Legends once said - Comeback is REAL !

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Hai semuanya, 

Yep, salam sejahtera utk korg. Apakhabar tu ? Semoga sihat senantiasa hendaknya. Stay safe & take care always ya. Lupakan COVID-19 for a while ; as cases gets higher & higher daily (we effing get it). Sorryla geng, bab-bab opening or pembuka bicara ni saya agak out sikit. Haha. Abaikan ya. Well, each story or thoughts yg kita sampaikan ada beginning dia then follows by the middle & the ending, betul tak ? Indeed, tu fakta ! Korg tau la tu semua. Okay, some of you mesti tertanya-tanya siapa saya ? Berapa lama dah terlibat dlm dunia blogging ? *Continue reading*. Tau ke nak berblog bagai ? *Still reading*. Last-last, you ask yourself why am I still here ? Gotcha. Awwwwee terima kasih sudi lepak-lepak at my page. Hihi. So, why now ? As we referring back to the title walaupun a bit melencong but yeah, I’m back for real ! I mean blogging. I know I know, my comeback isn’t as FIRE as others did, but yet here I am. So, I ask all of you just sit back, grab a cup of coffee & relax your mind as am about to singing the lullaby telling the story utk dikongsikan dgn korg semua. Haha.

Fuh, tak sangka panjang juga opening tadi ya. Bolehla buang boring korg ye tak ? Myself included. Haha. So, as you all know my real-real name is Augustine instead of Keyrill Eduardo Willeyhem (biasala nama dunia maya je geng, jgnla marah). Yeah, but still, who ? Pssstttt, korg baru kenal diam dlu saya continue la ni. Okay, I grew up locally from Julau, Sarawak. Hurm, background ni kita tukarla ya, letihla nak intro2 ni. Kahkahkah. To the point jer senang, I started blogging since 2010. Apart by now that’s a decades ago plus extra 1 year. Haha. Time tu saya study di Kolej Vokasional, Batu Lintang Kuching, Sarawak. Throwback by that time I was in form 4, (now higher level dah geng, I mean my age. Teka ar kalau pandai) I met Amir Izzat, student satu kelas. Dia sorg jer blogger masa tu & aktif. So, dia perkenalkan dunia blogging ni kt saya satu-persatu until I decided that one fine day tu terjebak sekali. At first it’s totally a NO for me. Last-last, I find that it’s like a passion or a hobby. Yela, mcm buat diary or daily routine kita. When you have something on your mind, terus buat entry utk diblogkan, nak share dgn blogger lain, betul tak ? Haha. Okay, enough about me back to my friend again. Sampai dia sanggup tolong create or design this template for me; wait-wait, it’s chargeable okeyyy! Berbayar. Haha. Sygnya tak dpt nak letak link blog beliau kat sini sbab guna domain yg mcm rental so have to pay either monthly or yearly. Kalau stop memang lost semua archives semua entry tu. Like that la kot. Tak sure juga. Jadi, sampai skrg mcm ni la my blog hasil tangan beliau. Segak kemas mcm owner dia. Cia cia cia. 

FYI, blogging dahulu nya still sama mcm skrg cuma resources or site utk ubah widgets itu ini dlm page ni mostly dah tak aktif so banyak widget yg lama terpaksa saya delete sbab dah tak function lagi. Banyak juga kenangan belajar ubah template sendiri. Design sendiri, edit HTML (boleh try apply pakar IT tak agaknya ni?) sbab tula wujudnya my 2nd blog. Experiment utk designing. Haha. It’s a pleasure to say blogging is not bad if you love some readings, some ideas, or tips from other blogger which in fact keeping you in touch with them by leaving a comments or link their pages to yours for you to keep notify on their latest updates mcm dkt Facebook, YouTube , Instagram & dll. Dari sini juga saya kenal ramai blogger mostly yg baik2. Serius ! Ada yg dah kenal lama but mostly dah tak aktif (sad face). Sedih geng. Huhu. As we all know, keadaan skrg dah tak sama mcm dulu-dulu. As for now, kita anggap people changed. Some have family. Some maybe losing their loved ones. Some maybe didn’t survive their journey. Others maybe busy with work & so on. And some don’t have time anymore to spend on blogging. Ada la juga yg still aktif mcm idola suatu ketika dahulu iaitu abg Ben Ashaari. Apa-apapun, hopefully things gets better utk dorg semua. You guys too. Kita doa yg baik2 maybe you guys going through the same not just dlm blogging jer. I’ve been there so I know. 

Ohhh, still here ? I’m more than happy to thank you sbab masih nak continue reading my nonsense. Truly, my heart is full. Haha. Okay let’s sambung. Utk FYI korg juga, semua archives or entry yg saya dah publish all gone or saya dah clear kan. Korg of course la nak tahu kan. But whyyy though ? All of hard work, time, ideas, tips and so on gone just like that. Well, this is it. It’s like, when you write something & posted it online but only a kid that understand. Got it ? No ? Fine. I’m not gonna holding back - I just find that my old archives not even worth a shot. Still whyyy ? Arrrggghhh. Okay fine. Bayangkan how was my way of sharing the thoughts back then ? Am too young bruh. I find that it’s cheap, cringey & cliche. It’s true. Yeap, kebenaran tu sakit guys. Hahaha. Ohhh, how I wish I could turn back time kan. So I could study utk gaining more experience on writing, grammar & etc. So utk korg yg masih muda or study tu, pls focus on any task that given to you. Just dont make the same mistakes as I did. Ni berdasarkan experience juga ya. Try la tanya abg or kakak korg. Mesti dorg cakap,”masa sekolah dulu main-main, lepas graduate habis sekolah apa semua, baru menyesal sebab tak bersungguh-sungguh.” Begitula dia. Hihi.

Okayla, banyak pulak bebelan mengarut dikongsikan dgn korg dah. I know you guys tired or maybe boring. I get it. But tak salah ambil sedikit waktu utk korg keluar dari reality kehidupan to get to know someone’s story or thoughts, kan ? Maybe after this, you all dpt motivasi nak juga jadi blogger. Okay, just in case kalau belum ada org bagitau korg, aku share-share la ya yg blogging ni boleh buat duit. Ehhhh ? Biar betul ? Yeap. Mesti korg tak percaya. Meh click link utk buka minda / mindset korg. Bermula dari 0 tidak mengapa guys. Cuba fikirkan, dhla skrg ni kita semua terperap kt rmh tak tahu nak buat apa, kan ? Apa kata buat blog, terpulang la either for personal, bisnes, tips, photography & dll. Ikut kreativiti sendiri. Income pun masuk monthly. Ada juga faedah right ? Yg penting kena jaga tatasusila dlm berbahasa utk penyampaian sesuatu konten tu. Gunakan dgn sebaik mungkin okay jgn salah gunakan blog pula. Naya kalau kena geng. Haha. Alright then, tengok-tengok dah sampai ke penghujungnya. Lain masa kita continue ya. Terima kasih banyak-banyak sebab having some times to read my page. Feel free to follow la ya, jgn risau tak paksa korg. Hihi. Or maybe share with your friends that would be nice too. Again, many-many thank you. I’m sending you guys virtual kisses & hugs. Lol. Stay safe, everyone !

Here have a listen ðŸŽ§ 

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