Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Kids on stairs from bottom to top.. Jex, Hudson, Jerzi, Koy, Boston, Aubree, Tyce. Crew and Rolly are in the other pic where they are all sitting on stairs.

We had a great Thanksgiving this year, as we always do! I love the holidays so much so they are always so great! To start the day out we did the 'annual' turkey run at Ogden Regional. Kurt and Koy went to play football, which is also a tradition, however this is the first year Koy got to go. The little guys played their own game of football!! This year we ate out at Brock and Whitnie's and I serioulsy felt like a celebrity! Her tables were AAmazing! Like the magazines! They did such a great job! We then went to Kurt's mom and dad's and ate again! Yummy! That night we went bowling with my family and Kurt's family. I'm not sure how it got started but every year we bowl with both our families! How great is that? It's alot of fun! I came home for a little nap and went shopping! Some things I am thankful for this year...
*Of course my hubby and kids but here's why..
*For Kurt for being such a great hubby, always putting us first and working so hard so I can stay home and play with the kids every day!
*For him for being such a good 'daddy' to both kids! They both think they are the favorite and honestly I think they both are! He loves them dearly!
*For Koy for being such a big brother and helper while still being my baby boy! He's such a good friend to his sister and he loves us all so much!
*For Jerzi for being such a princess! For being so strong and brave this last week after having her tonsils out. She tries so hard to be a trooper, even when I can tell she is tired and hurting. She loves her big budder and her mommy and daddy!
*For my mom for loving my kids as her own, and that they love her that much in return. For her always helping when we need it, whether it be big or small.
*For my mom, Jolene, Netso and Grandma King for being such good examples to me as I raise my family! For treating my kids like they are priceless, because they are!
*For Grandpa for teaching Koy how to treat others and how to love football!
*For The Bowdens for always treating us as their own and for treating my kids as gems!
*For friends and neighbors who are there whenever I need anything, even if it's just baking goods!
*For our brothers for always including us in everything they do and for loving us. It's nice to be as close as we are to each sibling.
*For the kids cousins, they have sooo many and love each of them! They are blessed to have that many friends that will always be friends!
*For the opportunity to have 2 heathly kids and another on the way, and for the fact that Kurt will be done with school before the other one arrives!
*For diet coke, chocolate pie, pizza, warm fires, christmas lights, jammies, medicine (today it is needed here for poor Jerzi!!), DVR, blogging, christmas movies (elf, christmas vacation, christmas with the kranks, the santa clause), the smell of candles burning, shopping (mostly sales), and for everything else that makes me smile this time of year! I love it!!

Crazy Friday!!

For the past few years my cousin Sunnee and my sister in law Jana and I have braved the day after Thanksgiving sale at Walmart! I'm not sure what came over us that first year to even try it but we did... and now we're hooked! It is so crazy fun! We go about midnight to scope things out and to figure out what we want. We laugh our butts off at the weirdos, including ourselves, we make new friends (some of which we run into year after year!) We drink our diet coke, eat, laugh and have a good time! The past fews years we have had some others join us but they never return? We must be crazy is all I can think! My cute cousin Allie has been the last 2 years and I think she likes it (she may disagree) but she keeps coming back for more! This year we talked Netso, Sky and Kelsi, Sky's friend, into coming and i'm pretty sure they won't be returing anytime soon!! We put them on Cabbage Patch dolls. They literally had to crawl to escape the madness! My station (if you don't know what a 'station' is you don't know what black friday is..) was the $35 7 piece comforter sets! How cute are they?? Jana went for Kitchen Aids, and Sunnee went for Nintendo DS. Yes it's true, I only had one thing to get, well 3 comforter sets but only one stop, and you would DIE at what I brought home! We had 11 different people at 11 different 'stations' helping get everything we needed. A couple we didn't even know, but somehow everyone is friends, until 'GO' time that is, then it's every man for themself! We tried to sneak a few items before opening but man those workers take their jobs serious! We got caught 3 times by the same kid, luckily we didn't get kicked out!! We even had it planned out to get to the front of the line and I was back home in bed by 5:30am!! Sunnee saw some workers actually crying because they got ran over by carts! Ha ha how sad!! For those of you who missed it this year you have 364 days to get ready for next year! It takes strategic planning so we are working on a spreadsheet for next year, thanks to Chase! We did get EVERYTHING we needed and MORE!! Good times! Ha Ha!!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Send your own ElfYourself eCards

BAD BAD picture!!

Could they have found a worse picture of Edward? I admit he wasn't all I had dreamed of but he is MUCH better looking than this! I went to the movie and really liked it alot! He was way cuter than I was thinking, maybe because they keep putting pictures like this out there! Come on people, if it's a bad picture, try again! Don't publish it for everyone to see!! Rude!! I want to know your opinions of the movie. I need to go again, now that I know what to expect..

Read on...

I have posted a few new posts so make sure you read on down and see them all! Especially if you are a UTE fan!!

Jerzi had tonsils out :(

Little Jerzi had to get her tonsils removed on Friday. I was so nervous but she did great! We are in day 3 today and she is still doing pretty well. The Dr. said day 3-7 is the worst but so far so good! She wants to eat but can't decide what she wants so we go through about 4 things each meal. She is such a trooper! Here are some pics of her before and after the surgery, I can't stand that sad face :( it was awful!! The worst part of the entire day was that she got called a boy by 5, that's right 5 different doctors!! She has that awful haircut, then i had to take her earrings out and look at that gown!! It wasn't doing her any favors either!! We were laughing about it at first but then it got annoying!! I finally asked for a pink gown and they didn't have any! She got spoiled rotten with toys, food, and blankets. I think the next boy scout that does a service project needs to make PINK gowns!! Ha ha ha! (so the pictures came up backwards, the first one is when she got home, she had flowers and she LOVED them! The last one is in the waiting room before she went in for surgery)

Clarks revenge!!!

We got our lights up this year a bit early but at least it won't be icy up there! Koy had a fun time helping and even got to get on the roof (Don't tell Grammy)!! So we haven't had them ON yet, just UP. Well after the horid BYU vs Utah game the other night we came home and they were ON. It took us a minute to figure out why, and why some were out. Well when we got out of the car there was 'Go Utes' all over the driveway, which made us realize our lights were only red and white! Ha ha it was a good prank and we were laughing.. for a minute.. until Clark (kurt) realized he was going to have to get up there and fix all of them!! He is out for revenge! He says if anyone out there has info on who did this he will let you off the hook, BUT if he finds out you had any idea and DIDN'T tell him, he's after you too!!! "The only thing worse than messing with my lawn, is messing with my Christmas lights!!!" His exact words!!

The Hazbeenz bowl

Every year my crazy hubby and his pals play in a one day flag football tournament. They get so excited and look forward to it all year long! They have named themselves 'The Hazbeenz' and even have shirts! I didn't get very many good pics this year cause they lost pretty bad, and didn't make it to the last game. The last few years they've made it to the championship game but have yet to come home with a title!! Nelson came home with a few stitches in his eye, but other than that it was an ok day for all! Here are a few pics, I love the cheerleaders, they were so cute!!

Fun on the frontrunner

We took our kids on the frontrunner a couple weekends ago and for those of you who haven't done it you should! They had a blast! We rode to SLC then hoped on tracs(that was a bit scary on a saturday night) and went to the Gateway. We went to the food court, had some dinner and was back on the frontrunner an hour later! It was a fun, inexpensive night of fun!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Craft show

My sister in law Andrea has some things in the Washington Heights Baptist Church craft fair this weekend and they are sooo cute! The church is here in S. Ogden up by the neighborhood Walmart, behind Checker Auto. It is Friday 11-8 and Saturday 11-5. There are 170 vendors so it's a big fun craft show!! Her website is if you want to see her stuff before you go! Call me i'll go too!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

My cute kids!

The kids had their pictures taken at preschool and they turned out soo cute! I love both of them so I had to share. (Jerzi's was before the new cut, it is the last picture of her with hair i think!!) Also, because these kids are so cute, i've decided it would be best if we went private with this blog so if you want to still check us out from time to time, leave me your email in the comments and I will delete it as soon as i read it so it will not be available for others. I've gone back and forth about this for a long time and finally decided to just do it, no reason really, just personal preference! Thanks!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our funny cousin Abby

The other day when Jerzi got out of the tub, she started 'shakin it' singing 'shake your body, shake your body' I said Jerzi what are you doing silly? She says 'Abby taught me!' Ha Ha i am laughing because I can totally see Abby teaching her, what's funnier is I can totally see Andrea teaching Abby!! Another funny Abby moment, we went to Jo's trunk or treat and Abby walks up to Jerzi and says in this disgusted voice 'Why are you batman?' Jerzi says MAD 'I not batman!! I supergirl!!' It was hilarious! I love those 2 little girls, they crack me up!

Halloween 2008

This is the kids with Grandpa Brent.

Now it's come and gone. I'm a bit sad because I must admit, halloween is one of my favorite holidays, along with Valentines. But really I love them all! This year we went to the mall in the day which was fun to go have lunch but as far as the trick or treating, not so great. They had candy in random stores so you had to kind of search because you didn't know where it would be for sure. We then went to Chase and Jana's for the usual chili, donuts and homemade root beer! It was all so YUMMY! Then the dads took the kids out for trick or treat. This year was pretty pleasing! Their neighborhood was a good one for trick or treat! The kids got a lot of GOOD candy and most the neighbors were home! My mom dressed as a vampire (yes she is a twilight fan but wanted to be a werewolf, her work decided on vampires) Chase dressed as Joe Dirte and was seriously HIL-arious! You couldn't look at him without laughing! He wore it to work and won 2nd place! Kurt then dressed as 'Chase-the nerdy accountant' It was pretty funny! I'm glad they got into the spirit because I didn't this year. I was to busy getting kids ready to worry about me. (I won't even get started on the day we had! Too much sugar to early I think!) Anyway, it was a fun day and now we're onto Thanksgiving! Another favorite, especially when I'm pregnant!

O ya, Jerzi turned into 'Super-Cheer-Leader' because she got pom poms, and because Aubree and Emree were both cheerleaders..