Pawprints On My Heart

Showing posts with label Dorks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dorks. Show all posts

Monday, November 10, 2008

King Stryder

I know this may look a little feminine but my Meowmy assured me that this is truly my Mancat crown. I like all the sparkles, don't you?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Winners Are Posted!

No, these aren't the winners but it's Halloween so we wanted to wear our costumes one last time!
Don't we look great!?!
Ha ha! Sugar looks so funny!

Holmes already started his trick or treating! He's got a nip nanner and som Party Mix.

Even Meowmy got in on the act!

Winners of the Halloween Floof Costume Contest are now posted. Be sure to stop by and see if your favorite won. Have a Safe & Happy Halloween!

Friday, September 12, 2008

How Could She Do This To Me?

I can't believe my Meowmy. Its bad enough that I only got ONE post all to myself this week, now she's gone and done this!

You all will have to excuse me while I go have some whaps, uh I mean, words with her.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Light Brown Sugar

Scotchy had a makeover yesterday over on Floof and Fur so I thought it only right that I get one too. I'm going for a Scandinavian look here. I can almost feel that crisp mountain air blowing thru my long curly furs. Try out a new look for yourself here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mancat Monday Fill In

Being the gracious Gentle Mancat that I am, I decided to let my mom post today. Since she was nice enough to spend some time with me on Sunday I figured it was the least I could do. While I'm enjoying my feathers, check out her addition to the Needs Meme.
Sugar Needs:
  1. a drummer. A drummer? I must be in a band. Better get to practicing my keyboards and vocals. Maybe Kellykat can help me out with this, she's very musical.
  2. release from control. Amen! Leave me alone, I know what I want to do.
  3. more dough! Hmm...wonder if they mean dough like green papers or dough like the stuff around the center of my Temptation treats before they get baked? Either way more would be good.
  4. your help. Well we could always use some help. Uhm, could you help me scratch my lower back...been having some trouble getting the right spot. Ahhh...that's nice. Thanks!
  5. more time to pay debt. So that's why I need more dough. I must still owe money to my nip dealer. I sure wish we could start growing our own around here.
  6. to be controlled all the time. No I don't! I already told you I know what I want to do and I don't need to be told.
  7. build up her own sales force. Well, that would help me to get more dough. And I would be able to pay my debts quicker. Thanks for the tip!
  8. to be a fried egg. What!?! A fried egg? I'll stick with being a cat thank you.
  9. to be refridgerated. I do like to stay cool but I don't want to get in that big old box. I just like to sleep in front of it so I can see what's coming out of it. I might need a taste if it looks good.
  10. to be recognized. True! Its about time I was recognized for the Queen that I am. That darned Scotchy thinks this is her house. Well, its not, its MINE. Recognize!

That was fun. I think thats the most I've had to say on this blog, EVER! It felt good to speak up for a change. I found 37,300,000 hits when I typed in my search for this meme. That's more than the other two got. That proves that I am better than them. Ha! Take that intruders!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Scotchy Needs Meme

Hi! Scotchy here. Its my turn to play the Needs Meme. Here's what I came up with (with a little help from my girl). I found 13,500 results and here are my top 10.

Scotchy Needs:

  1. some love too! Isn't that cool!?! The very first thing that appeared was my own blog! It comes from the bottom of the page for all of you who are using a reader thingy. My girl posted a kissing booth down there for all you handsome man cats and silly mommy's who want to show me some love. Go on, ya know you want to.
  2. to know that I did the right thing. Who did the right thing? You? My girl? Well, I'll just have to trust that you did.
  3. a little help now and then. This is so true. But all the wonderful beans and kitties in the Catblogosphere are always there to give a hand when we need it most. Thanks effuryone! You rock!
  4. to do is run the zip line to the top. Zip line? I don't need no stinking zip line! When I climb up on top of the roof on the sun porch I just wait til my girl comes and gets me down. But it would be kinda cool to zip down and surprise attack my stupid brofur Stryder. Ha ha ha! He'll never know what hit him.
  5. to keep me company. Sure! I'll be right over. Where you at?
  6. needs a miracle for 500 Alex. I sure would if I really were on Jeopardy. They are soo smart. I might do better on Wheel of Furtune. I could whap that wheel really good.
  7. to learn to play. Play? There is no learning in play. You just do it. My girl says I need to learn to play nice. Now that on the other paw I could use some lessons.
  8. to think on it some more. Thinking is overrated. Like if I thought about attacking Stryder too long, I might not do it cause I know I will get in trouble, but then life would be sooo boring.
  9. to spend the extra money. Do they mean green papers? I don't have any right now so there aren't any extra to spend. But if there were I'd buy some more party mix kitty treats and feather butt toys.
  10. to settle down before she gets tasered. That doesn't sound too good! Ok, I'm settling! Back away from the kitty.

Well that was purrty fun. I'm glad it was my turn to play. I think Sugar is gonna play next. She needs to play, she is so uptight. Whenever I try to get her to play she just growls or whaps me on the head. Sheesh!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Salon Day

Some of you might of noticed that I didn't get to post yesterday. I wasn't very happy about it as you can see. Meowmy was gone all afternoon and all evening. I couldn't believe it! What could be so important that it had to interrupt my blogging schedule? She said that she had some things to do, errands and a birthday cookout at her boyfriend's house and also some self pampering. It seems that she spent the afternoon at the hair salon!
Can you believe that? I've got more furs than her and I don't go to the salon! Well I didn't think that this was fair so I let her hear about it. I mean if I'm not getting pampered no one else deserves to be pampered. She said that she needed to look nice for her job hunting. Why does she have to look nice while she's hunting? Well, to make it up to me she said that we could do a salon day at home for me! Don't tell Mr. Tigger about it though...he might wanna revoke my M-cat Club membership.

We started off with a full body petting/massage to get me all relaxed and purry. She's got good hands. Knows right were to scritch ya. I especially enjoy the arm pits and between the shoulder blades. Very nice. Then we moved on to the Furminator.

I enjoyed a little catalog shopping while she worked on my furs. They had the coolest shoes, just right for chewing on. On sale $22.95!
Once she was done with the brushing and petting I gave myself the once over. Looks like she missed a spot on my leg, I had to slick it down in place.
After all my pampering was done I had to check out the final product. I took a look in the mirror. She did a good job. Don't I look handsome?
I enjoyed my salon day so much that I told Meowmy that this should become a regular appointment. She agreed as long as I keep tipping her with headbutts and sweet snuggles. I think I can afford that.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Paparazzi Everywhere! -by Scotchy

Oh no, she's at it again. Not the flashy box. Can't I just be left alone sometimes. What's so interesting about what I'm doing right now!?! Please, just back off. Really, back off. No pictures please.
Darn that paparazzi! Always in my face. I can't get a moments peace around here.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Laundry Day

Stryder: Nothing to see here...just your regular laundry pile...EXACTLY how you left it Meowmy.Kellykat: Hmmm...somthing tells me that's not really true. Let's take a closer look. Uh, what's that white thing mixed in with my darks?

Stryder: Nothing. Nope, nothing to see here, go about your business. Your eyes must be playing tricks on you.

Kellykat: Stryder! You silly kitty. Your not laundry. You don't want to get washed now do you? You wouldn't like it.

Stryder: Darn it Meowmy! You ruined it! I was waiting for the Scotchy Monster to jump up on my bed. I was gonna put the bitey on her. Ah well...back to the drawing board.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mancat Monday--by Stryder

Being a mancat is hard work. Like in this picture I am still on the job.

First I checked out my food situation. It was OK, plenty of cheerios to get me through til my morning stinky goodness. But I decided that my water bowl was not fresh enough. I poured it out onto the carpet so that Meowmy would freshen it up.

Then I went into the dark cave of the closet to make sure there were no evil monsters hiding in there. It seemed to be all clear. I was expecting a Scotchy monster. Only thing evil in there were some dirty socks.

When I came out she still hadn't gotten me my water. What gives lady!?! Just cause your watching Iron Chef America does not mean that I should have to wait til a commercial. Cat Cora would definitely not approve!

After a few more disapproving looks she finally got up and did my bidding. It was just a coincidence that a commercial was on. She knows how things work around this mancat's house.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Doodle Week--Doodle Vacation

We've never doodled before but this seemed like fun so we asked Meowmy to participate before it was over. This is me and Scotchy hanging out on the beach. She made a little sand castle and I am running off with the bucket and pail to make one of my own.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Scotchy Tales Tuesday--by Scotchy

Ya know, sometimes I just don't get enough action.

I tried knocking her paper onto the floor but that wasn't any fun. She just shook her head at me and left it there. Doesn't she know that she is supposed to come down here and let me wrap my claws around her arm so I can bunny kick while I put the bitey on her?
I have to resort to being cute. That's my secret weapon. I'll lure her in with the promise of sweet soft kitty belly or the fluffy silk of my little white chin. There's no way she could resist. Could you blame her?

What!?! A foot!?! Are you kidding me!?! No, no! You're supposed to come from the other side! The other side!! How can I possibly attack you like this?

Sheesh! I give up.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mancat Monday--by Stryder

Something terrible happened while the typist was away. We are so sorry to hear about Forest. She was a beautiful kitty that we were just beginning to get to know. We will miss her.
Today's Mancat Monday post is about hunting.
Whenever your Meowmy gets out the mousy on a stick, its your job to hunt it down. But don't forget to smile for the camera!

Be sure to lick it really good, sometimes it has catnip in it.

Oh and always be sure to get your claw stuck in it so that she has to repeatedly remove the toy from your grasp. This makes it easier to get in some pets or chin scritches since she's down there anyway.

See ya next time!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mancat Monday--by Stryder

Hello all you lovely lady cats out there.

Won't you join me on my snuggle towel for a Niptini?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Magazine Photo Shoot--by Stryder

We have been very busy the past few days. Meowmy decided that we are too cute to not share with the world so she arranged for us to be on the cover of our very own magazine! We have spent lots and lots of time on grooming so that we could look our best. There were toes to lick, whiskers to wipe, ears to rub, faces to clean and furs to smooth. After all our preparations heres what we made!

First it's the mama kitty (at least MY mama kitty) Sugar. Sugar is 5 years old. She was rescued from a big pack of angry dogs on the side of the road. She was nothing but skin and bones when she was saved. Look at her now!

Next up is Butterscotch (a.k.a. Scotchy, Meatloaf & Scootcher). She is a feral kitty who decided that we needed her. She started appearing on the back porch about 3 1/2 years ago and made herself at home. She began by just having the occasional meal when it suited her but quickly decided that she needed to be inside where she could cause the most trouble. She and Sugar do not get along too well. Scotchy wants to be Queen Bee but Sugar has to remind her, that position is already filled. Queen Bee or not, isn't she beautiful?

Now its my turn. This is for all you lovely lady cats out there. Here I am practicing my man cat pose. I keep my healthy weight by stalking bugs and other little critters. I am 4 years old and I live both indoors and outside. I get to come and go as I please but mostly I prefer napping inside on the bed with my Meowmy. I am very snuggly and I like to purr. Check me out!

And finally, this is a special appearance by our freind Holmes. Holmes (a.k.a. CJ, Burrito, Homey or Amigo) lives with Meowmy's boyfriend Bob. He is 15 years old! Can you believe it!?! I look up to him and hope to be as smart as he is one day. He is also a spitfire. He once knocked a tooth out of a doggie's mouth! He has lots and lots of long furs. He has more attitude than we do so he chose to be on a different cover. Ladies, watch out for him, he loves them and leaves them so this cover seemed appropriate.

Well thank you for visiting us and checking out our photo shoot. It was lots of fun. After all this blogging I'm ready for some kitty krunchies and a long nap. See ya next time!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday Toesday

This was my birthday present to myself.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Live Long & Pawspurr

Well today is the day! Karl & Ruis just got hitched! It was a wonderful ceremony aboard the star ship Voyager. Captain Janeway presided over the gathering along with her crew and the many beloved guests. Unfortunately we were unable to attend the actual wedding but we are all geared for the reception!

Stryder is decked out in this fancy recreation of a Captain Kirk uniform. His grandma Carol spent hours adding all the shiny details so that he would look fabulous. Just like a mancat he was ready in 2 minutes flat. Now he is just adjusting his transmitter while he waits in the Captain's seat.

Scotchy wanted to look glamorous in her recreation of a Star Trek costume. I don't know what planet this one came from but she looks great. After a whole day of practicing in her new heels she's not wobbling at all.
The gracious hosts that they are, Karl & Ruis sent ahead some refreshments to get the party started until they arrive at the reception. Just look how fresh and lovely this catnip is! The gang can't wait to give it a chew and a rub and maybe even a roll or two.
The festivities have just gotten started so be sure to beam over and wish them well. Hope we bump into you at the reception!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

For Your Viewing Pleasure

I drew this a few months ago and it made me laugh. Sorry about the shadow. Looking at it now it kinda reminds me of a South Park character or something.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time?

Ok, I have a confession to make. I LOVE New Kids on the Block. I know what your thinking, what a dork! but its true! I do. And I don't care cause I know I'm a dork but thats what makes me, ME.

It started out in about 10th grade for me. My friend Tina was what you could call a little obsessed with them. She had all the posters, the tapes, the video tapes, the magazines, the pins, buttons, dolls, fake backstage passes, everything! She would sing all of their songs on the radio but she wouldn't stop there. She had a passion for little Joey Joe so everytime a song, any song, not just one of theirs, would say the word you she would swap it for Joe. At first I thought I was just hearing her wrong but then it became quite amuzing to see how she could make any song into a love song to her man. My favorite was a Mariah Carey song, Emotions. Imagine this: Joe's got me feeling emotions deeper than I've ever dreamed of.... Cute right?

Well it started with me sharing a ride to my first ever concert. We were on our way and I let it be known that I had only ever heard their first album. Tina freaked! How could I be a fan and not have heard the latest and the greatest!?! Well she must have decided at that point that I was her mission. From then on we ate drank slept NKOTB. By the end of a few short months I'd say that I could compete with her on who could out obsess who.

Soon afterward my family and I moved to Georgia and I had lost my fellow fan friend. We would write and call and she even came for a short visit but it wasn't the same. She would talk less and less about Joe and she became all about that guy who sang Rico Suave, I think his name was Gerardo or something. Anyway, I felt all alone in my love for the Kids. About that time I stopped hearing about them and they just kinda faded away. There was no one to share my love for them with so I moved on.

Flash forward to the present and the news that the Kids were getting back together. O. M. G!! I am so psyched! I couldn't believe it! Finally some good news in this messed up world! lol. I have been so excited about this but one problem....I had no one to share this excitement with! Tina has dissappeared into my long list of long lost friends and as much as I hate to admit this, I don't really have too many friends living waaaay out here in this little mountain town. Everybody I have tried to share my excitement with has just kinda given me that are you serious look. Yes! I'm serious. I still love the New Kids.

Just when I thought that I was alone on this I found this: Desperately Seeking Sanity's Bloggy Giveaway. I have finally found another dork to share my excitement with! Can you believe it!?! They really do exist! lol. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading her blog and seeing all the references to NKOTB. It makes me feel like a teenager again. Only this time no acne!

Not only did I enter her bloggy giveaway, I WON!!! I think I won her over with my masterful reinterpretation of Donnie's rap from the song No More Games. Or I could have just been the random name picked out of a hat, who cares? I don't! All I know is that I won an awesome prize and have gained a new friend. Who could ask for more?