Friday, August 22, 2008

Simster Update

I love all of the different stages of my babies, some more then others. The 4-6 month stage however, is my absolute favorite. Simeon is smack dab in the middle of this delicious stage and I am loving every minute of it. Some milestones for Simeon are: He plays with his toes, he yells and shrieks just to hear himself, he laughs, he rolls over both ways, he puts everything in his mouth, he is sleeping from 8 pm- 3am most nights, he spits up like a champ, he can hold toys and play with them, and he is increasingly obsessed with his daily dose of rice cereal, SURPRISE! At Simeon's 4 month check-up he weighed in at 19 lbs. and he has the rolls to prove it.
Simeon has a willing smile and loves to interact with just about anyone, especially Dad.
Introducing Elias #2 and x2 (Elias was big, but not that big)
My little Sims is definitely the 3rd child. "Oh Mom can't get to me right now. I guess I'll just go to sleep right here".
When Simeon smiles it's as if you can see into his soul. This is probably my favorite 'Simeon feature'.

I couldn't be more pleased with my sweet, easy going, happy little guy. I look at him and wonder how we ever functioned without him.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

oh my goodness! he is just a little Elias! what a fun little guy, I wish I could squish him.