Wednesday was a sad day in the Cat Blogosphere. Besides Texas, Lucinda and Tybalt's Grandmama's and Grandpapa's woofie went to the Rainbow Bridge. I'll blog about Lucinda tomorrow. I was really hoping that it would be longer before I would need to write this post about Texas. He had been battling lymphoma and doing pretty well, but it got into his nervous system and once that happens, little can be done. He did get to spend lots and lots of great snuggle and cuddle time with his Mom and Dad before it became obvious that he needed to take that last trip to the vet and depart for the Rainbow Bridge. Please give lots of hugs, purrs and kitty kisses to his Mom and Dad, who will miss him terribly.
Texas didn't want to leave Mom and Dad,
But the Bridge was calling, and now we are sad.
Now he's running free
Through woods and through lea,
Leaping for joy and playing like mad.