Showing posts with label Ariel and Nana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ariel and Nana. Show all posts

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ariel and Nana

Here are Ariel and Nana in Dobby's new bed.  Dobby got to spend about a minute in it before Ariel and Nana chased him out of it and claimed it for their own.  Luckily, Dobby has a red cave that he likes better, anyway.  When Dobby's Mom first got an apartment all by herself, she decided that she wanted to adopt a cat or kitten.  She went to the Dumb Friends League and found Ariel.  The people at the shelter wanted to check with Dobby's Mom's landlord to make sure that she could really have a cat in her apartment, so the Mom put a hold on Ariel, who was a kitten at the time, and came back to pick her up when the people called her to say it was all right.  When the Mom got to her apartment and let the kitten out of the carrier, she discovered that it wasn't the kitten she had picked out.  She went back and found out that Ariel and Nana were littermates and someone at the shelter had simply mixed them up.  The Mom decided to take both kittens, so the sisters could stay together.  They have been together ever since and do everything together. Ariel and Nana are pretty calm cats and don't get flustered when Scarlett sniffs their butts.  They didn't even get much upset when Dobby showed up and started stealing their toys.

                                     Ariel and Nana stole Dobby's new bed.
                                     They worked together and planned ahead.
                                               When he was alone,
                                               They made it their own.
                                    Now Dobby uses his red cave instead.