Pawprints On My Heart

Showing posts with label sneak attacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sneak attacks. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

There’s a jealous boy in our town….

Watch as jealousy runs rampant during our latest outdoor photo shoot.

Scotch fence


mancat walk





Oh kitties, there’s enough love and film for you both!  Be nice Stryder.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Scotchy Needs Meme

Hi! Scotchy here. Its my turn to play the Needs Meme. Here's what I came up with (with a little help from my girl). I found 13,500 results and here are my top 10.

Scotchy Needs:

  1. some love too! Isn't that cool!?! The very first thing that appeared was my own blog! It comes from the bottom of the page for all of you who are using a reader thingy. My girl posted a kissing booth down there for all you handsome man cats and silly mommy's who want to show me some love. Go on, ya know you want to.
  2. to know that I did the right thing. Who did the right thing? You? My girl? Well, I'll just have to trust that you did.
  3. a little help now and then. This is so true. But all the wonderful beans and kitties in the Catblogosphere are always there to give a hand when we need it most. Thanks effuryone! You rock!
  4. to do is run the zip line to the top. Zip line? I don't need no stinking zip line! When I climb up on top of the roof on the sun porch I just wait til my girl comes and gets me down. But it would be kinda cool to zip down and surprise attack my stupid brofur Stryder. Ha ha ha! He'll never know what hit him.
  5. to keep me company. Sure! I'll be right over. Where you at?
  6. needs a miracle for 500 Alex. I sure would if I really were on Jeopardy. They are soo smart. I might do better on Wheel of Furtune. I could whap that wheel really good.
  7. to learn to play. Play? There is no learning in play. You just do it. My girl says I need to learn to play nice. Now that on the other paw I could use some lessons.
  8. to think on it some more. Thinking is overrated. Like if I thought about attacking Stryder too long, I might not do it cause I know I will get in trouble, but then life would be sooo boring.
  9. to spend the extra money. Do they mean green papers? I don't have any right now so there aren't any extra to spend. But if there were I'd buy some more party mix kitty treats and feather butt toys.
  10. to settle down before she gets tasered. That doesn't sound too good! Ok, I'm settling! Back away from the kitty.

Well that was purrty fun. I'm glad it was my turn to play. I think Sugar is gonna play next. She needs to play, she is so uptight. Whenever I try to get her to play she just growls or whaps me on the head. Sheesh!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Laundry Day

Stryder: Nothing to see here...just your regular laundry pile...EXACTLY how you left it Meowmy.Kellykat: Hmmm...somthing tells me that's not really true. Let's take a closer look. Uh, what's that white thing mixed in with my darks?

Stryder: Nothing. Nope, nothing to see here, go about your business. Your eyes must be playing tricks on you.

Kellykat: Stryder! You silly kitty. Your not laundry. You don't want to get washed now do you? You wouldn't like it.

Stryder: Darn it Meowmy! You ruined it! I was waiting for the Scotchy Monster to jump up on my bed. I was gonna put the bitey on her. Ah well...back to the drawing board.