Showing posts with label Breaking News ;). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breaking News ;). Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2013

Long Time No Bloggy

Shut The Front Door!!!
I am soooo behind!!
This crazy lady, you see here in the picture, started school!
yep! I took this pic right before I walked into class for the first time...
Since then I have not entirely forgotten about my lil Blog... or my Birdies,
I was just adjusting to my new schedule
and lost a couple more strands of hair along the way ;)

We have been quite busy...
I've got pics to prove it!! 
Bare with me for jumping all over the place with my posts,
but that is how I roll

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Beautiful Baptism Day

It's Great to be 8
 My Beautiful Girl, Kenley, was Baptized and Confirmed 
a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
This took place on Saturday Morning,  December 1st, 2012
 Kenleys' beautiful white Baptism dress
 Here she is in her Baptism jumpsuit...
doesn't she look darling??
 Kenny wanted to take a picture of me and her...
a little blurry but still cute
 Kenley was Baptized by her Cousin Coleman...
He did an amazing job, and couldn't be more proud
He is my oldest sister's Son, and Kenley was "tickled pink"
that Coleman Baptized her
 Her other cousin, Dallin, confirmed Kenley a member of the church
She was so Ecstatic to have her two oldest boy cousin's from each side of 
the family Baptize and Confirm her on her special day
She was all smiles
and beamed of sweet light
 One of her best friends (and future husband;)) Evan, came and hugged
Kenley after all that was done...
Is she Blushing??
 Kenley's Great Grandma Thompson was able to attend her Baptism 
we are greatful she is still with us to do so...
There were so many that came to support Kenley on her special day...
I don't know why I don't have more pictures??
Afterwards, we went back to my Mom's house for refreshments...
Thanks to all those who came this day!!
It "forever" will be in Kenley's Heart
Families can be Together Forever
I am so thankful for that...

I am so proud of your decision to be baptized and confirmed a member
of the church.  You are such a joy to me.
Always singing, and dancing, and drawing...
your little spirit lights up our world...

I love you Kenny Doll

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

BIG News

This Momma is going back to School!!!!
I registered yesterday, and begin in January 2013
I am entering as a second year student, or Sophmore,
and will be done by 2016 with my Bachelors in Psychology...
Then I will have 3 more courses to go, and then get my license 
to be a Social Worker!!
Woooo Hoooo!!!
I am so nervous, yet so Excited!!!
Here's to my Future, and
My Children's Future :)

This makes me HAPPY!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Who's Getting Married?

 My Mom!!!
She has found love again...
After being widowed for almost 9 years, she has found another "Special Someone"
This past May
My Mom had run into an old friend at the Pharmacy... That old friend happens to be 
 DR. Tom Jones OB/GYN
he is a widow as well...

They exchanged numbers... 
and now they have exchange wedding rings!!
They were married, for Time, in the Salt Lake Temple
November 5th, 2012

Congratulations Mom and Tom!!!

He really is such a sweetheart... 
so sweet and kind, and loves my Mom soooo much!!
They are perfect for each other!!
Welcome to the Family

*More pictures to follow

Friday, October 26, 2012

Real Men Wear Pink

 We made it to Primary Children's Orthopedic's
The Surgeon took another round of X-rays and decided no surgery will be necessary!!
He broke his left arm... if it had been his Dominant (Right) Arm they would have done 
surgery forsure... but Dr. Holmes feels confident that this teenage boy is a strong and healthy Lad
so they are casting his arm in a 90 degree angle for 3 weeks
and then they will see how he is healing...
if he heals nicely... they will hit him with rounds and rounds of Physical Therapy...
He doesn't know it yet, but Physical Therapy will be his next "Sport"...
sorry Basketball :(
 The Dr. said his arm will be bruising even more 
as the healing begins with the cast on...
Holy Bruise, Batman!!
 Here is the nurse threatening him: 
to not stick anything down in the cast, to not use the cast as a weapon, no football, basketball, wrestling, or Gym, no jumping on trampolines,  no riding scooters, rollerblades or skateboards.
Most importantly.... DO NOT GET THE CAST WET!!
etc. etc. etc.
 Studly Pink for this Stud Muffin
 So glad he doesn't need surgery
I was the Lucky One who got to sign his cast first :)

Let the Healing Begin!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blue and Gold

Time for the Annual Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet
Fun Cake Decorating contest..
Cake decorating isn't just for girls
Everyone was a winner...
a fork was their prize :)
Grandma's Boy
Kelson's stand in "Dad" for the night...
Kelson's Dad lives an hour away :(
Kelson earned his Bobcat...
It's tradition to hold the scout upside down while
Mother (or Grandma) pins the Bobcat pin on right side up...
When he is flipped right side up again, his pin is now upside down...
He can not flip it right side up until he has done a good deed

Kelson's biggest fans include:
his lil sister and Big Brother

and, of course, yours truly...
his Momma

Monday, May 2, 2011

We Got Him!!!

God Bless America...
May those who lost loved ones on that dreadful day 9/11/01...
may this bring some peace to your hearts...
Bless our Brave Military who fight for us everyday...
I am proud to be an American

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Toothfairy is a Coming to School??

Look what Kenley lost...
Her top two teeth have been loose for a month
Grandma Connie took care of business...
the other one is about ready to come out as well...

Grandma Connie has pulled all 3 of my kids teeth...
Brayden: 3 teeth
Kelson: 2 teeth
Kenley: 1 toof

She has the gentle touch... and gets that little pearly white before you even know it :)
Kenley didn't even flinch!

Kenley didn't want the toothfairy to visit quite yet because she wanted to take it to school to show her teacher... and the tooth is still at school...
She thinks the tooth fairy will come there...
She asked if she could take her pillow, to put the tooth under her pillow at school??
riiiiiiight! good thinkin though!!
anything is possible

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lunch with my Middle

the "Charley"

Today Kelson had his post-op follow up appointment from his hernia operation
He is 100% back to normal and looking good!

Since Kelson missed lunch at school, we decided to go to
The Old Spaghetti Factory at Trolley Square Mall...
We had so much fun... He liked the 'Charley' best (couldn't say Trolley)
I explained to him that the building we were in was where all
the old Trolley's used to sleep 100 years ago...

Kelson asked: "How did the Charleys get in here?"
"Did you ride the Charleys when you were little?"
"Where are all the Charleys now?"
"Did the Charley turn into a bus?"
"Did policemen drive the Charleys?"
"How fast did Charleys go?"
"Can we go ride a Charley?"

Good food + a little bit of history = the best lunch date a momma could ask for :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Update: Post Surgery

Kelson is such a trooper!!!
His surgery went well, and he is all fixed
He did so good and was so BRAVE
I couldn't ask for a better kid
or experience... Thank you PCMC
you guys are the best!
He's already back to school and back to playing
and gets to participate this Staturday, for Crown Colony Baseball tryouts!
Spring is here and hopefully to stay...
I can smell it

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jumping for Joy

Hip Hip Hooray!!!!
Kelson looks sooooo much better today!!!
He woke up with no angry mean hives or bumps...
the swelling in his hands and feet are gone...
Both of his eyes are back to normal...
and his mouth is back in the right place....
I think he is well enough for Surgery on Monday!!!
not that I am excited for him to have surgery, I just want him to be healthy
and his body to function correctly
Let's get this done already


Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm Still Here

A life changing tragedy happened, this past weekend, in our family... Our sweet and dear friend and brother Officer Matt Jewkes took his life Friday Morning, November 5th, 2010. He was married to my sweet sister Mindy, who passed away 2 years ago unexpectedly.... They have left their only son, my nephew, who is now almost 14. He has so many people who love him and will help him through this difficult time... and for the rest of his life... I love you Mason... I love you Mindy... I love you Matt... May you have found peace and the answers you were desperately seeking for.... RIP Matt and Mindy...

Things I want to post and catch up on when I get the chance and my heart has healed a bit more are:
  • Colts Mitey Mite playoff game
  • Brayden got ordained with the priesthood at church Sunday and graduated primary
  • Kenley's 6th birthday post (November 8)
  • Kenley's 6th birthday Fairy party
  • Matt's Funeral (Maybe??) It was an amazing funeral
  • random thoughts and pictures... blah blah blah fun stuff :)
stay tuned...
