Saturday, October 24, 2009

Look Who's Got Two New Teeth...

Yep, that's right...Logan got his first two teeth in last week. He was really fussy one morning for Eric while I was gone running errands. When I came back we were trying to figure out what was wrong with him; I felt for any teeth and sure enough I felt one and saw another one about to break through. We started giving Tylenol/Motrin around the clock and he never was very fussy - he just woke up several times at night and had to be consoled back to sleep. He also only wanted to eat every 4-5 hours vs. his normal every 3 hour schedule. Then, on Thursday he only would take a morning bottle and was super fussy all day long. I got kind of worried and thought he had an ear infection, but we went to the doctor on Friday and everything looked fine. Since Thursday, he has started to eat more and is much happier. I think we are on the downward slope with these two teeth...Thank Goodness! Now only a few more dozen teeth to get through!He has become quite the drooler with these teeth coming in!He wasn't too happy with us trying to get a close up picture!

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