Friday, August 22, 2008

Monterey Bay Aquarium

At the end of Ben's Summer break we went as a little family to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The kids are all about marine animals right now, especially sharks and whales. They of course enjoyed it. We saw many different kinds of sharks including hammerheads and white tips. There were sting rays, a giant octopus, giant tuna, jellyfish, sun fish, sea otters and many other amazing things. The aquarium also had a tide pool section where we were able to touch different sea creatures. I had this fabulous idea to take Simeon in the stroller instead of our usual tactic of putting the giant in a baby backpack. Well Mr. Sims wanted nothing to do with the stroller so my bag had a lovely ride in the stroller while Ben and I traded bearing the weight of our chubby cherub. All in all we had a good time. Afterwards we went to a cute little greek restaurant where Haven and Elias overdosed on hummus and pita bread, Simeon drooled, and Ben and I had Falafel and Gryro sandwiches. Was the Monterey Bay Aquarium worth it? Absolutely, however next time I will go on the off season when there aren't so many people.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I grew up near that place and I still love going to it. Next time you want to go, just let me know and you can use a couple of my parent's guest passes.