Showing posts with label Sheltie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheltie. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2009

Heart and Soul

"Heart and Soul"
6.5" x 8.25" watercolor on paper,
We saw this wonderful pair of shelties during a dog show last summer and my husband quickly snapped a picture of them. I have done them up in watercolour and have titled it "Heart and Soul" which reflects the closeness this pair share, the mirror-like quality of the pose and a symbol (of sorts) that I saw while painting and strengthened it just a bit, so it stayed fairly sutble. Can you see it?

This will go on to the Art Show at the Dog Show, hopefully be juried in, and we'll see what happens after that. It will be for sale at some point. If you are interested, please email me, so I can keep you in mind regarding its availability.

I am still pondering whether or not the second entry will be sent off...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Painting Countdown

Work In Progress: 'Art Show at the Dog Show'

Well, the New Year has certainly started off with a bang!
I got my entry off to the Louisiana State University Animals in Art Show and and finishing up my last entry for the Art Show at the Dog Show. We artists know about the deadlines far in advance, but somehow most of us end up painting as close to the deadline as we can...maybe it spurs on our creative juices??
A peek at one of my entries "in progress" is shown above. I will get a photo of the finished piece taken this weekend and post it then.