... so glad u updated your blog :)

Jenny said...

Love your tree Legs. I'm missing you a lot. We need to catch-up.

The Teagan Times said...

Wow what an amazing tradition and an awesome tree.