Monday, November 24, 2008

Clarks revenge!!!

We got our lights up this year a bit early but at least it won't be icy up there! Koy had a fun time helping and even got to get on the roof (Don't tell Grammy)!! So we haven't had them ON yet, just UP. Well after the horid BYU vs Utah game the other night we came home and they were ON. It took us a minute to figure out why, and why some were out. Well when we got out of the car there was 'Go Utes' all over the driveway, which made us realize our lights were only red and white! Ha ha it was a good prank and we were laughing.. for a minute.. until Clark (kurt) realized he was going to have to get up there and fix all of them!! He is out for revenge! He says if anyone out there has info on who did this he will let you off the hook, BUT if he finds out you had any idea and DIDN'T tell him, he's after you too!!! "The only thing worse than messing with my lawn, is messing with my Christmas lights!!!" His exact words!!


Mrs. L said...

That is really good!

Becky said...

So funny, & Sorry I have no idea!

Andrea said...

I am telling your mom Koy was on the roof! Maybe now she will forgive us for losing our BAREFOOTED Half NAKED girls!

Netso said...

Ya, I have no idea who did it, but if I knew I wouldn't tell you anyway!!!In fact if Sky had told me she was going to do it, I would have bought the lights!! HA HA I think it's hilarious!!! Sorry. innocent fun. And you know Kurt would not have been about it if BYU had won. He knows how to torment people better than anyone! You get what you give. I will come help you change them if you need me, but what's wrong with red and white? And ya, aunt netso is not to happy Koy was on the roof either, in fact I'm calling the danger ranger!!!!

Heidi said...

Did you hear someone stole Monique's U sign from her front yard, and put a Y poster on their garage door? People really get into the U vs Y game! Whatever!!!