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Showing posts with label deadline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deadline. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Keeping up with the months

In this case I feel the need to say What? It's December already?! When did that happen?

Then comes the panic: I have deadlines! I have Christmas shopping to do! I have baking to do! I have less than 25 days to do all this in!

Then comes reality: Just like every other year there are things that are going by the wayside. Whichever side that happens to be.

  • Christmas cards? Probably not

  • Christmas breads? Well, I'll have cookies. Isn't that enough?

  • Days spent strolling down sidewalks, window shopping? The sad reality is that no matter how I support buying local (which I wholeheartedly do) that, too, may fall to the wayside in favor of online shopping. Luckily, many of those stores also have sites. And I intend to shop there, first!

Good news? I'm motivated to start shopping earlier next year. And this year, I plan to substitute more gifts with more donations. Like to the National Parks Service.

Now about those first Hellfire Club Erotique story is soclose to being done! A good edit and a quick copy edit and it'll be set for publication. Then it's a 50,000 word Regency Ménage Tale tentatively titled Covet. That deadline is New Year's Eve. Gulp.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Actually finished Seduction of a Proper Lady on Sunday. And then I crashed. I don't remember much of Monday & Tuesday, other than the sure, let's edit...yeah right. More like I'll stare at the computer screen and my eyes will cross and then I'll give up and fall back to the couch since 7 pm is entirely too early for bed.

I'm editing it this weekend. Which is when I wanted to start my Flowers in the Tower story, but that'll have to wait until next weekend. The good news on that is: The plot is done! The bad news is that my deadline is August 1.

But since my editor was kind enough to give me some leeway for Seduction, I'm hoping she'll also realize by turning that in mid-July there's no way I can crank out another story in 2 weeks. Nope, my brain will melt for certain.