Wednesday, August 5, 2009

None too pleased!

So I got a letter in the mail the other day saying that Experian sent some information to one of my credit card holders and they decided to close my account because

  • The total available credit on satisfactory bankards it too low

  • Balance on one or more bankcards is currently over the credit limit

  • Bankcard balance grew too fast compared to credit limit and time on file

This is freakin' rediculous. None of this is true. I unlike my screw-ball lazy ex take care of my credit and make all of my payments on time. This so doesn't apply to any of the accounts I agreed to take over in the divorce. What the CRAP! So I get the shaft in the divorce and now the numb nuts is ruining my credit.

All this after finding him hiding behind a door in another womans house when her husband wasn't home on the same day of my aunts funeral when I could use some consoling from him he's over at some dirty things house doing God know's what. Seriously, I mean Seriously?! So I smacked him, hey he even said he deserved it. My only regret is that I didn't do it closed fisted. He also text messaged this tramp over 250 times in the course of 5 days most of them in the middle of the night when he told me he couldn't sleep and the rest of them when they were at work together. That tells me one thing and that is that they were saying things that couldn't be said out loud in front of their co-workers.

And who in their right mind takes someone elses wife to a bar when they're both still married. Does anyone else but me think this is totally inappropriate?! They ended up showing up together at the same piano bar that I was at to blow some steam off with some of my girlfriends. Their sad excuse is that she had a fight with her husband at a restaraunt downtown and she called the only person she knew who could pick her up... not her home teacher, not the releif society president, not her visiting teaching partner but my loser husband after the bishop had advised them both to stay away from eachother. Well good thing she and her husband "worked things out" now that she's pregnant. Can you say "Paternity Test"!

I was going to let this go without mention but I think it's worth it. I mean how juicy is that?! These people are sick.

Let me make one thing perfecty clear. I am not trying to make friends with any of my ex's family with this blog! It's better off if none of you read it because at this point in time I have nothing nice to say about any of you!

I keep thinking Blunder (the name has been changed to protect the guilty) will pull his head out and do what is right and what he has told me he would do, but no go. I should have caught on that he wasn't a man of his word. Hell he's barely a man. I know this is the ranting of an angry woman but I think I sure as hell have the right to be.

I tell you forgiveness is hard. Every time I think I'm making a move in the right direction, something else happens that fires me up. At some point in time I will be able to rise above this and see why having to start over again at 31 is a blessing but right now I'm not seeing it. But I keep going.

I know I'll probably have to repent for posting this and it's probably only going to be featured for a limited amount of time before my consience gets to me (see Blunder some of us have them) and I pull it down but for now I'm letting the unbridaled rage speak.

The thing that really burns me in all of this is all the lies. I'm a pretty honest person even when people don't want to hear it. And the fact that he lied to me for about 6 months about loving me just chaps my hide. At least cut me loose so I can find a better man. He wasted my time and ruined my credit in the process. I still would have been hurt had he done it earlier but I wouldn't have ended up being the primary signer on his brand new car and I wouldn't have ended up with the debt from his $2300 road bike that I put on my credit card that I'm still paying on that he gets to keep. He thought he was doing me a favor by "trying to make it to two years". From my end it only looks like he was doing himself the favors by making sure he had everything he wanted before he ditched me. Oh well it should be punishment enough just being him.

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