Tuesday, December 22, 2009

seven months

Seven things I love about Isaac Christian:
1. his mouth ~ it offers so much expression
2. he's just a chill baby ~ he is RARELY, RARELY unhappy
3. he loves to put his head on my shoulder and just lay there ~ oh, I love this!
4. his belly laugh ~ it's just the best!
5. the way he attacks things when he's hungry
6. his sleepy song ~ the song he "sings" when he's going to sleep
7. how he watches his sister


Tiffany said...

He's such a cutie - I'm seeing a lot of his mommy in these pictures. Happy 7 months Isaac! Can't wait to see you this weekend!

vwiese said...

oh man, he is starting to look a little bit more like his sissy!! SO SWEET!!!

Leslie Scoby said...

My goodness I have a cute little grandson! I just want to squeeze him!

About Me

Kansas, United States
Wife to high school sweetheart, mom of a spunky but sweet 4 1/2 year old, an ornery but cute 2 year old and a "sweet" baby girl.