Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Baby update!! Big news!! =)

*Post created on 6/28/10*

(This is old news, I'm going to try and get caught up)

First of all I'm pretty sure I get the suckiest Blogger award!! It's been a year and a half wow..

I wanted to update all our family and friends on the Baby progress. It's kind of a long story so I thought it would be easiest to blog so I could tell you the whole story..

The big news is!!!! I am being induced on July 9th!!!! She will be here 3 weeks early!! YAY!! I'm so excited to meet her!!

The reason they are starting me so early is because they found that I have something called Cholestasis. The short quick explanation is my bile isn't getting form my liver to my gallbladder, so the bile spills into the blood. The bile in the blood can cross through the placenta and cause a stillborn. They aren't really to sure what causes it. They thing it is from the high hormone levels and it can be hereditary.

I have been so scared, freaked out nervous and excited at the same time. It's so hard not to worry especially knowing there is a chance it can harm the baby. Kyle gave me a blessing which has helped comfort me sooo much...

The crazy part is the only symptom that is even noticed is itching . They never would have know I had it if I wouldn't have asked about my horrible itching I was having all over my body. Mostly on my feet and hands, I itched through out the day, but, at night it was intolerable. I would ask Kyle something different every night. Do you think we have flees by we I meant I. Kyle didn't Itch and we hadn't really been around any dogs. He said maybe you need to shower more.. I told him to watch it, I shower plenty! hehe.. When I asked my dr about the itching she looked at my skin for a rash. I didn't have a rash or anything so she had me go to the lab to get my blood drawn. she called me a couple days later, sure enough there was bile in my blood. She called in a prescription that has helped the itching a lot and is suppose to wash some of the bile out of the blood to protect the baby. Thank goodness!!

This pregnancy has been one thing after another.. But as long as she gets here healthy and happy that's really all I care about.

Here are some pictures to show my pregnacy.. =)


Stacy and Justin said...

Love all of your pregnancy pictures, you look so cute. You did great at documenting all of the stages!!!

Marci Jolley said...

Hahaha. I am sure that you thought you might have flees. You are funny. I don't never check blogs anymore so this is the first time I saw your post. You looked so cute pregnant. Can't wait to see you and Brynlee again.