Monday, November 24, 2008

Jerzi had tonsils out :(

Little Jerzi had to get her tonsils removed on Friday. I was so nervous but she did great! We are in day 3 today and she is still doing pretty well. The Dr. said day 3-7 is the worst but so far so good! She wants to eat but can't decide what she wants so we go through about 4 things each meal. She is such a trooper! Here are some pics of her before and after the surgery, I can't stand that sad face :( it was awful!! The worst part of the entire day was that she got called a boy by 5, that's right 5 different doctors!! She has that awful haircut, then i had to take her earrings out and look at that gown!! It wasn't doing her any favors either!! We were laughing about it at first but then it got annoying!! I finally asked for a pink gown and they didn't have any! She got spoiled rotten with toys, food, and blankets. I think the next boy scout that does a service project needs to make PINK gowns!! Ha ha ha! (so the pictures came up backwards, the first one is when she got home, she had flowers and she LOVED them! The last one is in the waiting room before she went in for surgery)


Mrs. L said...

Oh, that makes me so sad for her. I'm glad it went okay though.

Kyle and Shayla said...

What a tough little girl. I'm glad to here she did good!

Jamie said...

Poor girl, but she was still already to run through the sprinklers on Saturday!! Hopefully she will continue to feel good in the next few days... :)

Becky said...

Your right they need Pink! I am glad it went well!

Netso said...

Oh!!!! Poor baby. Tell her I love her!!!!

Heidi said...

Hey I am hoping that went okay. She is a little trooper. You are a tough mom. I am started to get into this a little more. Erica is showing me the ropes. I have a present for you and I need your address.. Okay have a good day.

Brooke said...

That is so sad, she looks miserable. I hope she is feeling better now.