Showing posts with label give blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label give blood. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Support police and save lives

The 2013 Annual Battle for Blood began this week, and we need your support to get the trophy back! The battle runs from June 10-15 at all Community Blood Center locations. We will be hosting two separate drives, one at our Headquarters Annex tomorrow from 9-3 and at the Police Academy on Friday so our employees can help with the effort.
Metro firefighters and EMS personnel compete against law enforcement by donating and referring the most donors to give a pint of lifesaving blood.  Each donor is asked to cast a vote for Police or Fire.  These votes are tallied throughout the week and the final count determines the winner of the coveted trophy. Law enforcement was victorious in 2009 but has lost the title to firefighters/EMS since 2010. We need the trophy back! Anyone can donate at the area Community Blood Centers this week and indicate they're doing so on behalf of police (or fire/EMS). 
The Battle for Blood meets a critical need for blood donations in the Kansas City area. Supplies are typically quite low in the summer with lots of regular donors on vacation and since school is out of session, there are no high school blood drives.  The Community Blood Center needs 580 units of blood every single day to meet the demand of area medical centers. The Battle for Blood helps do that. Sign up to donate at and check the daily progress at And most importantly, go out and donate blood this week and say you're doing it on behalf of police!

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