Working together for a living planet

Showing posts with label sneak peek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sneak peek. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2011

sneak peek: AZ

alright it was supposed to be a great and wonderful day today too like the day before. but something came up and it has some complications. i need some time to write about it and surely will share with the people of the blogosphere soon.

to sam, hang-in there. been there, done that. i know how you feel. i am here when you need me... xx

at the meantime here's a sneak peak of anuar zain's performance last night. they simply placed him last, and see all the gediks, poyos, everything LOL! CEO, COO, all can't say anything cuz it was time for us to loosen-up! even Mr E was so sporting to join us at the dance floor *winks*

enjoy the video although its just a very short one―

Monday, November 01, 2010

sneak peek: 'estet' premiere screening

wow... it has been like almost 2 weeks hor? i didn't blog huhuu... well if you follow my twitter you would know of how busy i was for the past weeks~ there were quite a number of events that i attended; and that will be carried on this week too. so now already november, i have told myself that i will make sure to complete all the pending blog post asap...

so as you could see we were in sitiawan on saturday for 'estet' premiere screening. i could rather say a long blog post will be coming out soon. at the meantime i just can't wait to show you people this~


as tweeted earlier i lurve this candid pic! candid pics will normally bring a certain captured event and such alive! see it for yourself and you will know of what i mean. it will of course be added to my many collections of favourite pics. thanks to noozwan wahab for taking this wonderful pic ツ

Sunday, October 03, 2010

sneak peek: yuna's live performance

hey, peeps! i was there at "celebration of amazing skin" by vaseline, a nuffnang community event last night. and as usual when you joined a nuffnang's event i could see all the attendees including myself enjoyed ourself so much. can't say more.

here's a sneak peek of the talented yuna's live performance. i will try my very best to get the pics and blog post out as soon as possible though~