Showing posts with label Thoroughbred. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoroughbred. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm a Guest Artist!

19"w x 13"h, Watercolour/CP on 100% acid free ragboard.
$250US (shipping included)
This painting comes double matted and shrink-wrapped.

Linda Shantz, a fellow Ontarian and very talented equine/canine artist, completed an awesome 30 day painting project on her blog in November of last year. 'Thirty Horses, Thirty Days' is a wonderful showcase of her small format oil paintings.

(<---That's Linda and Monster, her baby!)

Well, she is at it again, and has marked the month of April for another "Thirty Horses, Thirty Days" project. Because Linda is also currently playing mid-wife to TB broodmares, she does need the occasional day off, and is inviting a guest artist every Monday.

Yours truly was previewed today! My painting "A Word in Your Ear," picks up on Linda's Thoroughbred theme, and is available for purchase; 50% of the sale price will be donated to Linda's "pet" charity, Longrun, an adoption and retirement program for thoroughbred horses. If you are interested please contact me directly.

So surf on over to check out Linda's blog for daily updates and available paintings and her website to view her entire body of work!