Showing posts with label hiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hiring. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

Hiring continues in order to meet community's needs

The 24 new KCPD recruits filled out new-hire paperwork this
morning, June 6.

This morning, I welcomed the 24 members of the 157th Entrant Officer Class to the Kansas City Missouri Police Department. And just a few weeks ago, I swore in the 12 members of the 156th Entrant Officer Class when they graduated from the Kansas City Regional Police Academy. Those dozen officers are now out on the streets for their break-in period with field training officers.

When I announced that we would not fill many vacancies, some were under the mistaken impression that we wouldn’t hire any more police officers. This is not the case. We will continue to hire officers as the budget allows. We always are accepting applications, and you can learn more about the law enforcement hiring process on our web page. The newest recruits will undergo nearly eight months of training in our Academy, on topics from constitutional law to defensive tactics. (Here is more information about our curriculum).

We also are continuing to hire for non-sworn positions. We’re looking for detention facility officers and building operations technicians right now.

Eliminating positions – some of which have been vacant for years – does not mean our hiring processes have ground to a halt. It means we are doing the most we can with the budget we have. We will continue to bring in officers and non-sworn staff to fill spots vacated by attrition.

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