I have a lot of people ask about making baby food (since that's all I did with Audrey) so I thought I'd inform/enlighten/bore/annoy you.
(however you want to look at it)This was the food I started with Audrey ~ so I decided to do the same with Isaac.
Sweet potatoes ~ on a pan. Stab holes in them. Don't forget to line your pan with foil. (I forgot)

Ice cube trays. Nothing fancy.

Potatoes in the food processor ready for the mash. I added formula to them to make them smooth and more liquidy for a baby.

In the trays, ready for the freezer.

I put plastic wrap on each tray and place in the freezer. I like to make enough of one food to last awhile- this saves time. Most likely this will be all the sweet potatoes I'll need.

Once they are frozen, pop them out just like an ice cube and put in a plastic freezer bag. When it's time to eat- just pop out how many cubes you need and place in the microwave on defrost. Or you can have them sit at room temperature for awhile.

{now to my favorite pics}
This was Isaac trying them for the first time. As you can see he LOVED them! (not exactly)
do you do this because its healthier? i just never had time to do that-i mean i never took the time to do that. looks yummy though!!
Um, not sure why I do it- I think it's fun for one and neat they get fresh veggies/fruits. They say it's a ton cheaper too- although I haven't done the cost analysis/research for that so I wouldn't know. But, I can totally see how it would be cheaper- although I have NO idea what a baby food jar goes for these days- never had to buy one!
baby food is expensive!! but convienent also-i think when you buy baby food that you are mostly paying for convience. but if you are freezing it thats pretty convienent also. mabe you should open a store :)
Those are awesome face pics Kara :) Love it!
I do the homemade b/c I think it is healthier & I know exactly what is going into it :) It also tastes SOOOO much better than store bought.
I've never done the cost analysis either, but I would guess that it is cheaper - look how many servings of sweet potatoes you ended up with!
cute pics kara!!! I also made baby food with the boys, it was well worth it. I liked to think that is the reason why they are such healthy eaters today:)
I made almost all of my girls' food, too. Except for the meats, that is! Yuck!!!
I made my own baby food as well! A very rewarding feeling for a mommy if you have the time :)
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