August 4, 2011


Jack and balloons
So there are two things that Jack is obssesed with....1 his bat a baseball, and 2 BALLOONS! Its so funny, he goes crazy when he sees them, and then we can not leave until he gets one. Just a couple of days ago we were at our neighbors for a little birthday party and jack hordded all the balloons and then hid behind the presents so no one would take them away from him. Love it...all the balloons stay with him until they are fully dead.

Brecke's 3rd b day
Brecke had a pretty fun filled Birthday this year, she got so many fun presents from her friends and family. Nana made a special trip down to spend her birthday with her. We had our fun neighbor friends over for a minute for a fun pinata and then off to dinner with Brother, dad, mom and nana, and then Little Mermaid....just the GIRLS! We had so much fun Brecke loved all the candy from the pinata and espically all her presents.....she was pretty spoiled. She loved her new big girl bike especially!! oh and of course her year supply of Otter pops from Kenny, Lisa, and Jas. (That made my day..NOT) And since Brecke didn't like when the restrant sang to her or wanted her to ride the sattle, Jack did instead:)

Brecke's 3rd b day

Panguich Lake
Oh man what a trip we had this year!!! Let just say things did not go as planned, but all in all what didn't go planned was great. Health and emotions got to us this year but we made the best out of it and more then anything the cousins had so much fun running around. We got to stay in grandma and grandpa's trailer this year, and it made us want to get one so bad. We also decided to bring Dixie this year and try to make her feel like part of the family again. She loved laying around the camp fire and sure did make herself comfortable. Jack loved running around and just being a PURE BOY. That little guy loves to run, get dirty, and do anything that wears you out. We of course celebrated Brecke's 3rd birthday along with Maddies 8th and Lindseys masters graduation!!! lots of fun events. Brecke loved that her wish to have a blue cake with Cinderella came true. When I was getting it ready to take over to the cabin she walked in and saw it and gaspped! It was so sweet, she said,"Mom that is so beautiful, I love it". My heart melted. the late night of making four red cakes paid off in that moment.
Brecke loved when everyone sang to her and LOVED opening presents, at one point she had the expression of...."Thats it" but it wasnt cause she wanted more, she just really likes opening presents! Oh and blowing out the candle!
brecke's b day in parawon

brecke and makeup
Do I need to say more! This is a daily occurance at our household right now! She really is pretty good at it too. She is very particular and wont let anyone tell her how its done. Not sure I want to say I love this because its not to fun cleaning up after it.

Scarlett and Brecke
s and b

1st day of preschool
Brecke is so funny, and this picture cracks me up! she is seriously so thrilled to be holding that bag and to be going to pre-school, but boy oh boy did it change when we got there! As you can see she is doing what she does best when she gets around people shes not sure about. There is a warm up period with Brecke and for all of you that know her well you know this drill!!! Love that Scarlett is always the good example to her:) And lets not forget to talk about school shopping this year... A. it was so fun to actually go school shopping for the first time, but B. Brecke knows excatly what she wants. It was all about the T-shirts, pants and TOMS this year. The best part about it is she literally picked it all out. I thought I was going to be fighting with her over the glittery schetchers that every kid loves and the not so cute princess type stuff and she wanted nothing but the simple TOMS and T's. I loved it to a point, but still wish I could dress her up all fun. Oh well Ill take what I have cause shes priceless!!!

My Princess Charming
Jacks 1st b day
It's almost sad to admitt this but if their was a boy out there that could possible replace the man of my dream a.k.a Kyle, Jack would be the man!!! I dont know how I'm going to be able to watch this little man grow and then get married one day. I feel really bad for his wife!
Jack steals my heart everyday. He still loves on me and cuddles to a point of wanting to eat him alive. There really isn't one thing about thats not to love! espically his eye's. Watch out girls.

Our 1st Family Vacation
So we decided that the kids were a little to young to have attempted Sea World! It was fun but a little much for them. They lasted about 5 minutes during every show. But they loved the play ground and rides so at least we got our moneys worth just out of the fun park.
Day 2 we went to the beach and the weather was horrible. It was overcast and a little windy. Kyle tried going into the ocean a couple times but didn't last long. He took Jack in once too and Jack wanted no part of it!!! Jack unlike Brecke her first time on the beach loved it but thought it was a fun idea to eat it. He really didn't like when it got in his eyes though.
Last stop was San Diego Zoo, this was a little much too. No shows was nicer to not feel bad that the kids could handle them but they still didn't care to much about the animals. Fun for me and Kyle though!!! Overall we had so much fun with the kids. This was our first little family trip we attempted with the kids. We just may have to wait a little longer for Disney Land!!!

My first Half Marathon!!!!!
So for some reason I got a bug into me to possibly attempt the Marathon that comes to St. George every October. I started training the end of May and found out I missed the dead line for the St. George residents :( So the first of August I decided to fun a half instead. Not sure that turning around and running it again would have been fun! I trained with a fun friend from the gym and was able to gain another awesome friend!! We got 1:56 and was so happy to be under 2 hours:) Great memories...... Espically where we stayed. The soonest and closest one was in Parawon and BOY oh BOY was a MOTEL, yes MOTEL awesome!!! There are only a few options in this really cool city so the MOTEL it was. The lovely tile carpet was my favorite especially becuase every square had a design of itself. Not sure I have ever stayed anywhere more sketchy in my life!!!! Oh and lets not forget the awesome event itself,.... we got really cool shirts and handkerchiefs, and the running expo before was out of this world! Can you tell it was a really fun experience. At least I had the best running buddy ever!

Brecke and Jack

Getting so big!
Oh I can't get enough of this little man! He is getting so big and has such a fun personality. It's so crazy how much Jack is like Kyle and Brecke is like me. Jack is so clam for the most part and so funny with his gestures. He loves concurring anything he sees that looks fun. He just started going down the slide all by himself, which was fun for us to see Brecke do and now Jack can:( I want him to stay little for ever but he's growing up so fast. As you can see jack has a face that melts your heart instantly and his eye's.....Oh man his eye are to die for.

Mini Me's
Brecke and Scarlett had a lot of fun over the summer and continue to be the best of friends. It's so funny to look at these two and see me and Kristi! Brecke is just like me unfortunately....full of life, sassy as can be, and will tell it like it is loud and clear. But boy oh boy is she a lover. Then we have Scarlett that is so reserved and sweet and soft spoken, that gets her way in a very clam and clever way. And man does she have a soft heart for her little Brecke.
Some fun conversations that these two have had........
Brecke: "Scarlett you are not my best friend anymore"
Scarlett: "How come Breckie?"
Brecke: "Becuase your not"
Scarlett: a few minutes later, "Breckie are you happy now?"
Brecke: Just gives her the cold shoulder.
Scarlett: "Tiffy, when is Breckie going to be happy again?"
Brecke: A few minutes later, " You are my best friend now"
Scarlett: Smiles and wiggles with excitement and they both hold each others hands.

Brecke: randomly she will say..." Mommy Scarlett is my best friend"
They are to die for, they talk about all life event.... School, daddies, mommies, family, colors, clothes, fun activities they have done and so so much more. Kristi and I call each other all the time with funny things these two do together.

Round 2 with trying to make the Crossfit Games

regionals 2011

regionals 2011

regionals 2011
This year Kyle made it to Regionals again to try and make the cut for the 2011 Crossfit Games. The year before Kyle made it but was unable to attend with me being due with our little Jack. Well this year there was nothing in the way and man was it pain and glory. It was so fun to watch and see how amazing Kyle really is when is comes to being the fittest but very painful to watch him kill himself all day long. There were some times when I was worried he wasn't going to recover after a WOD and with some reassurance for Kade throughout the whole event and after some time he would come back around ready for the next WOD. I really don't get it, maybe its because I'm such a weak link!!! It was so fun to just be with Kyle and to take care of him and focus on him. That doesn't happen to often at home since we are usually running wild with our two little ones. But I have to admit I was really glad it was over and that I got to have my husband back. He could think of normal life instead of his next training step!!! The event was held in Denver this year and we got to go a couple days before the event even started so we got to have a little vacation before the competition. Kyle of course made me proud and a lot of other people!!! He came in 10th overall but they only take the top two so unfortunately Kyle didn't make it:( I thought this would be it and after the competition after seeing all the H e double hockey sticks he went through and when I asked him if he was crazy enough to do this next year he said YES....He wants to go at it again!!! HE IS CRAZY THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY!!!! I guess if I was as amazing as he is I might like to put myself through 3 days of craziness!!! So proud of my MAN!

Summer Pre-School
Can you believe it my little missy started summer pre-school!! Since Brecke is potty trained she was able to attend a summer pre-school session at Wee Wonders. I figured that Brecke would love it and since she is with a sitter for 3 days out of the week it would be more fun for her to be in 2 days of fun and learning with other kids. Brecke has always been so smart and absorbent to wanting to learn, and of course she loved it. It was a couple days of crying and not sure about it but soon enough she loved going. I was amazed to hear and see how much she learned and the things she would tell me. I must say I was a little said to think It was my first step to being a big girl, but I didn't cry!!!

Nakedness and the hose was the fun event of the summer this year!!
Literally Jack could play in the water for hours and hours on end. Nothing made him more happy this summer then playing out in the yard with the hose.

A day of remembrance
We celebrated our 5 year anniversary this year, can you believe it. I actually can because it seems way longer to me. I feel like maybe it's been like 10 years. That could contribute to the 4 years of dating before hand. What some amazing years I must say. A lot of ups and downs but I wouldn't want to go through them with anyone else. Marriage is a growing process which I find the most amazing. I thought it all came with the "I Do" but boy oh boy do you learn and grow every single day. I have learned so much about myself and Kyle through these 5 years and can't wait to learn more and more. That to me is what has become the most fulfilling part of our years of marriage. I can't express my love for Kyle in the way I feel with words and I wish I could. My love for him is amazing to me in multiple ways. It's crazy how he can drive me absolutely insane one minute and how I can love him so much the next, I guess thats what marriage is all about!!! And can I say I couldn't have picked a better baby maker. I mean our two little ones are to die for, and Im not just having mom googles on cause I get told it A LOT!!!! HA HA but really Kyle made some incredible children with me. And what an incredible father he is to his children. I couldn't probably tell Kyle him enough how great he is with the kids. He could probably learn how to be a little more emotional with Brecke, but lets me honest emotions and Kyle just don't mix!!!:) Thanks for all your love, support and detication to us Kyle, I love you so much!!

My little Fish
To be contiuned........


Jacks 1st b day


jacks 1 year old pictures

jack's 1 year pictures

Easter 2011

Games 2011
El Centro trip 2011

El Centro trip 2011

Jack 6 months



Gym 2011

Jack's 1st hair cut


Hawaii 2011

FHE 2011

brecke 2 1/2Photobucket

Christmas 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010


Halloween 2010

Brooke's wedding

Potty training








Jack's first baby food


