Tuesday, August 18, 2009

You know that feeling?

You know that feeling when people tell you that there's something better to come? You even believe it yourself and hope for a brighter day sometime sooner rather than later. Well that's me now. I've literally applied for over 300 jobs and I got bubkis. I'm trying to keep from getting discouraged. I keep thinking I haven't knocked down the right door yet, I'm also thinking that the Reserves are looking better and better now. I'll avoid that as long as I can. Who knows, maybe Obama will pay for me to get my Masters degree?

On a side note, when I get my Masters I will make people call me Master Kammie just for kicks.

So in the mean time I'm getting in touch with my feelings by blogging (in case anyone is keeping track, I have feelings -- Oh boy!). So one of my favorite people in the world gave a talk on hope in one of the last General Confrences. In the talk Dieter Uchtdorf said "Never give in. Never surrender. Never allow despair to overcome your spirit! I'm making that my personal mantra.

This is my personal take on that. I'm nowhere nearly as qualified to speak on the subject as he is but here goes anyway:

My spirit was created by and in the image of God. I am his daughter. I am heir to all the father has. In God and through Christ I find infinite HOPE. My spirit is devine. To despair is to give in. It is to deny me of my inherent nobility, my birthright. To despair would allow the fallen one, even Satan to rob me of my light. To give in is to surrender my spirit and body to the temptations of the devil. I am a daughter of God. I acknoledge him as my father and Christ as my older brother and redeemer. By and through them worlds were created. By and through them I was created to become as they are. Remember this above all! I am of infinite worth.
So hang in there!


  1. I'm thinkin' that you served (your mission) in the right area of the world as a smaller dry run for all of this...plenty of waiting, discouragement & knocking on wrong doors. Just like it did then - eventually the right door WILL open for you, but even knowing that doesn't make the journey easy in the meantime. I love you, Kammie. And don't be a stranger!

  2. Thanks, Holly. I always thought the mission was a nice little sampling of life. Thanks for the encouragement and the gorgeous comment. That's very generous!
