Showing posts with label Nature Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature Photography. Show all posts

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Blossom Beauty...

 "The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."

~ Psalm 24:1

 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

~ Psalm118:24

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."

~ Ephesians 1:4

 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

~ Mark 16:15

A blessed Lord's Day to you, sweet readers...

 Spring has sprung and the blossoms on all the fruit trees are too glorious for words to express...  Thus, out came my camera...I just had to capture their unique beauty... 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Trip Back in Time...

  Come with me to the beautiful Garden Route, and let us take a scenic trip back in time, my friends...
...Let us journey into the majestic Outeniqua Mountains, and follow the pass built ever so many years ago...

Let us revel in the richness of our Lord's glorious creation, and behold the splendour of His majesty in the works of His hands...


...In the distance lies the town of George...

One crisp Sunday morning we decided to pack a simple picnic and take a leisurely drive into the Outeniqua Mountains...

We thought we would take the old route through the spectacular Outeniqua mountains along the road that first connected George and Oudshoorn...
The Montagu Pass was opened in 1848, and was declared a national monument in 1974...

The narrow gravel roads, sharp bends, steep ascent and exquisite scenery appealed to us from the very beginning.
 Whilst we drove along, exclaiming in excitement at the beauty before our eyes, we imagined what it must have been like to live in those days...

How sad that magnificent steam trains no longer use the railway line which runs parallel to the road at one point...  Isn't this bridge amazing?

At the end of the Montague Pass lies the tiny farming settlement of Herold...
We decided to picnic there in a quiet spot before driving home...

Stopping for a snack...

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our Sunday afternoon outing, and
experienced a little of the incredibly extensive beauty of South Africa...

Again and again I am reminded of how blessed I am to live in such an extraordinary
part of the world...
I love the harshness of the landscape; the pattern the indigenous trees and shrubs form as they fight for survival on the dry cracked soil of the Little Karoo...

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

- Psalm 118:24

I never thought I would come to love this part of the world as much as I do now - my dreams have always been filled with the rolling green hills of the English countryside, but more and more the Lord is showing me the intricacy and richness of the beauty here...

The beauty is is harsh, but I love it for what it is, and my heart is filled with the glory of
God's awe-inspiring creation and I praise Him for placing me right here.

Gorgeous Protea...


I will be taking a short blogging break this week, sweet friends...
I look forward to returning, for I have a few deliciously nourishing recipes I wish to share...
However, I will still be around to visit you!

May you be blessed and filled with the joy of the Lord!
Blessings in Christ,

 ~ The heavens decalre the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.  Psalm 19:1 ~

Information Source:  Mountain Passes South Africa

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

One Misty Morning...

 As I sit and write this today, the beautiful rain that has been replenishing the earth, dry and dusty from lack of water, has ceased pouring for the time being...
A thick mist has settled, and the temperature has risen a little...  It has been so cold these past few days!


The pine cones we picked up in the forest a few weeks ago have certainly come in handy as firelighters, and the wood cut here on the farm means we can feed the fire all day long, if we choose to...

I am truly humbled at how good our God is to us, His precious children...  He always provides for us.

Yes...with the first of June comes the cold, but delightful season of Winter...

It has been raining since Sunday afternoon, and I am glad that I took the dogs for a nice long walk in the forest in the morning, for it seems that the wet weather will be here for a few days...
Perhaps I will be able to venture out in between showers for some fresh air and exercise...


 In the meantime, I am hoping to do a little card making for a certain little lady's sixth birthday, as well as some more delightful sewing...
There is also a cake in need of baking, as well as biscuits for the girls to decorate.


I was hoping to share pictures of my finished sewing project yesterday, but such gloomy weather means taking photographs is quite impossible...  I love natural lighting, but if the rain doesn't clear up in the next few days, I will have to take some pictures inside, for I know you are all very interested to see what it is I have been busy with:)

*Photographs of the different views from our patio, and of the flowers in our little garden...

Have a beautiful day in the Lord, dear friends and a very happy June to you!
Thank you so much for stopping by...your visits are always much appreciated!

~ Blessings ~

 "He will cover you with His feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."  Psalm 91:4

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

In the Mountains...

 How lovely it feels to be home once again!  
I had a wonderfully blessed time away and learnt so much, but I am sure you will agree with me that there is just no place like home...
Before I left, I told you that I would be visiting my grandmother who lives in the mountains...


One weekend my grandmother came to pick me up from where I was staying and off we went to her beautiful place in Bain's Kloof!
The Lord blessed us with such a special time and I also enjoyed a good rest - my grandmother never permits me to do any work while I am with her and loves to spoil me by bringing me tea in bed in the morning which of course is a delightful treat!

 I think the reason we get along so well, is that we share many of the same interests and love to discuss our recent gardening or sewing attemps or share secrets or tips we've found along the way!

Before we left the city, she decided to take me to her favourite quilting shop...
Dear friends, I thought I had stepped into a little piece of heaven when I walked into this wonderful fabric shop!  
I couldn't believe how lovely it was and the selection of fabrics was just so exciting!
After we had browsed a bit and made a few purchases, I took her out to tea and we shared a delicious slice of Turkish delight cake...


That evening when we arrived at her little log cabin, the wind was furiously blowing and thus we couldn't enjoy a meal outside which we would have loved, so we drove up the way to a quaint restaurant where we had supper...

^ This cheeky Robin hopped onto the table at breakfast time and enjoyed a little snack of bread crumbs!

That night I had such a wonderful sleep, listening to the wind beating against the log cabin...
When I awoke the next morning, the wind had subsided and we were able to have our breakfast and take a walk in the lovely open air.  Isn't God so good...?
Of course I took my camera along as I knew how you would love seeing photographs of my Grandmother's sweet cabin and the beautiful scenery that surrounds it!

^ Beautiful mountains surround her cabin...


"As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever."  Psalm 125:2

^ Can you spot the little log cabins in the corner of this picture?  My grandmother lives in one similar to these, except she has planted trees around her house to provide shade as the heat in summer can become quite unbearable.



"You will go out with joy and be led out in peace.  The mountains and the hills will break into songs of joy in your presence, and all the trees will clap their hands."  Isaiah 55:12

 That evening we had supper outside and sat up late enjoying the crisp open air...  Coffee and bed followed shortly after and the next morning we again went out of doors as soon as we could!
While Granny gave her dear garden some water, I walked a little way down to the river running near her cottage and enjoyed some peace and quiet...

My heart filled with joy and gladness as I glanced around me at the Lord's glorious creation!
From the happily gurgling river, to the great mountains surrounding me...from each tiny and beautiful flower to the cheeky birds tweeting their joyful songs...
Our Creator made an amazing world for us to live in and gave us such simple things to love and enjoy!
How can we not praise Him and give Him all the glory...?


Welcome dear readers!  I am so excited to show you around my grandmother's little home and give you a peek into my special time with her!


Welcome!  Do join me for a tour...?

^ The side of the cabin...


^  I love this sweet rustic style fence!

 ^ River stone markers... 

 ^ Stairway up to the cabin...

"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God."  Psalm 90:2

^ My grandmother has been a gardener for as long as I can remember...even though she lives in a very harsh climate where a lot of fynbos grows and where there are baboons, meerkat and pheasants to help themselves to a lovely lunch of fresh vegetables, she has still managed to grow a few salad ingredients and vegetables such as beans, peas and even pumpkin. 

 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whenceforth cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth..."  Psalm 121:1-2

"...He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:  he that keepth thee will not slumber.  Behold, he that keepth Israel shall neither slumber not sleep.  The Lord is thy keeper:  the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand..."  Psalm 121:3-5

^ Old kettles, jugs and shoes are but a few of the many interesting planters my granny has dotted around her garden...

 "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee."  Isaiah 54:10

^ Candles light up the area at night...

Now I would like to show you the interior of my Grandmother's cabin...
Over the years my granny has collected all sorts of bits and pieces and spent many hours happily sewing on her lovely old Singer...
She spends just as much time creating a beautiful place inside as she does outside in her garden...

~ The Craft Room ~

^ This is where everything craft related happens...while my Grandmother and I have very different styles, I really love what she has done to create a beautiful workroom for herself!

^ A few of her sweet creations...

^ Threads...

^ My grandmother covered mini wooden drawers with fabric and various embellishments...don't you think this is a lovely idea?
^ There is no electricity, so she does all her sewing on this gorgeous old Singer...

~ The Living Room ~

^ My grandmother is actually a teddy bear artist and I can remember how I would walk into her home as a little girl and feel quite overwhelmed - there were bears everywhere and the theme she used for almost all her decor was teddies...she became known as 'Teddy Granny' to me!  
She no longer makes traditional jointed bears, prefering to play with patchwork and anything else that takes her fancy...

^ A handmade patchwork cushion placed on a chair...

^  One of the most important places...the pantry!

~ The Bedroom and Bathroom ~

^ My grandmother sleeps in the attic and has made all her own country style bedding...

^ The bathroom is beautifully decorated too...handmade patchwork curtains adorn the windows and are held back by twisted fabric ties...

Before I left, my grandmother graced me with this gorgeous little tea cup!  She knows how much I love tea cups and one of my greatest joys is collecting them.....

...And so a wonderful visit came to an end...   I will always treasure the memories we made and I look forward to hopefully visiting her again in the near future!

I do so hope you enjoyed your was such a pleasure showing you around!
Have a wonderful and blessed day, dear friends!

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