This client's request was for an image of
Crisis on Infinite Earths if it happened in the 60’s. I TRIED to keep it all serious, but Golden Age Green Lantern slipped by me a bit. (And yes, I know Supergirl’s skirt was blue during this period, but it looks sooooo much better as red.)
Here's the original 1985 cover by George PĂ©rez.
This one might need a bit of explaining...
In February of 1974, the sci-fi movie ZARDOZ was released, starring Sean Connery.
Towards the end of that same year, DC Comics introduced a character named VARTOX in Superman #281. He looked suspiciously similar to Connery’s character. I received a commission request to draw Vartox in a "Curt Swan" style and invoke the feel of the Zardoz movie poster.
The above image is a commission request that came from a person who created his own characters (when he was much younger) and now collects baseball-card size art of them. I asked if I could draw them in a retro "Marvel Value Stamp" style, and happily, he agreed! He also prints indy comics with these characters. If you're curious,
you can see them here.
This one was a birthday present! I tried to write a gag that was occasion appropriate and felt like it came from the 60’s. It's for a collector who routinely commissions Sugar and Spike art for “Issue #100.” The actual S&S series ended at #99. Seems like they could have held on for one more “Special Cancellation Issue!” You can see
ALL his Sugar and Spike commissions here.